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How to handle a telemarketer

  • Thread starter Thread starter MikeL
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thats almost as good as an old answering machine message of mine

"This is Constable Augie of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. The phone line you have just dialed is currently under investigation on a warrant issued by the Attorney General of Canada. To facilitate our investigation, we would appreciate you leaving your name, number, a brief message, and any affiliations you may have made now, or in the past, with communist or terrorist organizations.
Thank you. "

hehe, very nice Jboyd.
And nice video, kind of sucked how it was hard to hear at some parts due to the guys laughing, but can't blame them.
Beats the bejeezus out of the one I used to have on ours:

"Hello, you've reached the corporate headquarters of Barney's Bucksaws Incorporated. We're all in the shop right now, and can't get to the phone. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message and one of us will get back to you."

I put it up on the premise that telemarketers can't talk to businesses. It worked, but better minds than mine have done a FAR better job!

When I was stupid enough to work on the phones, I got a recording one day from, presumably, a gay sex-shop - just before Valentines Day. It was truly wonderful: going on about toys and what to get that special person for a Valentines gift. The voice was soft and sexy, soft romantic music in the background. I postioned it for callback, to share the fun!

I used to just say "if you pronounce my name wrong, I'm hanging up" Then I hung up no matter what.
I find that asking them for their name and home phone so that I can continue the conversation during their supper quickly results in their hanging up.
Pretending to have Tourettes is also a good one (yeah yeah I am going to hell I know).
I just let my 5 year old daughter answer the phone.... 
My boys tell me that what I do is unfair, as they have been in sales....but

I simply ask them to hold, then put the phone down on the table....nobody phones me anyway, so the only one it's impacting on is my boys who can't hear the second line beeping....awh gee.... :o
when i get a telemarketer i simply try to sell them one of the used objects in my house, but yelling the information into the phone while i do it until they hang up or begin to yell back and then you accuse them of harrasing you cause u know the call is being recorded and then u hang up.
I usually put on my chinese accent and pretend I don't comprehend what they are saying. It works like a charm, except this one time the teleoperator was a chines woman... Oh god did I have to think fast on that one. I switched to a dialect that most people get confused about... Hehehe it's nice to know so many languages. Tomorrow... I a trying the gay German tourist one...;D
Oh man whats that movie with Vin Diesel....where theyre traders and hes a supporting actor but the guy gets a call from a news paper asking if he wants to subscribe so the guy says to the telemarketer, sell it to me (as in pump the product). So the telemarketer does and then he goes "Nah... I read the Post, thanks." Thats my fav approach. Screws their handle time and no sale.
I monitor them. As I've mentioned before, I used to supervise on a survey call floor, so I give them a monitor report.

I go through their whole thing, answering their questions, whether they're trying to sell me something, or do a survey, but give them a rough time. I'm a tough respondent! When they stop I go on as if I'm their supervisor:

"I monitored your last call. You did pretty well - very polite. I noticed you got a bit frustrated at times, watch your professionalism when she gets at you. 8 out of 10 for that. You read all the questions verbatim, 10 out of 10. Product knowledge was good, but you stumbled a bit here and there. Don't say "um", you really have to get over that. I counted 4 times, so I can only give you 6 of 10 there. Your voice quality is good, but you were a little close to your mouthpiece. Move it back a bit - I could hear you breathing. Overall, 24 out of 30. Not too bad, but lots of room for improvement. Now, final notes: you have a very strong accent, and at times it appeared the respondent had trouble understanding you. Speak slower, and try and get that accent under control. Any questions? No? Okay, you can go back to work." A lot of telemarketing now is done from India, and they're really hard to understand. By the time I'm finished with the poor fool he's so confused he thanks me and I hang up.

That's if I have time and feel like being a jerk. Otherwise I tell them to put me on their do not call list. There's another one around now that's a recording about various businesses. I haven't figured out how to stop that one. They've called here a few times.

If I can tell (through call display) then I do the old "this is KBBL in Portland, talk radio for the masses, your on the mic whats your beef".
KBBL in Portland? Come on: you're SO WRONG.  EVERYONE knows that's in Springfield :D
