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How Safe Are You Facebooking....

A marketing piece, and blows the issue way out of proportion.  Creating sales through paranoia...

54low said:
Some people(and myself) tend to be very cautious when they are uploading pictures so what I do is that once the pictures are taken, either from my phone or dslr, I would convert the image files(default JPG) to PNG so it wipes out all the EXIF data.

There is no need to do that. You can simply use this jpg metadata remover to clean your pics, it's free.
loteq said:
There is no need to do that. You can simply use this jpg metadata remover to clean your pics, it's free.

Or you can just use the "Remove Properties and Personal Information" function under the Details tab of the photo properties in Win Vista/Win 7.  Works for batch processing as well.
hi guys/gals
54low good call. I allways use default(jpg)  to png therefore wiping exif data tags.
I've also used metadata remover. Its also a good program . Or do as occam stated.
As for me  I'am still  wearing my tin foil hat. LMAO. Cheer's.
Scoty B

Wow, I just got a bit of an eye opener on this one- I 'google-stalked' a kid who recently joined the CF. On a Facebook group he had posted that he was in comms and was currently getting his top secret clearance. So I clicked his Facebook page.

His Facebook page had his current (civilian) place of employment and his high school. His friends list had six others with the same last name. Canada 411 got me his and his parents' home address and phone number. Google maps had done a drive by with street view showing the front of his house. His twin sister had a page on some other social networking site that outlined his immediate family. By Googling his parents I found his mother's place of employment. Same with his older brother. I probably could have easily gone further than that too, but the five minutes of snooping kind of proved the point. I've sent the kid a message to sanitize his Facebook a bit and to pull his head out of his ass talking about security clearances.

Take this seriously, folks. And set yourself up a fake Facebook account so you can see what your profile looks like 'from the outside'.
Brihard said:
Wow, I just got a bit of an eye opener on this one- I 'google-stalked' a kid who recently joined the CF. On a Facebook group he had posted that he was in comms and was currently getting his top secret clearance. So I clicked his Facebook page.

His Facebook page had his current (civilian) place of employment and his high school. His friends list had six others with the same last name. Canada 411 got me his and his parents' home address and phone number. Google maps had done a drive by with street view showing the front of his house. His twin sister had a page on some other social networking site that outlined his immediate family. By Googling his parents I found his mother's place of employment. Same with his older brother. I probably could have easily gone further than that too, but the five minutes of snooping kind of proved the point. I've sent the kid a message to sanitize his Facebook a bit and to pull his head out of his *** talking about security clearances.

Take this seriously, folks. And set yourself up a fake Facebook account so you can see what your profile looks like 'from the outside'.

Good reinforcement of this topic:  Killing With Keyboards
Good call re: the kid and his Sec
Clearance and other info regard's
your google.
Also a good point. Killing with Keyboard
A point to consider:
do a google search on your self
I.E. type in your name on  (google)
or any other search engine.
Sooner or later you will find your own
particular's and you wouldn't believe
what you find... Also check Whois,,
regard's old website's,,, emails,I.P.s
if you keep track of them. Other that
you never got around to
cancelling. As G/W said,,, killing with
keyboards. The stuff you can find about
yourself since you've been on the net.
Just My  :2c:
Scoty B
As my Uncle said "loose lip's sink ship's"
Apply's to internet also. Big time.

Brihard said:
And set yourself up a fake Facebook account so you can see what your profile looks like 'from the outside'.

You can also go to Account -> Privacy Settings -> View Settings -> Preview My Profile

Then type a name to see how your profile looks, if your settings aren't set to public it will give you a good idea.

I just tried to check myself out on-line, but I think I'm pretty secure. (As secure as on-line profile's can be)
I wouldn't mind if one or two of you guys snooped after me, then told me what you found. My 'Google-fu' isn't very strong, but I'd like to protect my privacy as much as possible. I'm updating my profile to give you my name, that should be enough information. You can get some more local information on me by simply reviewing my post-history.

Pencil Tech said:
I think Facebook is evil _ Big Brother Is Watching You. I deleted my account.

You may think you have, however anything that was tagged by others will be maintained on the site. And like most things on the internet, they are usually cached by search engines. Do a search on google with your name as it appeared in FB and add facebook at the end.

I have never had a "real" FB account. I'm happy with it, but damn does it make picking up women harder!!! They are all like "add me to facebook!!!"

"what do you mean you don't have facebook?"

"Ok...well...text me!"

"what do you mean you don't have a cell phone?"

Something you can try in addition to a "fake" account, is to have 2 separate FB accounts. Sort of like you would have a work email account and another one for personal use.

A buddy of mine in my unit does this and as a result, I have him "friended" twice. What he does is he keeps one only for his friends in the CF (i.e. me and others in the unit) and one for other people. That way on the first account he can share info and pics of us all in uni with just CF mbrs once the correct privacy settings are setup and not worry about sharing too much. The second account is totally "civilian clean" and you would have no way of knowing he's in the CF just looking at it, short of know him personally.

Good Opsec practice in this day and age IMO.
More reasons to worry think hard about what you share, especially if you do Twitter AND FaceBook....
I remember when I was in 8th grade, We had a presentation by the OPP about how safe are we on the computer, during this presentation, this officer had pictures that he collected of almost everyone in the presentation. Including me, It was a sure eye opener.

To add to that; It wasn't a very nice picture of me he chose either, It was kind of unflattering.  But just shows how easy it is to get everyones information.
I know a person who keeps telling me these things like,

"If you say something bad about the military on facebook, they can go on and erase it, and i could be arrested."

Granted, you can get in trouble if you post photos of yourself drinking and doing lines of coke in uniform, but from what I know the military can't just erase things off of facebook, because you can have an opinion about what's going on as long as it's not during working hours or using a military computer like that one guy who was in the news.

That's all, just this guy has always come around with claims like these and then says I don't knwo anything about the military.

Note: I get enrolled on Tuesday, gonna be exciting.