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How long did you give it some thought before enlisting?

I've always wanted to be in the army but I never considered it an option for me until this summer. Wasn't getting anywhere in my life and realized a few of my friends got in as reserves. Started seriously looking into it and realized that its something that I wanted to get into. Now heading for my bmq in regF :]
I had thought about enlisting since I was 18, just not very seriously kind of toyed with the idea. About three years ago I started to feel that I've let myself down with some of my life choices, so I started to seriously think about the option.  Back in October I took a "wonderful" new job, that turned out to be a scam, a month later I found myself jobless. After reviewing my local HRDC job bank I discovered I could have a rewarding career as a $9.00 an hour dishwasher or a part time timmes server (no disrespect to timmies servers or dishwashers intended). So that's when I changed the thoughts into actions. I've completed all my testing, medical, CFAT etc. and now I'm just waiting to hear if a decision has been reached.  Good luck to all who are waiting, don't stress over the waiting, the rewards will be worth it.
I entertained the idea about 13 years ago when I worked for a sports retail store and for 3 years strait our both at the Toronto boat show was besides the Navy booth. I listened to the recruiting video for 14 hours a day for 10 days of the show every year for three years I almost joined but thought I might be doing it because I was brain washed.

5 years ago I seriously wanted to but I just married my wife and after three months she was pregnant with my daughter and she wanted to move back to Kentucky where she was from. She said you can't join the CF you have a daughter on the way.

6 months ago with my Job and Citi bank was looking troubled and the financial industry in the US in bad ways she agreed to let me apply to the CF and move our family back. (Kind of funny because her original argument was I had a daughter and she was giving me support as we were expecting our second child a son.)
At first she said only Air Force but after 2 months I convinced her to let me join Army because that's what I really want to do. I applied April 14th. Passed my CFAT, Medical, and Interview on the April 16th and now just waiting on Ottawa. .... I know it may be a while but hopefully soon I will be in the CF and can move back to Canada where people know who the Toronto Maple Leafs are!
I better not say that too loud someone in Ottawa might here.
agenteagle said:
.... I know it may be a while but hopefully soon I will be in the CF and can move back to Canada where people know who the Toronto Maple Leafs are!
I better not say that too loud someone in Ottawa might here.

Now that's an unfair characterization. Even those of us currently located in Ottawa know who the Leafs are. They're the team that we like to see our team beat.  :)

Of course, unfortunately my beloved flames didn't fare all that much better this year.
Seriously thought about the army (Armored Officer) in 2005ish. Got the paperwork started and then life got in the way, had to withdraw the app. Now, after a couple of years extra of waffling back and forth and thinking, I applied on the 14th of April, 2009, for Maritime Surface/Subsurface Officer. And apparently, I applied at a good time, as it seems that they are hiring on 80-odd new MarS officers this year  :o So here's hoping!
Around five minutes.
Morning announcement at school that some one from the Comm Reserve would be coming by at lunch to room such and such, thought, hmmm, Grandpa laid line in WWI, should check that out.  Was the only one that showed up, signed up, month and half later drawing kit at Uplands.
Like so many others here, the army was all I really ever wanted to do. I wanted to drive tanks since i was a little kid, so the week I turned 17 in 2004 I went into the recruiting office in Melbourne and said I wanted to be a Reserve Tank driver. Three months later I was signed in as a Recruit Hale, ECN 064 Crewman M113 (not quite tanks, but the closest I could get by being a reserve). I finished school in 2005 and started working full time in 2006.
It'll be 5 years in July (3 and a bit as a Reg) and I dont regret a thing...Well, hardly ever!
Since I was 6 :)
Grew up on base, between CFB Chatham, and Petawawa, and ever since everytime I have seen someone in uniform it lit the fire for me to join.
I would say on and off since I joined the air cadets when I was like what, 12-13 years of age. Off times mainly due thinking it would not be a possibility considering all the ups and down of my life which included a curved ball. Since determining that it is a possibility now last fall, been more actively thinking about it. Especially now with university done for the summer and stuck between employment, figuring out what I will be doing with my life.

It is something that I have always wanted to do. But I started to take it seriously and look in depth into different aspects of the forces 3 or 4 years ago. The thing that took me the longest was deciding a trade to go into. :cdn:

I joined after spending 6-months listening to my girlfriend's Dad (serving soldier) bang on about how great it was in the British Army - I was 17 and that was 21 yrs ago.  ;)
Finished high school, spent the summer drinking beer and generally having a great time. When the fall came, friends went to college and university and I walked into a recruiting office. I had thoughts of being in the army as far back as I remember, but they faded during high school. I never expected to spend as long in the CF as I have, in fact I distinctly remember thinking this will be something to do for 5 or 6 years and then I can carry on with my life!
I didn’t.  I didn’t want to join, never planned on joining.  In fact, “I” didn’t join per se, my old man signed me up.

I was 16, working at the local IGA packing bags and spending some time working at the YMCA as staff at summer camp.  I was also heading down the wrong path of petty crime and hanging out with who I thought were the cooler kids.

The cops came to my school to look for me one day – I was obviously not there.  After they went to my house to get a photo of me for the manhunt from my mom, who was in tears, I guess my dad had enough.

A couple of days later, we were on our way to the grocery store.  He is driving, I am in the passenger seat, the conversation, from start to finish lasted exactly as long as it takes you to read it:

Dad: So, what are you going to do for work this summer?
Me: I think maybe I will go back to the Y
Dad: I think you should join the reserves
Me: uh..ok
Pause, 2, 3
Dad: So, are you going to go navy or army?
Me: Army?
Dad: you are going navy.

Then we parked the car and never spoke of it again until the next week when he took me down to my local Naval Reserve Division.

Can’t say I ever really thought of leaving once I was in.  it was the best decision I never made.
I guess it is true. Your parents do know what is best for you...
Samurai said:
I am just wondering how long the thought of joining the Army ran through peoples minds before they made their final decision and enlisted.  :cdn:
29 odd years or so...
I wanted to join when I was 16 first off, I went to the recruiting office sat through the presentation, then i decided i would consider it but at the time all i wanted to do was play rugby so, I put it on the back burner until the later days of 17. Boom now here I am, 5 months have gone by since I was sworn in and I probably won't look back to those days anytime soon.
7 years off and on.

I have entertained the idea off and on since I was 16. I was always thinking about how cool it would be to be in the Army. I never told my parents about it, and my stepdad directed me in the path of a skilled tradesman in Heating and Cooling. After graduating highschool I started working for my Step-Brother and forgot all about joining. Then work started getting slow in my city and my Step-Brother had to lay me off. By then 2 years had passed and I was still waiting to get into school for my Refrigeration license. I tried for a good 3 months to get a job in the trade to get back on track, got hired at a place, then was let go again due to lack of work available. I then worked at a seatbelt factory, and left there when I was offered a job from my Stepfather's friend. They both assured me that by working at Xerox I would have a good career ahead of me. A year later, a 1% pay cut, and 2.5hours less per week(with no signs of ever being hired on fully *contract worker*) I started thinking of joining again. My paperwork is almost complete, and I will be going with a couple of my friends (whom also wish to join) to the recruiting center to book my CFAT. :)

Now just to figure out how to break it to my parents that I have decided to join  :)
Thought of it one day, walked into the armouries the next, few months later was enrolled. 
I was 5 or 6 when i found out the first job my father did was a gunner in 2RCHA. Dad was my hero so I decided then and there I was going to be a soldier.
By the time I was 14 and found out there was an army reserve that i could join and be in high school, oh wow.
I joined the reserves in 17 and served 3 years reserves and finally joined the reg f. off to cornwallis followed by 16 weeks at Patricia battle school... so on and on.
One night I was bored, watching TV, saw the ad, thought it was cool but also thought I would never be able to do so.  Anyhow, I went through their web site and found the Public Affair Officer job description (I have a degree in Communication Sciences).  I thought this position was made for me so I did the on-line application, went to bring my diploma and other needed documents, did an other application (they had somehow lost my first one!) and now I passed my aptitude test, I have my medical test next week... I am a bit scared for the interview, but we'll see!!