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HMCS Algonquin refurbishment


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Good evening all

Concerning this article I read on the Canadian Navy website

I certainly think it makes sense to keep the DD280's technologically relevant and potent until a replacement is in hand, so will this refurbishment be done to the other Iroquois Class destroyers as well?  Also what's the latest word on the destroyer replacement?
cameron said:
Good evening all

Concerning this article I read on the Canadian Navy website

I certainly think it makes sense to keep the DD280's technologically relevant and potent until a replacement is in hand, so will this refurbishment be done to the other Iroquois Class destroyers as well?  Also what's the latest word on the destroyer replacement?

Well seing the brass have been saying the 280s will remain in service til about 2012 or 2017 (depending on who you talk to) I would say it would be a good bet that other 280s will get it as well. As for replacement destroyers I would say the silence on the boards should be the answer in itself.
Algonquin's refit has more to do with industrial currency than relevancy or err...potency. It's hard to keep kit working when the parts haven't been made in years.
Ummm... I know I may be out of my lane but,
IIRC, in their last refits, the 280s were kitted out as Command & control platforms for naval squadrons/flotillas (?)

When we retired the Restigouche & St Laurent class of ships - we replaced em with Frigates - should the 280s in their turn be replaced by more frigates ?

At a time when we don't have enough sailors to fully crew all our warships, what is it a 280 does that a frigate can't ??? 
Umm they have command and control, plus long range air defence.
ok - but, couldn't that kind of weapon system fit onboard a frigate ?
Not unless you want to cut the frigate in half and add a section to the hull. Plus the frigates do not have living quarters for all the staff. Unless you really jam them in.
I thought I had heard that the intent was to build a single class to replace both fleets, with modular systems to permit plug&play configuration depending on the mission.

With no plans and no steel cut, though, that's a good 8-10 years from any capability (and that's optimistic).
sledge said:
Umm they have command and control, plus long range air defence.

And I like long range air defence missiles...it helps me sleep at night knowing that should the need arise we will be able to engage an aircraft or missile at 50-75 nautical miles vice 12+ nautical miles with a sea sparrow.

Ummm... I know I may be out of my lane but,
IIRC, in their last refits, the 280s were kitted out as Command & control platforms for naval squadrons/flotillas (?)

When we retired the Restigouche & St Laurent class of ships - we replaced em with Frigates - should the 280s in their turn be replaced by more frigates ?

At a time when we don't have enough sailors to fully crew all our warships, what is it a 280 does that a frigate can't

remember the Halifax class is going into the FELEX, why replace the 280s with a class that is getting on it years. The Destroyer Replacement Project is designed to replace both the 280s and Halifax class with one class of modular warship.
The Destroyer Replacement Project is designed to replace both the 280s and Halifax class with one class of modular warship
which is +/- what I was driving at...
Destroyer/Frigate, Its like comparing apples and oranges. If you look at the two classes, they are roughly the same size. If they do in fact build the navy ships(yes I said IF and I am not going to call AOPS a ship yet), they should maintain Canadian TG's with long range SAMs to augment its defence.
Why would you not call the AOPs a ship? They are planned to be a bue water corvette/large OPV, so it pretty much fits the criteria...
In most cases, engagement range is going to be limited by the radar horizon not whatever missile you want to engage with. The frigates and TRUMPs are pretty much the same there.

In any case, you can't do "modular" AAW. The systems are too big for that, and require too much setup when they're first installed. DRP and whatever they eventually replace the frigates with should have a lot of systems in common, but the AAW systems will have to be different.

Our last bit of info we received on the DRP (or whatever flavour this month it is) will be the first 4 ships will be dedicated AAD and command and control platforms.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Our last bit of info we received on the DRP (or whatever flavour this month it is) will be the first 4 ships will be dedicated AAD and command and control platforms.

Was this presented at Fleet Week?
Ex-Dragoon said:
Why would you not call the AOPs a ship? They are planned to be a bue water corvette/large OPV, so it pretty much fits the criteria...
More of an off handed joke about the ships we plan get smaller and smaller
HalfmyLife said:
More of an off handed joke about the ships we plan get smaller and smaller

I think that has more to do with the percieved mission and purpose of this class....
cameron said:
Good evening all

Concerning this article I read on the Canadian Navy website

I certainly think it makes sense to keep the DD280's technologically relevant and potent until a replacement is in hand, so will this refurbishment be done to the other Iroquois Class destroyers as well?  Also what's the latest word on the destroyer replacement?

From VAdm Maddison's brief this morning, the replacement SCSC will consist of 15 ships, the first 3 will be AAD with Command and Control capability, the remainding 12 will be general warfare frigates. look for them around the 2015-18 time frame.