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How Soon After Enrollement Can You Be Deployed Overseas

phionex said:
is there any peacekeeping missions junion NCM's participate on currently beacuse one of the main reasons i joined the military no matter how idealistic it sounds is to work for the UN on Peacekeeping Missions

Small point (pet peeve of mine).

- you will be a Pte for 4 years.  Pte's are not Junior NCOs (Junior NCM is not a correct term).

- Cpls and MCpls are Junior NCOs.

phionex said:
is there any peacekeeping missions junion NCM's participate on currently beacuse one of the main reasons i joined the military no matter how idealistic it sounds is to work for the UN on Peacekeeping Missions

depends on the trade.  Egypt has several posns for junior ranks - it even has one posn low rank Pte - RMS Clerk. Most are MCpl - comms, supply, RMS.  Several Air Trafiic Control Cpl posns.

May be posted already somewhere but just in case here is a link for those with access:

phionex said:
By the time I finish Training Task Force Kandahar and the Canadian Mission to Afghanistan will be Finished so I am stuck with OOTWs which is peacekeeping beacuse whats the likely hood of them needing a junior Sig Op in Afghanistan to help train Police and Military after our withdrawl in 2011.

As far as I know (which isn't far) we're not leaving A-stan, we're no longer going to be in a combat role. There is a significant difference here.
jacob_ns said:
As far as I know (which isn't far) we're not leaving A-stan, we're no longer going to be in a combat role. There is a significant difference here.

Not even. The 2011 date is the date for when "the current mission ends". That could mean something as simple as moving to a different province, we're not necessarily getting out of the combat role (placating comments by politicians to the contrary).
Piper said:
Not even. The 2011 date is the date for when "the current mission ends". That could mean something as simple as moving to a different province, we're not necessarily getting out of the combat role (placating comments by politicians to the contrary).

The current wording, though, is for a withdrawal of the vast majorities of troops:

"By 2011, we will have been in Kandahar, which is probably the toughest province in the country, for six years.
Not only have we done our bit at that point, I think our goal has to be after six years to see the government of Afghanistan able to carry the lion's share of responsibility for its own security. At that point, the mission, as we've known it, we intend to end." While there may be a few Canadian soldiers who stay on after 2011 as advisers, the bulk of the troops will be home by then, Harper said.

"I don't want to say we won't have a single troop there, because obviously we would aid in some technical capacities," he said. "


We can probably expect some Int, Inf, Sigs and Staff Officers to stay behind a bit, but probably not that many. COmments?


One way or another, sig ops and some of the other comms trades tend to be among the most frequently  deployed members of the forces. Any deployment that numbers more than a handful is going to have some sort of sigs component, so if going overseas is your goal, it will happen in time.

There's still going to be a Canadian Army post-Afghanistan. I would not be surprised were we, come 2012 or 13, to find ourselves looking at committing a force to a U.N. mission somewhere in Africa. I have nothing concrete to back this with, but traditionally so long as we've had the capability we've generally had at least one major commitment to an international mission of some sort. After a post-Afghanistan tactical pause to rest the military up for a year, I'd be surprised if we weren't back on another U.N. mission (assuming something bigger doesn't brew up).

It's hard to look into the future, and harder still to look into the future of a new recruit's career. Just stick with it, and the deployments will come.
A couple of mindless points......

Candian troops deployed to Cyprus in March 1964, with a four-month mandate. We still have a Canadian flag on the UNFICYP flagpole.

As mentioned, in 2011 our Afghan mission "as we know it," will end. For anyone believing that means no CF troops remaining....well, come and see me about either real estate or poker -- bring cash.

For any crystal ball readers....if the left (any combination of Lib/NDP) takes control, get out your Africa maps. The combination of "white mans' burden" and "peacekeeping mythology" will inevitably be coming home to roost in the dark continent; with leftist delusions of UN competency however, it will be sooner rather than later.

phionex -- take a deep breath, and know that you will definitely spend quality time deployed. You may want to print off reminders of your enthusiasm for when your future wife is talking with a divorce lawyer. CF troops are unlikely to be bored any time soon.
Journeyman said:
A couple of mindless points......

....if the left (any combination of Lib/NDP) takes control, get out your Africa maps.

You need to rephrase this JM,

If the responsible take control.
Please don't presume to dictate my political beliefs to me.
While it's an old cliché, I have been there.
BravoCharlie said:
Journeyman said:
A couple of mindless points......

....if the left (any combination of Lib/NDP) takes control, get out your Africa maps.

You need to rephrase this JM,

If the responsible take control.

Now to even say in jest that "responsible" can be used as a replacement to Lib/NDP has to be the most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time!

That was a good one!

If you had ever been on a mission administered by the UN, you would not think it is "responsible". I have been there and have a long list of horror stories.
And another has been answered and proceeded to do a Thelma and Louise.


Milnet.ca Staff
I've been enrolled for 5 months now, learned a lot with my regiment's pre-BMQ trainings. I'm officially starting (reserves) BMQ next month. And yes, I know this might seem funny, but I've already been thinking about asking to go on a tour in Afghanistan. Especially that the opportunity won't be there after February 2011, the date announced for the pullback by Stephen Harper, backed by Peter Mackay.
So, I'm guessing that the last rotation is set to depart around September 2010? I'm also guessing it's my region's (Quebec) rotation, which I hope. If not, then hopefully will still work.
Then there's pre-deployment training (for us reservists), if I decide to go and they let me, then starting this September, that's about a year of pre-deployment training, if I take a break from school.

So my main question comes. Is this possible? If I do make the decision to ask for a tour in September, would they accept my request to volunteer? Any information or discussion could help. Thanks! And this might help other new CF members who are in my position of thinking about going.
Once you have completed all your trade training, BMQ and DP1 Infantry course and decide that you like the job there is no reason you could not put your name in.  Now if you get picked or not who knows, there might be a waiting list and people with more time in or more qualifications might get pick over you.  But the worst they can do is say no. So I say if you are still interested after yur training go for it.
When the opportunity arises to volunteer for an upcoming tour you will know.  That is all that the soldiers in your unit will be focussed on as they decide if they want to try for a spot.
I will probably ask once I get qualified, so as not to seem funny. And because I should get qualified first at least, before thinking ahead of myself.
Nevertheless. Is there a required minimum amount of pre-deployment training before being deployed? Especially for reservists, as our courses are shorter versions than RegForce's.
Cause if the last roto is September 2010. Then starting this September, that's already merely a year left for pre-dep training. I'll have to take a break from college. Unless, my pre-deployment training goes from May 2010 (when I graduate) to September 2010 (deployment/last roto), grand total of 4 months..I doubt it. Unless maybe there's such short pre-dep training for a more "simple" tasking?
Minimum time in unit has seldom been a factor because there's usually more volunteers than available positions.  This means people with more time in unit and who have been around long enough to demonstrate their capabilities and maybe pick up extra courses (such as driver or communicator) get the preferred recommendations from the units.  Don't get too focussed on the end of the current mandate in 2011.  It could be extended, or there could be new missions in interesting places after that. Dig around on the site and you'll see that predeployment training usually lasts longer than the deployment.  And don't decide now to postpone your last year of college, just because you want to deploy.  There are no guarantees no matter how badly you think you want it.