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How should I feel about my CFAT results?

Just to clarify the occupations are grouped for the purpose of the CFAT, Gem Mil, Operater, Mechanical, Technical etc. It also depends on WHERE you scored. If you didn't do well on spacial or verbal but aced problem solving you could have a higer score than the guy next to you but have fewer occupations open to you. The test was desigined by the "squints" and "pointy heads". I do not know how they came to figure this out nor do I care. My orders are to test and process applicants based on the results. Also it was mentioned here that we don't know what occupation you want before you go in. Thats crap. You will have chosen your trade before you write. How else will we know if you've qualified for that trade.

For all but one officer trade it's the same minimum cut off score. AEC has the highest. If you qualified for "Officer" then you can be a Log, Inf, MARS etc.

Right or wrong, fair or not. This is the system we use. If you don't feel it's fair or you don't like it go work for a "Mc" company. They don't have any issues and life is always a bowl of cherries with them!

By the way here we usually give you a list of trades you qualified for. If not you can ask but you will not see the score. There are 87 different trades (NCM and Officer) you can apply for
directly from the street. Once you are in there are several more you can look at remustering into. (see the BPSO for that info)

Hmmmm... well now I'm just curious to see whether or not I qualified for AEC.
Give up your cushy job as a CSE? Surley you jest!!! 
Woah woah woah, let's not start talking crazy talk. Just because I'm curious to see if the arbitrary standards of some test think I could handle an insanely hectic, stressful job doesn't mean that I'm silly enough to actually want that  insanely hectic, stressful job. Or at least not one on the same pay scale.
gcclarke said:
Hmmmm... well now I'm just curious to see whether or not I qualified for AEC.

I'm in the same boat. I had heard of this stuff for AEC before and now that it's been confirmed by somebody in the know the I want to know if I qualified.

With the whole entitlement to any information the government has on you, "freedom of information" I think? Shouldn't you be able to simply ask to see your scores and stuff?
I just wanted to share how I felt about my results...

I was told that I qualified for all positions including officer positions EXECPT Aerospace Controller. After getting that score, I decided to look at my trade choices again. I changed my trade choices and included more intellectually challenging trades with spec pay.

Eye In The Sky said:
Awwwwwwwwwwwww crap!  Ok I'll be the Honest Henry here and admit I did NOT notice the comment I quoted was 6 months old...I saw Lambo1982s post from today, started reading up from it and...well, my post shows the rest.  :blotto:  (I did, however, mix up the Is and Ts on purpose.  I am dumb but not THAT dumb (mostly, I should add).

In my defence, I was posting and watching Public Enemies at the same time.  Not a bad movie!

Maybe I should just claim to be half in the bag, so everyone would go "oh, well that explains it".  Truth is, nope, sober..just from Prince County, thats all.  ;D

Gotta love when your own post amplifies the point you were trying to make!  :rofl:

You're from Prince County, PEI?

I was born on the Island as well.  Always good to see a fellow Islander...  Who appreciates drinking.

On topic...  When I wrote my CFAT I was told I did well, and I just assumed they were being honest.  Doesn't seem like the type of thing someone at the CFRC would bullshit you about.
If you want to change your occupation choice to AEC then you can call the RC and tell them. They will look and see if you qualified for that occupation on the eCFAT. If you just want to find out if you scored high enough and have no intention of pursuing that occupation what does it matter?

You may find this hard to believe but the RC has a lot better things to do with their time than stroke your ego.