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Highschool hippies


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So today I'm sitting in the library with two good looking girls,
and the topic turns to panhandlers, the convo gets pretty heated amoung some of the people but my position is clear.
My arguement is that I couldn;t truely respect a man that doesn't work for a living or at least try to better there situation, and then these girls started yelling at me and calling me a baby killer, saying that they don't respect anyone who turns murder into a career, I suppose they've been saving up thoughts and planning to tell me off for a while.
(I came to rememberance day in uniform otherwise they wouldn't even know I was a reservist).
This went on for 10 minutes, I was called everything you can think of, I'm a puppet for george bush, one girl argued that the Canadian forces go house to house and kill random families and that our soul purpose is to guard oil.  I told them there is no oil in Astan but that didn't matter. I just sat there and took it,
I learned a long time ago that no matter what I could say it won't make a difference.
What I found funny is that these girls sang in front of the school for rememberance day.
Tomorrow I have to go back to class with these girls.
Future Unknown said:
I just sat there and took it,
I learned a long time ago that no matter what I could say it won't make a difference.

Great training for a long career in the military........and as a husband!!  ;D


They dig you man,  get in there, if they are good looking.  They were doing that to see if you would get all fired up!

Geez,  do I still gotta pass this info along....the Romans knew of this...Carpe Diem.



Spot on there 48th! Coitus Circum i say...not strictly latin but if you jiggle it around it makes sense.
Obviously these girls just dont know how to say they fancy you and love a man in uniform so they'r playing hard to get by insulting you and being ignorant because they want- NAY - need to hear your soft, soothing voice talking about big things. Duh! Get in there and go for it!

My remedy AND my solution, pretend to be Australian. It worked for me but then again, i am Australian so i suppose i've got a head start there.
Good luck brother, and good hunting.
Forget the war-crap.  Just ask them about the "Free Love" and all that :D
Future Unknown:  You are soooo close to gettin' some!!  You are also quite blind!! ;D
I think that I should talk to these "ladies" for you and "sort them out".  Well, ok, not them, but maybe their mothers are interested?

Haggis said:
Future Unknown:  You are soooo close to gettin' some!!  You are also quite blind!! ;D

Cripes, if he is blind then in that situation I would be considered a blind, dumb, deaf, mute....as far as the "make sexy time" was concerned.  :P

I would have ripped a couple of new ones for them. God...I'm out of touch......


p.s. ha ha, If getting called names and ridiculed was close to "getting some", my 1st wife and I would still be in bed!
man it is going to be so dirty and wild.....she wants it...from you... when she asks if you have a condom look her straight in the eyes and say "who is the baby killer now"
mover1 said:
man it is going to be so dirty and wild.....she wants it...from you... when she asks if you have a condom look her straight in the eyes and say "who is the baby killer now"

I can honestly say that something like this has happened to me, didn't turn out so well. The "ladies" weren't all that nice to the fact that i'm joining the forces, and they thought that a slapp in the face would change my mind. They said everything under the sun to me about those "oil" theroies and how we kill everything we can. Never saw her since  :( . oh well, more fish in the sea, and more girls here in Newfoundland.

May I also add that she was not from here, and the people here support our military and people joining up with it.
OK, here's my "University Hippy" story.
In 1993 I was in a night class at UWO in London.  This was on my own time, always there in civvies.  Anyway, I never told ANYONE what I did.  Now, this class was a German Language class and we had to converse with one another as part of our practice.  One day, the subject was "Careers" and whether or not the career you wanted to be in "when you grew up" was biased towards men, towards women, or both. Johnny wanted to be a rocket scientist, Jane wanted to be a lawyer, etc etc.  It comes to me, and I say in my best German "I am already well into my career"  "Oh?" asked the Frau Professorin.  "What is that?" Reluctantly I reply "I'm in the army.  I'm an infantryman" (I think I said "Panzergrenadier" or something like that, but I digress...)  Blah blah, the story goes on.
So, during the break, I go out to have a smoke, thinking "I'm going to hear it from the Birkenstock Brigade now!"  Actually, quite the opposite happened.  "Wow, in the army?  Really?  Cool"  This was from "the ladeez". ;)  One girl went on about her friend who was a supply tech or something.  "Yeah?" said this one girl, "Well, Dave here's in the infantry".  Yes, I think that Moonbase Alpha would have picked up my swelling ego at that point.
Anyway, the point is.....well, some universities are more "left" than others.  UWO is definately NOT left, although they do have those elements there.
Lots of hippies out here on the "Left Coast". I used to threaten bodily harm when I'd get attitude from the tree huggin' welfare recipients, but as I'm getting older I find it the most fun to just laugh at them. They get even more wound up if you find humour in their beliefs. The sad thing about High School hippies is that most of them learned their views from a hippie teacher who preaches their own beliefs instead of just teaching the facts. Screw this, I'm going back to threatening bodily harm! :threat:
I had a history teacher who used to make very, very pointed remarks about anyone in the army, usually while staring at me. My favorite was when she said that the British and Australian Army were made up of people who went to the army instead of prison and that we should be disarmed to go fight the bushfires.
She actually had people thinking she was right, even with me, the happy little reservist, sitting in the background telling her she was wrong.
When she said she wouldnt mourn any Australian casualties over there i got up and left. To which she said "I suppose the truth hurts you". I said that if she was going to recite meaningless propaganda and push a flawed and cruel agenda that i wasnt going to listen to her stupid ramblings...
You just got to make a stand against people and tell them you dont agree at all. For them to read more from more sources and to expand they'r minds and look at the bigger picture. We'r all citizens of the world i reckon and we've all got a part to play.
Dean_Thompson said:
Lots of hippies out here on the "Left Coast". I used to threaten bodily harm when I'd get attitude from the tree huggin' welfare recipients, but as I'm getting older I find it the most fun to just laugh at them. They get even more wound up if you find humour in their beliefs. The sad thing about High School hippies is that most of them learned their views from a hippie teacher who preaches their own beliefs instead of just teaching the facts. Screw this, I'm going back to threatening bodily harm! :threat:


The sad thing about High School hippies is that most of them learned their views from a hippie teacher who preaches their own beliefs instead of just teaching the facts.
That is the only point worthy of the post. The rest is knuckle dragging testoterone. It's not needed here, but you can probably find some other sites where you'd be welcome.
recceguy said:

That is the only point worthy of the post. The rest is knuckle dragging testoterone. It's not needed here, but you can probably find some other sites where you'd be welcome.
Yeah, god forbid any "knuckle dragging testosterone" on an "Army" forum. Is this based around the new politically correct, touchy feely, yellow-card because your hurting my feelings army? And if you can't recognize sarcasm in posts, it makes it hard to be a moderator. Ban me for testosterone. Better than being booted for too much esterogen. :salute:
As you can see from my profile I'm not in the military (yet ;)), But here is my story:

At the place where i work there is a baker (I work at Tims) who thinks he is a know-it-all, so when i tell him i want to join the reserves (Gray and Simcoe Foresters), He starts talking and talking (but mostly swearing :P) about how we shouldn't be in Afghan etc, etc. So i tell him "So you don't believe that woman should have rights and be educated?" lets just say that made him be quite for a few minutes. The really annoying thing is that he doesn't even want to have a friendly debate on the subject, because he already knows everything. I'm not even going to bother with him any more.  :brickwall:
Dean_Thompson said:
Yeah, god forbid any "knuckle dragging testosterone" on an "Army" forum. Is this based around the new politically correct, touchy feely, yellow-card because your hurting my feelings army? And if you can't recognize sarcasm in posts, it makes it hard to be a moderator. Ban me for testosterone. Better than being booted for too much esterogen. :salute:

How are you not banned? (No offence because I secertly agree with much of what you say but I"d never say it)
Most of your posts are clearly trolling.
Future Unknown said:
How are you not banned? (No offence because I secertly agree with much of what you say but I"d never say it)
Most of your posts are clearly trolling.

Trolling?  Or just reliving fading memories?  Someone who regrets a past career move and is now just a wannabe?  Whatever it is, he isn't making a favourable impression.