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Hillary in 2008


Army.ca Veteran
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Food for thought:


However, despite the Radio Chatter-esqe start to the thread, how likely is this?  If she was ever going to make a go for it, this time round would seem to be the best time given many peoples displeasure with Pres. Bush.  There was also a brutal theory tossed out that people would vote for her just so they could see Bill in the spotlight again.  Is she that accepted and chummy with the Democratic party or has she gotten as far as she will get? 
(Mods, I just realized this is probably the wrong area.  Could you move as needed, please?)
All those Republicans who did not bother to vote before would show up to make sure she doesnt get in.

Just imagine:
Hillary down south, and Dion up here...  :o End of personal rights, responsibilities, and hooray for socialism...
Pardon me while I go vomit.
Hillary has the highest negatives of any democrat running for the nomination. Unless there is a third party candidate that can split the republican vote she just isnt electable. The best qualified democrat is probably Governor Richardson. of New Mexico. On the republican side Rudy is the best qualified. I think someone who has actually run a state or large city has the experience to deal with the large federal bureaucracy.
tomahawk6 said:
Hillary has the highest negatives of any democrat running for the nomination. Unless there is a third party candidate that can split the republican vote she just isnt electable.

Okay, thanks.  I feel  a lot better.  :salute:
The voters in the States would have to forget about all the bagage from the past to elected Hillary ! Remember she was not the First Lady but in her words the  Co-President! Every decision her husband's government made she said she had a large part in it!
zipperhead_cop said:
However, despite the Radio Chatter-esqe start to the thread, how likely is this? 

Well I did start the topic about her in this other thread, but apparently no one took it seriously: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/56131.0.html
CougarKing said:
Well I did start the topic about her in this other thread, but apparently no one took it seriously: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/56131.0.html

Amusing multimedia attachments always grease the wheels.  ;D
I did do a search before I started the thread, but I didn't find yours.  Nothing meant.  I guess these could be merged and linger around until there is a real race going on. 
I can't think of a worse choice for president than Hillary Clinton. It would be drastic for the military if she was ever elected. All the more reason for the Republicans to get their act together, to ensure it doesn't happen, especially with a war going on. 
Hillary would be the best choice for a Democratic candidate due to her support of Iraq initially. This will give the republicans the ammunition they need to down the democrats.
Personal Prediction: Hillary will make it almost all the way to the primaries, will not get the vote for the Democratic convention due to the fact that she is a powerful woman.  The majority of the US power players are still wealthy white men.  There will be a woman president, there will be a black president, but not yet. 

Hilly will make a good go of it, may even make it to vice president, but the US is not ready yet.  Watch and shoot, I think that Rudy will get it, 9/11 will be plastered everywhere on the trail.
bcbarman said:
Hilly will make a good go of it, may even make it to vice president, but the US is not ready yet.  Watch and shoot, I think that Rudy will get it, 9/11 will be plastered everywhere on the trail.

If Rudy makes it, I won't feel so bad when the Dem's get in. 
Hillary is probably the most polarizing of any candidate currently on the presidential nominations, whether it be Democrat or Republican. Love her, or hate her, I think this is precisely why she will not be getting into power anytime soon. She cannot seem to find an ability to moderate with even centrist-GOPers, and represents, in my view, the extreme left of her parties coalition. I just don't see her getting the nod from her party, least of all, the American people.

Giuliani, with McCain as VP, in '08.
Giuliani is probably the only Repub that would be seriously considered...the rest are lightweights.

The Democrats have been flogging Hillary ever since Bill left office, but it would be nice to see Giuliani in
Hillary expected an attack from the right. But the shots came from an old Hollywood buddy of Bill's.


March 5, 2007 issue - Last December, a NEWSWEEK reporter tentatively broached
a delicate subject with a longstanding adviser to Hillary Clinton: was there a concern in
the Hillary camp that her husband might somehow embarrass her in the campaign ahead?
Nary a mention of Obama here.....not even a possibility? Given the hype surrounding him, It is possible that he could win the primaries and be a presidential contender.... He`s young, but well spoken and a sharp departure from the Bush administration..
Didnt you know... he went to a ..... muslim school  :o ::).
Also his name is suspiciously close to.... USAMA  :o ::)
Nary a mention of Obama here

No doubt as it gets closer there will be a more broad thread for all of the Democratic selection process.  This thread was more just to "highlight" the former co-president. 
Baloo said:
Giuliani, with McCain as VP, in '08.

I think Rudy will win the Republican nomination. I also don't mind McCain either. As for the Dems, well, in a way, its a wild card. I think both Obama and Clinton will flounder if either win the nomination, with the Republicans winning in 08. Not that I am being sexist or racist , in my opinion, the US overall (yes they will have their base of supporters), will not accept either of them. I think they would do more damage than what is imaginable.

Personally, I've never had anytime for Clinton, and as for Obama, well, I've never heard of him until 2006, I feel both of them lack the life experience needed, and I would not want either of them in charge of the White House period!

I think of Rudy, and what he did for NYC, and his solid leadership during the 9-11 crisis. He has truly won the respect of many, and if I was an American, I'd vote for him.

However, time will tell, won't it.


I think you have your Democrats and Republicans mixed up.
GAP said:
I think you have your Democrats and Republicans mixed up.

Yes.  Head is in arse pretty tight tonight.  So I'll just yank the whole thing.  Carry on without me. 