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Hillier flown from Afghan village after bomb blast

They are both explosive devices, and their definitions are very similar.  However, think of them in terms of economy cars and sports cars.  They are both cars, but not exactly the same, both have the same basic intentions as well.
Mortars and Howitzers...Both are artillery, both are work by firing an explosive down a barrel, and both have the same intentions.
These artillery weapons are very similar on paper, and like before have the same intentions, but they are however different.

Differentiating between an IED and a mine is more difficult.
One thing about IEDs, not so much a difference, but they are very crude.  Nowadays manufactured mines are designed a certain way and have the same result.  IEDs are put together by any one and all are pretty much different.  They may use the same design, but there are  deviations.  Like the British bar mines, all were identical all worked the same.  Over in Afghanistan and Iraq there are IEDs that use artillery shells, TNT, chemicals that ignite... the list goes on.  Although they may use the same basic design, no two tend to be exactly the same.

The main difference would probably be "Improvised" (To invent, compose, or perform with little or no preparation.   To make or provide from available materials)
Maybe it would be best to place IED under the category of mine, as there are minor differences, but overall they are basically the same.  Say under the heading of "Mine" there to th left "IED" and to the right "manufactured", or "Planned".
All explosive devices are planned.  Nobody ever just pitches a bunch of boomsplosive into a garbage can and hopes to hell it works come go time.  They are deliberately designed to carry out a specific function, whether it be spraying nuts and bolts around a shopping mall, or blowing the guts out of an AFV.  i think "IED" became vogue, because "improvised" implies a sort of low cunning, whereas a "mine" indicates design, R&D, and manufacture, a process that Joe Sixpack doesn't like to think the baddies are capable of.... ^-^
Think of it this way-
You have a C7, thats a rifle.  You have a homemade zip gun with some rifling in the barrel.  They are both rifles however the C7 is not a zip gun.

You have a TM46, thats a mine.  You have an IED designed to function when pressure is applied.  They are both mines but the TM46 is not an IED.

Yes, if there is an IED threat then everything has to be treated differently and as MCG pointed out you have to have IED awareness rather than mine awareness, that isn't really the point.  The point is someone earlier in the thread incorrectly slammed someone else using in-accurate information.

This thread is fairly off topic, maybe the semantics could be stripped out.

I will give in on this point.  If a device employs Arty Projo, ADB, or other ordnance not specifically designed for a booby trap/mine role, then it should be classed IED.  An initiator, fuse, booster/burster charge, and main charge, no matter how shabbily constructed, serves the purpose of a mine.  Out from me on this.... 8)
I agree, it's just splitting hairs really.

Kat, Mike H told me it was just based on design, function and alteration if any and to not get hung up on it. The clean version goes something like : "Call it Bill or quatlube or whatever for all I care, just know how to deal with it."
maybe my thoughts are worth what you are paying for them (ziltch) but aren't command detonated mines used mainly for defensive purposes, while IEDs are used mainly for Ambushing purposes...

though I suppose a Claymore could be used in the same manner, but as I understand it IEDs are not quite as refined, and thus you might not want to use it in a defensive role as you might not be 100% on the danger zone size and shape?

Edited for spelling