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How long does an application stay on hold for?

My application was at a halt for a bit but when I changed trades I was called like a week after changing for a interview and sure enough my medical is tomorrow.
Little update...today I recieved another email except it was the exact same one I got 2 weeks ago but instead said I wont be processed until April as opposed to March...im going to assume the system is overloaded atm and things are a little out of control.
snasd17 said:
Little update...today I received another email except it was the exact same one I got 2 weeks ago but instead said I wont be processed until April as opposed to March...im going to assume the system is overloaded atm and things are a little out of control.

a little updated on my process as well,
received a email on Monday saying i have a my second medical and an interview for all 3 of my career choices in November
on Wednesday the day Ottawa was attacked, i received  an email saying i was off hold and my application is being further processed.

keep updating each other guys and gals,
culy0001 said:
a little updated on my process as well,
received a email on Monday saying i have a my second medical and an interview for all 3 of my career choices in November
on Wednesday the day Ottawa was attacked, i received  an email saying i was off hold and my application is being further processed.

keep updating each other guys and gals,

Good luck on your processing. After writing my CFAT on the 16th I've been told I scored quite high and it should be enough to move me up to the next level. So now I'm just waiting for that phone call or email for my medical and interview. Will it just come at any random time?
Moore said:
Will it just come at any random time?

I've been told that they advance applicants based on the selection dates.. Ie; They send 20 engineer applicants to BMQ, then replace them with the top 20 applicants awaiting further processing.
ShadyBrah said:
I've been told that they advance applicants based on the selection dates.. Ie; They send 20 engineer applicants to BMQ, then replace them with the top 20 applicants awaiting further processing.

That makes sense. Thanks :)
I haven't even gotten as far as you guys yet and I've been put on hold 3 times! lol I did my CFAT July 22 2014 in Ottawa. Was told I did great and that infantry and combat engineer would be processing in 10-15 days so make sure I'm ready for an interview!!! Total crrrap... Then i get told that the whole process from the time you do the CFAT to the medical and interview is 90 days max. check in every 30 and definitely contact us if you haven't heard in 90 days...I was put on hold within August until Halloween. Told processing would begin November 3rd. Im thinking that's great news. October comes, maybe the first or second week, and I get another hold...now to end of November. So I call in and end up talking with the processing supervisor. He says that the recruiting system is shutting down for a facelift in the middle of December and probably won't be done until the end of January. That being said, He informed me that they would be processing more people before the middle of December to make up for the lost time and if I hadn't heard anything by the 5th of Dec. to contact him. So I'm thinking, well its not Nov. 3rd but sounds promising. On the seventh day after that conversation, You guessed it... I get yet another Hold notification. This time saying my file will not be looked at until February 28th 2015. I've made every inquiry in the book. As I said I even spoke with the processing supervisor, and got nowhere. Apparently they have everything they need from me with regards to security, any personal info, and my apparently above average CFAT results(so they say). All I got from the recruiters was to talk to supervisors, and all I got in the end from the supervisor was to talk to a recruiter lol . The disappointment factor in all this is since June I've had 2 offers to be in different reserve units and ,under the impression the REG force process would be 90 days, I turned them down. I know i would love reg, but to think i could be a trained combat engineer reservist by now if I knew the reg process was gna be like this. Any idea's, new info, motivational whatevers would be greatly valued lol thanks
Well all I can say is CFRC Ottawa sucks. Tried to process through there, did my aptitude there in Oct 2013 got the same story as you. Moved back to Toronto to work over my summer break. Within I would say a month and a half of my file being in Toronto boom medical and interview done. Now just waiting on Persec and yep.

All I can say is tough it out, or if possible change RC's.
At least you guys are receiving some sort of emails/updates! I wrote the CFAT & TSD in May, qualified for the only trade I selected & also qualified for all NCM trades. I was told I was being put into "priority-selection" and to expect a call within two weeks for the next steps. 6 months later and I haven't had any emails or calls regarding my file. My CFRC tells me I'm "awaiting medical".
fully_flared said:
At least you guys are receiving some sort of emails/updates! I wrote the CFAT & TSD in May, qualified for the only trade I selected & also qualified for all NCM trades. I was told I was being put into "priority-selection" and to expect a call within two weeks for the next steps. 6 months later and I haven't had any emails or calls regarding my file. My CFRC tells me I'm "awaiting medical".

Out of curiosity, where is your nearest recruiting centre and what trade did you apply for?
CFRC Hamilton, and applied for MP. Things got a little screwy because when they contacted me in October of 2013 to come in for my CFAT & medical, I was actually preparing to leave the country for 5 months to go work for the Sochi Olympics. The recruiter told me she could only keep my file open for 3 months and that I would have to re-apaply online when I came back. I returned In April 2014, called my CFRC and they said they could open it, and booked me for my CFAT & TSD. When I came in to write my CFAT t & TSD in May they didn't have any paperwork or file on me, luckily I had brought in my own hard copies. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
fully_flared said:
CFRC Hamilton, and applied for MP. Things got a little screwy because when they contacted me in October of 2013 to come in for my CFAT & medical, I was actually preparing to leave the country for 5 months to go work for the Sochi Olympics. The recruiter told me she could only keep my file open for 3 months and that I would have to re-apaply online when I came back. I returned In April 2014, called my CFRC and they said they could open it, and booked me for my CFAT & TSD. When I came in to write my CFAT t & TSD in May they didn't have any paperwork or file on me, luckily I had brought in my own hard copies. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.

When I went in for my CFAT the recruiter I talked to after saw that I was in college for police foundations. He asked me if I was trying to become an MP and I said no. He said good since there was a wait list of 3 years. This was in April/May.
Voldeen said:
When I went in for my CFAT the recruiter I talked to after saw that I was in college for police foundations. He asked me if I was trying to become an MP and I said no. He said good since there was a wait list of 3 years. This was in April/May.

That's interesting, I wonder as to why I wasn't made aware of that.
fully_flared said:
That's interesting, I wonder as to why I wasn't made aware of that.

Probably because there is no such thing as a "waiting list of 3 years" for the MP occupation......    :facepalm:
I'm starting to think that my file just wasn't re-opened upon my return although I'm not 100% as to how that works. The original recruiter said to re-apply online upon my return but another recruiter at the CFRC said he could do it over the phone.
I called and found out that my application was going to closed if I didn't change my trades ( Infantry, Combat Engineer). So, I changed them to the ones in my signature below and then realized that I probably wouldn't want to do the jobs as a career, rather to just get my foot in the door. I called the CFRC and told them that I would rather do my first trades that I picked. He told me that if I changed my application back it would be closed and I would have to hand in more papers when I reopened it. He said that I can leave my 2nd choice trades on for now and in Jan- Feb time to call and change them back to my original choices. therefore not having to hand in more of the same paperwork I had already handed in. Just a way to skip handing in paperwork twice.

I realize that they my be wasting their time looking at me for these jobs I don't overly want, while people who do want them aren't getting processed. This is why I called and let them know what I was thinking. And he told me just to leave it and change them in February and if I do get called for an interview to just decline it. I'm not a fan of wasting peoples time so I hope I can sneak by till February to change my trades and prevent anybody from wasting their time on me.

Also, anybody know whats happening with the CF site? Are they hiring? or system glitch?
kylepenn said:
Also, anybody know whats happening with the CF site? Are they hiring? or system glitch?

Don't pick trades for the sake of getting your foot in the door. If you have to go in and reopen your file in a month or two do that. For next fiscal year they have like 250ish Combat Engineer jobs which will be available. If you want to be an Cbt Eng or an Infantryman then just wait it out.

Not exactly sure why they would close your file. Most people are being told there file is simply being placed on hold until 2015 when they start processing people for the new Fiscal Year(April 2015). Most people will be processed Janurary-April so that they have a pool of applicants ready. Also reopening your file really isn't that big a deal, most cases its just resubmitting the online application. Sounds like your recruiter is trying to meet his quota for other trades  by steering you awry..
kylepenn said:
I called and found out that my application was going to closed if I didn't change my trades ( Infantry, Combat Engineer). So, I changed them to the ones in my signature below and then realized that I probably wouldn't want to do the jobs as a career, rather to just get my foot in the door. I called the CFRC and told them that I would rather do my first trades that I picked. He told me that if I changed my application back it would be closed and I would have to hand in more papers when I reopened it. He said that I can leave my 2nd choice trades on for now and in Jan- Feb time to call and change them back to my original choices. therefore not having to hand in more of the same paperwork I had already handed in. Just a way to skip handing in paperwork twice.

I realize that they my be wasting their time looking at me for these jobs I don't overly want, while people who do want them aren't getting processed. This is why I called and let them know what I was thinking. And he told me just to leave it and change them in February and if I do get called for an interview to just decline it. I'm not a fan of wasting peoples time so I hope I can sneak by till February to change my trades and prevent anybody from wasting their time on me.

If I had to "guess", there is probably a reason why they said what is highlighted above and it's could be that you don't qualify to be processed for either Infmn or Cbt Engr.
I qualified but was just below the competitive bar they set. So they said that I wouldn't be getting processed for Infantry or Combat Eng this fiscal year so they would close my file and I would call and open it/ reapply when they get their quota that they'll need in 2015. He said I could change my trades to keep It open, and I did, then 1-2 months later I wasn't really wanting to do those trades and tried to switch back but was told to just wait till the new year to switch back. They said that its looking like they'll need a lot more Infantry in 2015 then the 2014 year needed. Meaning there's a good chance that I would be processed in the new fiscal year. ( recruiter said if they put the bar 1 notch lower then I would've been competitive, hopefully he wasn't just saying that and I actually am close to be competitive)