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Highschool hippies

Dean_Thompson said:
Yeah, god forbid any "knuckle dragging testosterone" on an "Army" forum. Is this based around the new politically correct, touchy feely, yellow-card because your hurting my feelings army? And if you can't recognize sarcasm in posts, it makes it hard to be a moderator. Ban me for testosterone. Better than being booted for too much esterogen. :salute:

It's been a slice! (that's sarcasm) and thanks for making it so easy with your own request.
Future Unknown said:
Tomorrow I have to go back to class with these girls.

Okay, I hope you took to heart the "you are close to gittin' some" comments.  I agree.  I would suggest the following:
"I was thinking about what you said about the military, but I just feel so cold and hard inside.  I just need some closeness and compassion.  Do you think you can bring me back from the edge?"  After you have had your fun, leave a CF recruiting sticker on her mirror and have a good laugh.
LOL That I could work that line for sure,
no joke.
Thank you I will use it tuesday (I would use it monday but I"ll still be in my Grey Cup induced coma)
I'm remembering something from Highschool myself. There was this girl that was a "hippy" she had dreadlocks and the whole bit. She also said she was "Vegan" and did not eat any meat, drink milk, or eat eggs......but she wore leather sandals with socks and had a leather purse? How the heck does that make any sence?

Future Unknown said:
LOL That I could work that line for sure,
no joke.
Thank you I will use it tuesday (I would use it monday but I"ll still be in my Grey Cup induced coma)

Keep us posted, you daycare massacring stud!  ;D
George Wallace said:
Trolling?  Or just reliving fading memories?  Someone who regrets a past career move and is now just a wannabe?  Whatever it is, he isn't making a favourable impression.


Amen to that!  You nailed it George,  bye bye PONTI.


maybesomedayinfantry said:
As you can see from my profile I'm not in the military (yet ;)), But here is my story:

At the place where i work there is a baker (I work at Tims) who thinks he is a know-it-all, so when i tell him i want to join the reserves (Gray and Simcoe Foresters), He starts talking and talking (but mostly swearing :P) about how we shouldn't be in Afghan etc, etc. So i tell him "So you don't believe that woman should have rights and be educated?" lets just say that made him be quite for a few minutes. The really annoying thing is that he doesn't even want to have a friendly debate on the subject, because he already knows everything. I'm not even going to bother with him any more.  :brickwall:

Its Grey & Simcoe Foresters..... not Gray..

Just want a possible recruit of my unit to be correct....

Now onto your hippie bashing..
You should find a link to that video of the woman in the burka being executed by the Taliban, keep it handy, when they give you the crap, say “bullsh*t” and show them the clip and tell them that this was one of the things that made you go up and join, tell them you can’t stand by while innocent people are killed. Tell them they can sit back and pretend to do something, but that you plan on making a difference, even if it means risking your life!

Once you are finished your blurb, and the girl(s) are nice enough looking, say: “Enough of this lets go get a beer or a Martini” I have never met a woman who does not prefer a guy that is confident about his position.
Next time you get into an argument with these two females...what you do is you record the theme song from 'Wonder Years'. Afterwards, you punch them both in the mouth in front of everyone and play the theme song while staring straight in one direction without blinking. The two girls, seeing how crazy you are, crawl towards the exit and tell the reporters who are waiting outside that you were so amazingly right and POOF! Their eyes explode due to how fantastically right you were the WHOLE time!  :D

This rarely falls into place exactly like this, but when it does...you will know you have done something to serve your community and for future generations.

edit:  Sorry I've had really bad experiences with people like this. My girlfriend and I just got into an argument about Canadians in Afghanistan.
Proud Forester said:
Its Grey & Simcoe Foresters..... not Gray..

Just want a possible recruit of my unit to be correct....

Now onto your hippie bashing..
My apologies my hopefully soon to be master  :salute:  ;D
Did any of you folks hear about our big G20 protests in Melbourne on the weekend? It was a beautiful day here, just the lazy 35 and i was taking part in a pub crawl with a couple of other guys. Arrived into the city to find that the coppers had formed a huge square protecting the Hyatt hotel and we had to go around to get the pub we were heading for on the other side of them.
Dead set, i've never seen a worse bunch of dirty, unwashed people, most of whom either looked like outright hippies or were aiming for the punk "I love Anarchy" look. I even saw a guy i knew in school, throwing bottles at the cops and screaming "Die you fascists DIE!". Half of them didnt even know what it was all about, just yelling anarchy slogans and telling the cops they were fascists. We were lucky enough to see a great baton charge though which i really enjoyed...sadly the protesters being batoned didnt seem so keen on it. Quote of the day goes to two girls who would have only been 16 (highschool hippies) who were sitting in front of the horses (who hadnt moved since well before these girls sat there) and telling the news crew that this was just like Tiannamin Square, the horses were tanks and that the protesters were all heroes.

I dont think they liked it when me and the boys started calling out to them "Equal rights for Gay, black Whales" either  >:D, although i did see a few smiles from the coppers. They were stupid, simple minded protesters who wanted to cause havoc and claim they were helping the world. Bloody hippy punks!
Hale said:
Did any of you folks hear about our big G20 protests in Melbourne on the weekend? It was a beautiful day here, just the lazy 35 and i was taking part in a pub crawl with a couple of other guys. Arrived into the city to find that the coppers had formed a huge square protecting the Hyatt hotel and we had to go around to get the pub we were heading for on the other side of them.
Dead set, i've never seen a worse bunch of dirty, unwashed people, most of whom either looked like outright hippies or were aiming for the punk "I love Anarchy" look. I even saw a guy i knew in school, throwing bottles at the cops and screaming "Die you fascists DIE!". Half of them didnt even know what it was all about, just yelling anarchy slogans and telling the cops they were fascists. We were lucky enough to see a great baton charge though which i really enjoyed...sadly the protesters being batoned didnt seem so keen on it. Quote of the day goes to two girls who would have only been 16 (highschool hippies) who were sitting in front of the horses (who hadnt moved since well before these girls sat there) and telling the news crew that this was just like Tiannamin Square, the horses were tanks and that the protesters were all heroes.

I dont think they liked it when me and the boys started calling out to them "Equal rights for Gay, black Whales" either  >:D, although i did see a few smiles from the coppers. They were stupid, simple minded protesters who wanted to cause havoc and claim they were helping the world. Bloody hippy punks!

Throwing water baloons of urine at the Police, beating up members of the media because they are for 'commercial' stations, protesting against everything under the sun, things that had nothing to do with global economics, throwing marbles under police horses hooves, breaking windows of every vehicle and building in sight.

FFS just thinking back on how violent they were and the harm they caused those cops makes me more angry than I could put into words.

I hope the full force of the law comes down on all of them, and then some.

Last G20 meeting a few yearsa ago in Melbourne, a cop got a bravery award for rescuing 3 kids who were about to be trampled by the anarcist losers, but a few months later, after some of the "protesters" complained of police "brutality", his award was taken away for no good reason.

These anarchist groups should be banned as far as I'm concerned, they are overstepping rights to free speech, they want to take down all of our governmental and legal systems, and they use violence in spreading thier message, and in that regard they are no different to the terrorist groups.
They are different from terrorists in that at least terrorists in some convoluted way believe in something.  These clowns are pretty much the same hammerheads that go to British soccer games and then get in fights. 
Fighting with the police is beyond useless and will genereally just get your ass kicked.  You really aren't serving much purpose at that point. 
These are repeats, but I love them still:




I don't mind scores of protesters so long as they behave themselves.  I can even overlook their ignorance of fact, so long as those prick 'anarchists' stay home.  It's those morons who subvert a perfectly sound democratic right.
It's sort of ironic that they try so hard to take down the very government that gives them the right to do what they do.
Hey guys, this is my first post and I had to say

A) what a laugh you gave me at the end of a long day and

B) It would have gone right by me the ladies were interested in me as well...

Not a Troll, just haven't jumped into a debate yet...

Nieghorn said:
I don't mind scores of protesters so long as they behave themselves.  I can even overlook their ignorance of fact, so long as those prick 'anarchists' stay home.  It's those morons who subvert a perfectly sound democratic right.
Good ol' logic takes 'em down for me, every time.  You already know when their arguments are faulty; all you have to do is tell them where and how.