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How to pack a rucksack


Jr. Member
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I did a search for ruck sacks but couldn't find an answer so here goes...
Does the air mattress go above or below the valise when attached to the ruck sack?

(I know it doesn't go in the uniform section but it isn't a weapon or vehicle lol)
polo said:
I did a search for ruck sacks but couldn't find an answer so here goes...
Does the air mattress go above or below the valise when attached to the ruck sack?

(I know it doesn't go in the uniform section but it isn't a weapon or vehicle lol)
If you are on course, it goes where ever the course says it goes.
Ya, they gave us the kit list to bring and assemble but it didn't specify.
polo said:
I did a search for ruck sacks but couldn't find an answer so here goes...
Does the air mattress go above or below the valise when attached to the ruck sack?

(I know it doesn't go in the uniform section but it isn't a weapon or vehicle lol)

This depends,

1) Is it before or after labour day?
2) Summer, winter, fall, or spring kit list?
3) Rigged for starboard or port?
3) 64 or 82 pattern ruck?
4) Is the mattress in the carrying bag or just folded in half?
5) Ridge rests don't have bags.

Hope this helps.  >:D
Can you put it in the Valise?

Depending on your course, you might not get the chance to actually use it.

Drive all day, Patrol/OP/LP all night.
Can't fit it into the valise...as for everything else...whatever lol
I'll just get a coulpe of push ups if I go and it's wrong...and a bit of yelling.
With a bit of practice, you can fit ANYTHING into that valise. The thing is like a black hole...
Haha lol, I had enough trouble getting the utility and ground cover or whatever into it...can't imagine the actual air mattress.

Does anyone know what the thermal rest is? (is it just the back rest on the ruck sack or something else?)
not "thermal rest" thermarest. It's the name of your air mattress. The air mattress always goes between your main bag and your valise, whether you have the old frame or the junk frame.
Hey thanks, on my packing list it had air mattress and thermarest as two different components.
paracowboy said:
not "thermal rest" thermarest. It's the name of your air mattress. The air mattress always goes between your main bag and your valise, whether you have the old frame or the junk frame.

Not always the case. Some units allow the thermarest to go on top of the ruck. I have always kept my thermarest on top as it provided more comfort.

Troops, it's time to start thinking for yourself and using some common sense. What next, how do I fold my underwear, or it only says 3 pairs of socks in my ruck can I carry more? Wake up and start using some initiative, this definitely qualifies as a STUPID question.
Proud Canadian said:
Not always the case. Some units allow the thermarest to go on top of the ruck.  I have always kept my thermarest on top as it provided more comfort.


Units that actually DO the job don't give two $hits where your thermarest goes, or if you bring it at all.

ARMYboi69 said:
We've always packed the air mattress on top of the valeece.   Because the tightening straps on in towards the ruck sack, it creates a nice snug area that it fits into nicely.

But you are a cadet.

The guy who posted the question is actually on a reserve course.
GO!!! said:

Units that actually DO the job don't give two $hits where your thermarest goes, or if you bring it at all.

On both days I've been in the field

Love how people put words in my mouth.
Proud Canadian said:
On both days I've been in the field

Love how people put words in my mouth.   I have 2 words for those type of people sh1t pumps


youre calling a regF infantry soldier a "sh1tpump", because you have a whole 2 days of field experience huh? Youre going places.

I like to think I know what im doing to an extent, and im a bit arrogant at times, but even I know that im hardly anywhere near the level of experience that enables me to call other soldiers, "sh1tpumps".

Your profile certainly just explodes of knowledge and wisdom as well.

Mack674 said:

youre calling a regF infantry soldier a "sh1tpump", because you have a whole 2 days of field experience huh? Youre going places.

I like to think I know what im doing to an extent, and im a bit arrogant at times, but even I know that im hardly anywhere near the level of experience that enables me to call other soldiers, "sh1tpumps".

Your profile certainly just explodes of knowledge and wisdom as well.

I have more than 2 days in the field.
A member made a statement that I only had 2 days.
Well excuse me super commando, I apologize for my misconception.   ::)