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I don't want to get blown up: Any problems with that?

no worries  al i wanted to say was you minimize the chance of MR Murphy coming along  with training and knowledge .. and a rabbit foot ...and a four leaf clover ... and a ......
Thanks for the discussion everyone...

Its a pretty serious topic, and its not very easy to get anyone to speak frankly on the matter when you're going through the recruiting process.  Basically, the decision I'll have to make by April is either to stick it out for a while in a fairly low-key, support-trade, class-B position in the Navy... or to dive into a trade that would be brand-new to me, far more intense... but let's face it.. would also have far greater reward in the long-run.

Its tough to make career decisions when everyone near and dear keeps to me keep pointing to jars of strawberry jam and saying things like "this could be you".  The good news is that I have some time to think about it... and if it doesn't seem right when the time comes.. I think I'll mull it over while pushing paper on class-B.

I do find it a little strange that they offer you a nine-year contract for an initial commitment term... There really isn't much room for second thoughts on that one...  Not a great concept if you find out that you're a lousy Armour officer on year two.

Anyway... I appreciate the discussion.  Thank you very much.
Way back in the mid-70's, when I was first entering the Training System, I was back to UPEI on leave.  I was staying in the Residence and wanted to get a pop to 'rehydrate' one early Saturday morning.  While trying to decide on what to choose at the vending machine, the girl working at the Front Desk started to ask me questions as to what I did.  I told her I worked for the Government.  She still wanted to get more specific, so I told her that I worked for DND.  She still wasn't happy, so I told her I was in the Army.  Her reply was: "Oh how gross.  You kill people."  Taken aback, I asked her what she did, besides part-time Security.  She said that she was going to Holland College and was going to become a Police Officer.  I just shook my head.  She didn't realize that at the time, she was more likely to kill someone, than me.

The Military is not the only job in the world where you can get blown up or shot at.  Miners and Construction workers have just as much a chance of getting blown up.  Cops are probably more likely to be shot at.  You can, as you stated get hit by a bus crossing the street.  Just think of it this way; "When your time comes, and it can be anywhere, your time comes."

I agree with the rest of the posters here in regards to your familie's reservations about military service. At the end of the day, it is you in the uniform, doing the job, and not them. Do what YOU want to do, and go from there.


............... <withdrawn>

Fine, PM inbound.
Zook, I had that problem with my mother. She was worried about me wanting to join the Infantry, which I still plan on doing. But she basically got all her friends and the rest of the family to band wagon together telling me to be an RCMP or be in the Navy as that was "safer". It really got on my nerves because for one they are trying to choose your future for you and as GO said, do what you want with your life.
That's good advice..

I've been holding my ground about the whole thing... The parents are starting to come around.. my Dad is even starting to support the idea (though my Mom still has that frantic look in her eyes).  The amazing thing is that my brother is a COP... and as some of the earlier posts pointed out.. that job is just as, if not MORE dangerous these days.

Anyway.. I think that the likelihood of me getting my ass kicked in Gagetown is going to be a reality within the next couple months.  I'm really starting to look forward to becoming a part of the reg. force.  I'm certainly looking forward to putting away the books for a while...

thanks again all...
I would call it a problem if you DID want to get blown up. If you did want to get blown up, I would hope that you would at least stay away from me.  ;D
Guy. E said:
I would call it a problem if you DID want to get blown up. If you did want to get blown up, I would hope that you would at least stay away from me.  ;D

Id make it a point to stay away from the person, he wouldnt need to stay away from me.
Zook, you know you have more chance of being blown up as an Armd Offr than as a Mars Offr, right? The only bad thing about Mars is there's a bazillion of them out there and the training course eats your soul. Other than that, meh, nothing to it ;).

I really think you need to do what's right for YOU. No matter what anyone on here says, or your family. You need to think of what's right for you.

There are more Offr choices out there than Mars and Armd. Although I have a soft spot for the Horses myself. Why not try MarEng? There's more than 1 Naval Officer trade. And as a perk, you get your bed made and your toast cut for you while at sea ;).

All joking aside, really think of what you want to do - not what your family or the recruiting centre wants you to do. Once you sign, it's hard to 'un-sign'.

M :brickwall: