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Highway(s) of Heroes - Merged Thread

No, as a matter of fact he didn't. But I can imagine he was wondering what was going on as the cop took a moment and struck a Captain Morgan-esque pose on his back. :blotto:
(that woulda been a great time to be armed with a rapier... pointy end down in the small of the back)

Thank you for the story and thanks for the support.  You possibly don't know how much you're actually contributing.  We've got the combat power to win the battles over here.  We have the discipline to keep civilian casualties down to minimum (zero, hopefully).  The only way the Taliban can have any success, is by 'winning' back in Canada.  That is, good people saying and doing nothing, while allowing nay-sayers to push any of the various agendas (getting elected, espousing pacifisms, etc.) that are attempting to remove us from this war far, far sooner than we need to stay.

Your article is helping to win as surely as a 155mm round helps on the battlefield.  hmm... that sounds kinda goofy when I re-read it... but, I mean it though.  Thank you for your contributions, now, in the past, and in the future.


P.S.  PatrickO, thanks for the great anecdote about the Captain Morgan cop.  Here's a salute back to him!  :salute:
Thanks Mark
What I've always said to people is, I'm the middle man.  I'll write as best as I can what I see and feel, but it's the people going and standing on the bridges, carrying the Canadian flags through all sorts of weather that is doing this.  Like I've said, I think standing on the bridges we all feel we want to somehow feel that we are doing something for the soldiers and their families.
There are a number messages to get across to the people in the procession.
They are not alone.  If we could reach down from the bridge and give them all hugs, we would.
But again, thanks, it means a lot to me.
zanshin said:

Thank you for the story and thanks for the support.  You possibly don't know how much you're actually contributing.  We've got the combat power to win the battles over here.  We have the discipline to keep civilian casualties down to minimum (zero, hopefully).  The only way the Taliban can have any success, is by 'winning' back in Canada.  That is, good people saying and doing nothing, while allowing nay-sayers to push any of the various agendas (getting elected, espousing pacifisms, etc.) that are attempting to remove us from this war far, far sooner than we need to stay.

Your article is helping to win as surely as a 155mm round helps on the battlefield.  hmm... that sounds kinda goofy when I re-read it... but, I mean it though.  Thank you for your contributions, now, in the past, and in the future.


P.S.  PatrickO, thanks for the great anecdote about the Captain Morgan cop.  Here's a salute back to him!   :salute:

My pleasure. The course had a good chuckle when we heard the story. It made for a light moment in what was a pretty serious course.
In the last 24 hours i've had 108 signatures, so thanks to everyone who took the time to make their mark. I've done the math and 81% of those that wrote where they live are 20km from the route, mostly Port Hope and Cobourg. Thanks to everyone who can make it to the bridges to show there support, anyone overseas and Pete for writing the article.

Last night i was brain storming and maybe we could put a Canadian flag on both sides of each overpass which people show their support from. I've only made the trip to Trenton once, so I have no idea how many overpasses there are. Maybe we could put a few plaques at each overpass with a few names of our fallen Heroes and a few words about them, with their families permission of course. Not sure if its do-able, but it would be nice having the names stretch 172km :)
thank you for getting the petition started. There are a few other groups that pick up rather quickley on this so signatures should rise. As for the official naming of the highway; given the efforts of those who have gone out in the numbers that have garnered the attention it has recieved to date it is already known as the "'Highway of Heroes". The media already refers to it as that, and they are never wrong.
My family and I have had the unfortunate experience of riding in a limo on the last trip down that road....I have to say that the whole experience was absolutely overwhelming.  We were moved to tears to realize that Canadians, ordinary people like us shared our pain and pride.  I cannot describe the emotions tied to the vision of 4 elderly legion Ladies Auxiliary Members standing with their flags dipped horizontally as the procession passed, or the youngsters waiving their little paper flags, old and young people standing at attention with their hands over their hearts and the packed bridges that the procession drives beneath.  Drivers going in the opposite direction
obviously stopped spontaneously realizing what was going on - with their doors open, and engines still running standing respectfully as the hearses came upon them. 
At the end of it all the Hulse, Playfair and McGarry gave the families a CD named 50 bridges...immortalizing the experience for us.  (haven't had the nerve to watch it yet)

I would appreciate that the 401 be named Highway of Heroes but sincerely pray that it never be used for such a purpose again.

Thank you to all of you for your support, efforts and endless energy to make us feel that our sons, daughters, husbands, and wives lives have not been lost in vain. 
Lest we forget.

Sheila Anderson

I have no idea who started the following email but I wanted to pass it on as a sign of deep respect for our troops...

For those who don't know, the "Highway of Heroes" is the 172km Hwy 401 stretch from CFB Trenton to Toronto. It earned its name because its the route fallen troops take before heading to the Centre for Forensic Sciences and returned to their families. Since 2002 thousands have stood on overpasses wearing red and holding signs, waiting for the the motorcade to pass. It lets the families know that we're thinking of them and it means so much to them. For the crowd, they feel connected to the family for a few seconds.

I've talked to the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario and I've made a petition to raise a sign in Toronto and Trenton marking the stretch officially the "Highway of Heroes" and raise Canadian flags on each overpass, both sides. If there is a lot of support, I thought it would be nice to set up plaques on each overpass of the names of our fallen in Afghanistan and maybe a few words about each person.

I have made a petition and I don't wish to take credit for the idea, I just made the petition.

Feel free to add any comments. Thanks

MIKsam said:
I have no idea who started the following email but I wanted to pass it on as a sign of deep respect for our troops...


Thats mine  ;D I'm really surprised how many people have signed it considering its been just over 3 days and i have at this second 941 signatures. Thanks to everyone signing and showing their support for something we need to do to honour our veterans.
I putting that link out on my mast e-mail list.  I hope that everyone here has done the same.   :cdn: :salute:



edit: added the link
My petition made it into the Toronto Sun Saturday, but i only found out today. In my petition I credit members of Milnet.ca and I got a nice email you may all enjoy

"I read of the petition in Joe Warmington's column in the resent Toronto Sun.
A most sincere thank you, and to members of Milnet.ca for your and their creating, and writing 401Heros petition to the proper level of government.
I am now 75 years of age...but can still recall as if it was yesterday...my parents receiving the news of my brother Leonard's death in April 1945, while fighting in Holland. He was a member of the 48 Highlanders. 

Again thank you, I have signed the petition...and emailed it to others."

Thank you everyone who started this thread, bringing my attention to it, everyone who has signed it or passed the word around. I'm still just the guy that made the petition and you guys deserve the credit. Thanks  :)
I had the unfortunate Honour of escorting a friend along that stretch of highway, just after 4 July. The entire Escort process is utterly overwhelming and the complete and absolute dignity and respect that people displayed on the trip back to Canada was staggering, but the response along that stretch of highway was in a word - unbelievable. Fortunately, the gentleman driving my hearse warned me and good thing too.

As our long trail of vehicles wound its way along that highway each overpass was loaded with those saluting, waving flags, crying, and saying thank you. It is uncanny the effect complete strangers standing on the side of the road or sitting in their cars crying can have on you as you fly past. I waited for myself to go numb...but no, each bridge brought a resurgence of loss...and absolute pride.

I know, in the sandbox, that there can be doubt, and sometimes downright anger at the misunderstanding, omission, complacency, and hostility that can be perceived in media messages. So there is nothing more therapeutic, than seeing fifty bridges full of Canadians who are proud to be Canadians. I know I needed to see it, and I am glad the families got to see that as well.

Whether the highway ever gets renamed or political disrespect rears its head I know damn well that that the name "Highway of Heroes" is official and seared into my memory for all time.

Thanks to all who pursue this...


Thank you for bringing your friend home

Take care of yourself

For all those interested, I will be on Global Toronto 6 o'clock news tonight!!!!!!! I mentioned this thread on "ARMY.CA" so hopefully it will survive the editing. I noted that I was just the guy that made the petition and everyone here has done more then their part to help get the word out. Thank you everyone. Also as a side note. I averaged about 500 signatures a day. Yesterday in 15 hours it went over 1,000 sigs!