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"Hijab Dispute Could Be Behind Girl's Death, Friends Say"

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I'm surprised no one's posted this yet.

While the case is still before the courts, statements made by her friends regarding her changing clothes at school and staying away from home in fear...plus the obvious 'descent' of the accused make this seem awefully obvious as to what happened.

I knew stuff like this would make it's way into Canada out of places like Pakistan, etc where killing women over minor religious infractions is the norm. Anyone surprised?
Yes, I watched it today on the news. Pretty sad but this is Canada, you have a choice. But they said wearing the Hijab is not part of the religion, just culture. The Father and Son are facing charges.
Piper said:
I'm surprised no one's posted this yet.

This was the article I read earlier today.  Note the huge difference in the headline:
"Teen dead after alleged attack by father"
These honour killings are traditions that they have brought with them from the old country.
I am positive the father knows full well that he will be going to jail for what he has done BUT, felt that he had to control a daughter who had rebelled against her family and their traditions.

RIP Aqsa Parvez
I am not suprised, and it will continue.

All sorts of sickening things come out of this draconian 'dark ages' culture. Glad to see assimilation is alive and well in Canada (not). The same BS goes on here too. Honour killings etc, and the outright disrepect for our laws, and way of life. Goes to show you where their hearts and loyalities really are.

Sad, that some young person has to pay with their life (especially in Canada) for a bit of freedom most take for granted. All over a scarf. What a disgrace!! Those responsible should be deported, as they are not worthy of staying.



Its sad that Muslims like this make me and all my other good Muslim brothers and sisters bad. This has to be one of the most disgusting things i've read all week, this guy should be sent to prison for life. A woman should be allowed to pick how she wants to dress, and if she wants to be heavily religious. Women are the same as men , this is another case of a Extremist Muslim making other good Muslims look bad.
This isn't the first "honour" killing in the GTA or Canada.  There have been a few over the past couple of years (not many though thankfully).  It makes you wonder what happens behind closed doors and how much of this stuff doesn't make it out into the light.

Allthough it is a tragedy, I personally (and would hope most educated Canadians) don't hold it against all Muslims. I am too educated and have seen enough around the world (As have most Canadian soldiers) to know that there are good Muslims and Muslims who....... cling unto a different set of values and interpretations of Muslim law.  There are thousands of Muslims here in Canada who have wholeheartedly embraced Canadian culture and way of life while still maintaining a balance of keeping old traditions in the family.  I feel badly for the young girl and those her death affects. Hopefully, the father and brother will be punished accordingly.

PMedMoe said:
This was the article I read earlier today.  Note the huge difference in the headline:
"Teen dead after alleged attack by father"

I also noticed on one of the CBC national newscasts this morning that they spent ~20 seconds discussing this case, saying "religious practices may have played a role", and shortly afterwards devote 1 minute plus to a full report on orthodox Jews fighting for the right to NOT have to pull the plug on a relative on life support.  Interesting difference in approaches to two stories about religious beliefs affecting behaviour....

(Foil Hat Alert:  No, this does NOT mean I believe in or support the idea that there's a Jewish conspiracy in the media, yadda, yadda, yadda....)
Piper said:
Of course, CBC wouldn't publish anything to run contrary to the hard-held vision of Canada as multi-cultural freakin' utopia....but what do I know.

C'mon, you don't watch Little Mosque on the Prairie? Do yourself a favour and join the enlightened!
Religion denied in girl's slaying
Imams speak out over killing
The Toronto Sun

Article Link

Islamic leaders met with the media yesterday to dispel what they said was the unfair association of the Muslim faith and a murder charge against a Mississauga father charged with strangling his daughter.

Mohammad Ashraf, secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America, said the status of women in Islam is misunderstood in North America.

"It's being reported in the media that all woman are being forced, that they are subjugated and they need to be liberated," Ashraf said. "In Islam, women were liberated 1,400 years ago. Islam gives more rights to the women than western countries."

Really??  Certainly doesn't seem so.
Like the right to drive, or go to school, or share a husband?

Domestic violence is not limited to Muslim faith. I do find it difficult to comprehend what would drive a man to strangle his daughter over a scarf. What what I have read in the TO papers, I would like to see the victim's brother receive a throat punch.
yup... they have the right to walk behind their husband.
The right to have their husband divorce them at the drop of a hat.... (or not divorcing them - banishing them to perpetual hell)
I'm not sure where you guys get the idea that this is the norm in Muslim countries. Many believe that all Muslim women apparently have to walk 5 feet behind the men, cannot drive, cannot go to school, etc. However, go to any progressive Muslim country such as Turkey, Egypt or even some parts of Pakistan (e.g. Karachi) where all of your close-minded stereotypes of Islam are just that, stereotypes.

This sick man does not represent Islam.
I don't think anyone was saying it's the "norm" in Muslim countries.  I just think we find it difficult to believe that Islam gives women more freedom in many of those countries than they do in the Western world.
PMedMoe said:
I don't think anyone was saying it's the "norm" in Muslim countries.  I just think we find it difficult to believe that Islam gives women more freedom in many of those countries than they do in the Western world.

Read the first post in this thread and you'll notice the "norm" assumption.

Piper said:
I knew stuff like this would make it's way into Canada out of places like Pakistan, etc where killing women over minor religious infractions is the norm. Anyone surprised?
Raising teens is a very difficult job. I raised two of my own and one of someone elses. The girl was the most difficult of the three. It is very difficult to understand how anyone could strangle their own daughter but this guy obviously lost it. Rebelliousness in teenagers is pretty normal here in North America but I'm guessing that growing up in Pakistan it was not the same for him. I'm betting that the headscarf was one of a myriad of things she was rebelling against.
When I was growing up it was long hair on boys, miniskirts and hot pants on girls and that hard driving acid rock that drove our parents crazy. I remember a really bitter fight with my father over the length of my hair one night....35 years later it's hard to believe we were arguing over hair. He refrained from strangling me but he might have felt like it...I was pretty obstinate.
Civi U(ntrained) said:
Many believe that all Muslim women apparently have to walk 5 feet behind the men, cannot drive, cannot go to school, etc. However, go to any progressive Muslim country such as Turkey, Egypt or even some parts of Pakistan (e.g. Karachi) where all of your close-minded stereotypes of Islam are just that, stereotypes.

So, I need to go to a 'progressive' country to see Muslim women enjoying the same freedoms as in the West. Progressive implies ahead of the mean- so you then concur that the 'average' country wouldn't be the same.

Civi U- before joining the CF I was an International Projects Manager for DFAIT and CIDA and had over 7 years of experience working abroad. Please do not imply that my views are close-minded. Like I said in a previous post, domestic violence is not isolated to the Muslim community. However, I took exception to the comments suggesting that their 'culture' provides women greater liberties. Give your head a shake. I think the ivory towers of academia are giving you hypoxia.