Ahh my favortie point of education. What is education and knowledge. Well it is the information one can attain in a subject that one can may or shall use in their life. Who determines what education is, right now our cash hungry Universities and goverment. I have been working in one form or another since i was 12 years old. I never had alot of money nor do i now. I have a lot of education though not the type that one would consider to be a traditional one. For example a BA or an MD, or what ever else a person whom has spend a great deal of money on to say they have accomplsihed something. I have expierance and lots of it in different fields of work and facits of life. I have plumbed, fixed cars, washed cars, fixed airplanes, delivered papers, worked washing dishes (my worse one day job ever), worked for the Army and now the Airforce. What has that given me now. Well a stable and secure job to which I like.( i may not like the people though) I make a modest $25 an hour and have been up and downfrom $9 to $50. Some jobs are not worth your happiness and what, and where you want to be. Alot of people get caught up in the further education (directly responds to university and college) and look down upon those whom choose another route. Well i can say i have met some of the smartest peopel ever and their education has been grade 8. Yet where and how they live gave them a much more valid and usefull education. they were hunters and forestry workers up north. their abiltity to tell you about animal population, or tree health or both was second to none. They never had a diploma or a BA, or any of that other pieces of paper that deems you to be smarter then some one eles and a more dedicated or responsible, smarter person. They had real life expierance. To which their very survival depended on at times. I come from a line of Fishermen whom to most folks are very simple and uneducated, yet what they can tell you about the fisherie and how it has declined would amaze even the highest schooler. due to their lack of a piece of paper saying they are smart their thougths and expierance is usualy ignored. The military is moving into a new genration of operations, they are trying to make our forces smarter, and offering incentives to members for education and such. They have been toying with the thought of not only officers having a degree but now SNR NCO's also. Why is that, does it make you smarter or more capable. I dont know I dont hold a BA or other certificate for such. I do knwo that an education of today is very narrow minded approach to our society. Most students have no clue where they are to go after school, society tries to push them into Universties and such. All through out high school they enforce upon you that a degree is everything, and to be prosperous you should have one. How true this is I dont know. Out of the people i use to hang out with most of them went to universitie and now work logging and construction. Their $40 000 in debt has made them a more dedicated worker for the fact that they make the same wage as every one else does except they now have to an additional $40 000 off. I am not knocking higehr education by attending other insatitutions, but we as a society have graduated so far to the left that we think and really do beleive that we need a BA, MD or other title in order to do a fine job and get a good paying job. The bottom line is i am happy as are millions of Canadians with our meager $15 to 30 an hour jobs living where we are, doing the hard manual physical labour whom so many look down upon with such disaproval. I am proud to say i am a average guy with an average wage whom is very happy with my life,. Desppite my lack of formal education. If you have kids whom are in their last few years of school, do one thing and that is make them get a job working at a labour intenvise job, this can range from MC D's, construction. automovtive etc. Have them realize and respect those whom build your houses, fix your cars, sell your food, and also protect your country. Do not look down upon those whom do not have initials before or after their name. use them and treat them with the respect they deserve with out them you would have little to nothing to do.