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Hmmmm Waste of time? World of Warcraft (WoW)

BB they don't have lunch money it all goes to their subscription fee and new thingy's for the computer
HitorMiss said:
BB they don't have lunch money it all goes to their subscription fee and new thingy's for the computer

When did they replace "fat lazy slob" with "gamer" anyways ?
As for people claiming people who play video games have no life, that's laughable, as it seems like a pretty arbitrary judgement.

depends on people....there are Way over their control...

and some are "social" player...

Like in every hobby, there is people who tends to much more addict.

I can respect this...

but have Little no respect toward a work colleague that has no social life outside the game.
Rice0031 said:
Bring it on, you non-video-game-player bully. I'll beat you over the head with my Xbox360!! Then we'll see who's taking who's lunch money!!
cdnaviator said:
kleobee...is that your picture ?

What are you doing later ?

...tsk, tsk... trying to pick up the new girl.  ;)  :-*
HitorMiss said:
BB they don't have lunch money it all goes to their subscription fee and new thingy's for the computer

LMAO.  True enough HorM. 
HitorMiss said:
BB they don't have lunch money it all goes to their subscription fee and new thingy's for the computer
Hey, I love new thingies for my computer. I wish I had more thingies that do things. ;)
Cmon HoM. I know you must have some thingies that do things for your computer, you msn addict.

I consider myself a gamer, but I am neither lazy nor fat. Well... maybe a little lazy. Well, ok I'm really lazy. Well, I'm not that bad, but I can be. I think. I'm told I can be indecisive. Well, a little. Ah, well not really. Maybe somtimes a bit. Sort of.  ;D
I am a reformed addict, I've been on the wagon for 2 months... I guess I should probably cancel the quarterly payments....
BB they don't have lunch money it all goes to their subscription fee and new thingy's for the computer

They're not "thingy's" ok!?  They're dual core processors, high tech GPU's with dual channel DDR3 RAM...  The chicks dig it!  ;D
Lost_Warrior said:
They're not "thingy's" ok!?   They're dual core processors, high tech GPU's with dual channel DDR3 RAM...  The chicks dig it!

Oh yeah!  I know that's always something I look for in a guy!  ;D
beach_bum said:
Oh yeah!  I know that's always something I look for in a guy!   ;D

I'm with ya there Beach! When I'm scoping out whether the guy has potential I check to see what his free time is like. If I walk in his house and there are games EVERYWHERE...I'm probably not going to hang around... I like dates that will want to leave the house.
I don't like WoW (don't hurt me!). I rather play Civilization 3, which is a more creative game IMO.
Lost_Warrior said:
They're not "thingy's" ok!?  They're dual core processors, high tech GPU's with dual channel DDR3 RAM...  The chicks dig it!  ;D
Hey MORON Lost_Warrior! Graphics cards don't have dual channel RAM, GET IT RIGHT, THANK YOU, JEESE. God I hate these morons who come on here and brag about their cool thingies on their computer thingy and get the thingy all wrong! Man if you're gonna talk about thingies at least know the thingy your talking about! Close though, most new high-tech GPU's thingies sport a chipset thingy that incorporates DDR3 RAM thingies  8)

...I just want someone to love me... :crybaby:
fat lazy slobs  gamers to pencil-necked geeks  computer enthusiasts.........what next ?