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Hopefully a future armoured Soldier with a few questions..


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Well I am just waiting on my school transcripts and then its back over to the recruitment center. I have chosen Armoured soldier, Artillery- Field Defense and LCIS (Land Communications and information systems technician.)

I have a love for our leopards and Coyotes, I have been told repeatidly though my chance to ever have a career with our MBTs is pretty much never gonna happen and I am just as inclined for either role this is okay with me, but I do have some questions as to why. I know I might be a bit tall at 6ft 3 so I could understand that but is there more to it such as a low number of tanks in our Canadian force?, or perhaps a priorty amoung senior members for which they would perferr?

I also have a few questions about my interview I have studied indepth the history of our armoured core as well as the histroy of armoured core itself in the world from the first tanks rolling of the assembly line from the Brits to our new more high tech Tanks used across the world today. I know for personal reasons it is great to know these things about the forces expecially in the field I am intrested in, but am I fretting a bit to much for my interview and going a bit overboard in my studies? As well is their any tips anyone might wish to share for my interview...recruitment process?

As well after my BQ and MOC trainning what should I expect day to day on base?

Sorry I know I have jumped all over the place but when I went to the recruitment center in Montreal it was sort of like a assembly line pick a number get your papers ask a few questions and you get a certain feeling of them wanting you out of their cubicle so they can get on to the next person and hopefully pass the day faster, maybe its not the case with all recruiters there but it was how I felt with the one I received. It irrated me a bit as I look at service with a sense of pride and accoplishment as well as a means to obtain job secruity. In truth I want a job that I can wake up everyday and feel a sort of righteous indignation that what either I or other fellow comrades do am part of something bigger then just myself. I truly hope that my service will obtain this for me and so I am comeing here to voice/type my opinon and questions in hope that maybe you my peers or other fellow recruits might have a light to shine upon some of my questions.

Thank you all for your time and any insight into any of the questions I have asked and any help tips ideas to help my recruitment process.
Here are some links that will help with your questions;

Recruiting FAQ's

Interview points


Armour DP1

More Armoured Stuff
As for the height issue there's an entire other thread either here or on the recruiting board about that. 

Don't worry too much about the interview.  They don't expect you to be an expert when it comes to the armoured corps etc.  When they asked me what I knew about it, I told them they drive tanks.  Guess my answer sufficed because here I am.
SinnerSaint said:
I have been told repeatidly though my chance to ever have a career with our MBTs is pretty much never gonna happen

Never say never' especially where a black hat is concerned.
SinnerSaint said:
I know I might be a bit tall at 6ft 3 so I could understand that but is there more to it such as a low number of tanks in our Canadian force?, or perhaps a priorty amoung senior members for which they would perferr?

SinnerSaint said:
I have studied indepth the history of our armoured core as well as the histroy of armoured core itself in the world from the first tanks rolling of the assembly line

Then you should know it's 'Corps'

Have a great day :salute: and go read those threads WR posted for you.
A) First off thank you very much WR all those links answered my question and many more I had comeing to mind as I read.

B) I did find a height issue on the thread but it was condractory as one person said you had to be under some 6ft while other said you could be over 6ft tall just not very comfortable in our canadian Leopards. Thank you though for your reply RCDtpr.

C) recceguy, you are right I should never say never and that was a sloppy way to which I put my words. As for the corps thing, thank you for reminding me and I am still trying to learn the proper use of wording for the Armour Corps or military lingo in general so thank you for your reply as well.

I once again Thank you for you time in replying to me