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How to strip cadet boots

armygurl_557 said:
Underaged Drinking happens everywhere down here. Lots and Lots of it at the schools. But if you dont drink when your young, when you get older it becomes such a shock and you can't take it and end up getting alcohol poisoning or MAJOR hangovers. So where its allowed, to an extent. there not exactly trying to get us drunk.. *My messed Up City Life*


Where on earth did you get this information? You can get alcohol poisoning and a monster hangover no matter how much you drink or how young you start! There is a damn good reason why we have legal drinking ages in this country (19 except for Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec, IIRC) I hope you're not trying to advocate or condone underage drinking, especially in a Cadet forum seeing that, with the exception of members from AB, MB or PQ, none of you will be old enough to drink during your Cadet careers. Even for those in the provinces that allow drinking at 18 it's not allowed in Cadets, read the excerpt I provided from the CATO's. Perhaps there should be some searching done on subject just so you can see where underage drinking in Cadets can land you - RTU mean anything? And just who is providing the booze to you? Also looked at your profile, 14 years old, sorry, WAY TOO YOUNG TO BE DRINKING! Anyone who provides a 14 year old with booze ought to be drug into the street and shot. Kids and booze do not mix and, yes, I have seen first hand the results - never good.

CATO 13-23 OAIC 13-23

13. Consumption of alcohol by staff or cadets
during cadet activities shall not be tolerated.

14. Within this policy concerning alcohol,
cadets regardless of national or provincial
definition of an adult, are required to conform
with the direction provided.

21. Regardless of age or provincial legislation,
cadets including staff cadets are prohibited from
purchasing alcohol, being under the influence of
alcohol, consuming alcohol or having alcohol in
their possession while engaged in cadet

25. Cadet authorities must ensure that
organizers of social events for adults, to which
cadets are invited, shall arrange for cadets to
have access to non-alcoholic drinks and that the
policy of no drinking by cadets is understood by
the hosts and cadets. Regular Force members,
CIC and other Reserve Force members and
civilian instructors employed in support of the
CCO at these social events shall not consume
alcoholic beverages.

Read the whole thing here, how it relates to CI's/CIC and definitions: http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1323_b.pdf

Here's a thread that should be paid attention to: http://army.ca/forums/threads/20096.0.html

In closing, underage drinking has nothing to do with polishing boots whatsoever so let's get it back on topic or this thread shall be locked.
armygurl_557 said:
Underaged Drinking happens everywhere down here. Lots and Lots of it at the schools. ... So where its allowed, to an extent. there not exactly trying to get us drunk..

Sorry - there's no way I could let this one go by ...

There are quite a few civilian laws against providing booze to minors: 

And, anybody involved with cadets who breaks these laws will get a free tutorial on QR&O's, especially the one about convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada and getting their predator ass punted out of the CF.
it is rely bad we went from strippinmg boots to drinking. but i like the fact that this topic is on stripping boots because i was told how and then i was told not to do it and then i was told to do it. so i just did not do it because it involved heating a spoon and yeah so now that this topic is here i am gunna stip my boots the way it says in here. wow i hope it works because man my boots are NASTY. i mean to say that they are really really bad. >:Devil boots lol.

What happened to the days of asking your section commanders these kinds of questions?  Or better yet, why aren't the section commanders teaching this kind of thing in the first place?  Is this not the kind of things they are there for?
i dunno all i know is that i am a section commander...but my corps did not do a very good job at teaching us back in green and red star
Sorry but in 25 years I never had to strip a pair of boots and I'm only on my second pair, the ones I was issued in 88