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How Do You (or Did You) Decide on Your Career Path?

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I‘m joining so I don‘t have to wake up at 9am to go do some mundane job for 8 hours of the day when I can wake up at 5 and get right to it.

There is also a little piece of me that wants to join to.... you guessed it.. blow **** up. :)
To be perfectly honest, the reason I joined was because I needed a summer job at the time. I wasn‘t expecting much, but just happened to really enjoy the job, and decided to stick with it.

Your reasons are far more noble than mine were, but for all the altruism in people‘s motives, they may find that the military is just not for them, or, like myself, find something in the military they didn‘t even know they were looking for. You won‘t know until you do it.
Hey Patrick,

Mate, you‘ll do more by 0900 then most civvies do all bloody day ( if not all week)!

Good on ya!


i‘ve been in love with the army all my life, but i also wanted to learn.. so once i got rejected out of RMC :p i waited a bit, and a friend dragged my @ss to the recruiting center.

there‘s the whole pride.. i‘m ****ed proud to be able to wear the uniform..

Esprit de Corps.. this you won‘t find anywhere else.. usually in other jobs, people will find ways to blade you... most of us got out of the blading during basic.

pride of history.. Canada might not have a diverse or known history as the UK or the US, but we did our part in Norway.. read Normandy (****! i knew i shouldn‘t have taken my history lessons from Martin!) we did our part in Vimy, in Dieppe...

Lastly... It‘s a lifestyle... it‘s not a job.. I groan time to time that i have to go to my unit to work, but i love my job... not like the burger flippers at McDik‘s
Serve my country and everything in it

it‘s also something I‘ve always wanted to do
I don‘t really know why I wanted to join, I just did. Ever since I can remember I wanted to join. Now I can say I joined because I think I could do as good a job as the next person, I give it everything I got, so why not. I want to say I did something for my country in my life, something meaningful to someone. Also I want to prove to myself that I can do something others can‘t. Now I‘m happy because I am going to be officially enrolled in less than a week. YES!
There are other reasons, but there the kinds you can‘t really put into words, so I won‘t even try.
So what was it that did it for you? Why do/are you part of the :cdn: army?
Its not a job, its a lifestyle. The people you work with, the tasks you do, the fact that at the end of the day you're proud that you've done something not everyone gets the chance to do what you do. AND i love the stupid "have you ever killed someone" questions i get from civis, and whats more, the expression they get when you reply "no but the days not over yet". Always good for a laugh, just be selective when choosing who you say that too.. ::)
I wanted to punch a Nazi in the face on D-Day.

I'd always wanted to serve in the military, as long as I can remember.  I just wanted to give something back, since we have it so good here as compared to where my parents came from, let alone the places much worse. I'll admit I had a lot of naive ideals when I stepped in the door of the recruiters. Since then, I've had a lot of those naive ideas shattered and learnt a lot about the army and life in general. To be honest, If I had to make the choice to enlist again, I would do it in a second flat. Great people, great times, it's become a HUGE part of me.
I wanted a challenge. I love the dicipline and order. It's an honorable job.  Nothing else in the world like it!
Teamwork, the honor behind the uniform, something that is physical, and I love to travel. After basic I wanna head over to Saudi Arabia or Bosnia.
For me ever snice I was little.

The teamwork, discipline, physicaly demanding, and the pride.
G3RM said:
For me ever snice I was little.

The teamwork, discipline, physicaly demanding, and the pride.

Yeah, those are pretty much my reasons. I'll add that I want my life to actually mean something, and not be another 9-5 Toronto commuter.

Besides, my mother never let me play with anything that resembled a gun.  :mg:
People in the Army are quite usually the only people who enjoy their job.

The teamwork, discipline, physicaly demanding, and the pride.
Exactly why I'm going to join.
The hair cut, the food, the non stressfull working environment, the pay, the access to state of the art 70's equipment,the full support of the federal gov,the positive re-enforcement and support that only an RSM can deliver,training with no ammo but the sounds of fellow members yelling bang bang(aka moelitia rounds).We all join and continue to serve for our own reasons. This questions have been answered a few times this year already,no?The bonds you make with people in this organization are pretty strong. You really get to know someone on no sleep at o stupid o'clock in the morning in freezing rain on a patrol looking for the Fantazions in Meaford just off Hoggs Back road. Sneaking in a brew up session and a smoke in a hole on a tactical ex. I also joined to blow sh*t up.