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Jr. Member
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So is Ottawa experiencing a massive backlog in the medical department?

I did my medical and it came back saying I had been disqualified for GLAUCOMA. I have better then 20/20 vision and nothing wrong with my eyes. Apparently I squinted with the stupid air puff machine that gave it a high pressure number on the form. My eye doctor immediately wrote me a note saying I do not have that at all.

Handed that in to my medical officer and he sent it off.

It has been TWELVE weeks. My first medical came back within 5... I've called him and spoken with him and he says all he can tell me is that they received my file, nothing more. At what point does this turn into a "they lost my file" ordeal? 15 months later since applying and I am still waiting for them to clear my medical for some trivial error so I can move on. *sigh*
I had my medical on April 7th, 2016 and had to hand in a doctor's form for my dislocated shoulder from two years ago. I handed the form back in on April 15th. It's been 3 months for me as well and I'm still waiting. I was told that Ottawa still hasn't moved me to "fit" in the system. Maybe it's just a long wait for anything that involves a doctor's note in general? ???
Keep in mind guys that there are only so many people in that office and they do have to review EVERY file. I get that it's no fun waiting, I really do, but they are only human and can only go so fast. Just keep checking in with your local CFRC
Yes, the personal in the office are only human. It is a small office and they look at files for all government positions. I to am at the hurry up and wait. As much as I want to get the phone call, I understand the process.
Well I don't understand 'the process' and I retired over a decade ago.  Even then we had been talking about this problem for more than a decade.  Whether procuring equipment or personnel the CF has proven itself incompetent. 
Sanderson said:
  Whether procuring equipment or personnel the CF has proven itself incompetent.

Whether procuring equipment or personnel the CF Government of Canada has proven itself incompetent.

Fixed it for you.
