Island Ryhno, you do not NEED whey( you do need protien) or creatine, BUT they are really the only supplements that work.
My understanding with creatine( I used when lifting years ago but had to stop cause I was getting really bad headaches from it, weird eh?) is that it is more for "body building" than overall fitness, is that correct? ( help me out with that Ryhno)
ToRN, do not get sucked in by the hype when you go and buy Whey or Creatine, you will see tonnes of displays that promise the world. the good thing about taking whey is that it is in liquid form, which means faster absorbtion/synthesis, It gets to the body faster.
As for motivation, fitness is a long, hard road and the only one that can make you train is you. For me I looked at people like Fuaja Singh, who at 94 is the world record holder for his age group for marathons, Terry Fox, Lance Armstrong, Carl Brashear( watch men of honour), Lisa Bently and Steve Prefontain, all of these people have overcome something major and trained, if they can make the time and effort, why couldn't I. It is easy to stay the same, it takes effort to change, but the effort is worth it. And if you are going in the CF, your training could mean the difference between life and death.
train hard.