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High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

If a police officer is caught lying in court can that incident be brought up in future court cases involving the officer in order to challenge their credibility?
Absolutely. Anything we do that impugns our credibility can, and for every criminal case we have to submit what’s called a McNeil disclosure to crown- McNeil was a Supreme Court case where police credibility came into question. When we send a McNeil, we have to disclose to crown any conduct history and any open unresolved allegations, as well as any criminal or serious provincial convictions.

Having a dirtied-up McNeil can absolutely be a career limiting thing for at least the short and mid term, or forever depending on how serious it is. There are some support units that have a certain notoriety as being suitable places to gainfully employ police officers who’ve eaten some form of misconduct until it gets more stale. But anything directly speaking to your integrity has pretty much no ‘best by’ date. Now, none of this means you can’t work investigations- but management will tend to be selective in who they choose for significant roles, or in units where the unit’s mandate might be relevant to the type of misconduct.
Punishing someone for trying to keep Canadians safe even while on vacation, how terrible.
Lots of info missing here. Did he leave BC or Canada with it? Was he drinking while carrying? Was it stored and transported as per departmental policies?

One of the reasons that I'm not a fan of civilian concealed carry here in Canada is that it limits ones options. LEOs are trained in empty hand interventions, as well as carrying OC spray, batons and CEW as well as a firearm. Each has it's place in the use of force continuum. Having just a firearm, fists and feet limits your ability to respond appropriately to an act or threat of violence where a firearm may not be appropriate given the situational factors at play.
Punishing someone for trying to keep Canadians safe even while on vacation, how terrible.
The only reference I have for this is a few years back a guy taking an RCMP firearm to attend NTOA courses without authorization. It was on vacation time. There was a conversation surrounding a code/charge.

Outside of that scenario is doesn’t really make sense unless they are hitting the range with someone somewhere else. And a memo could make that fine.
Outside of that scenario is doesn’t really make sense unless they are hitting the range with someone somewhere else. And a memo could make that fine.
Memos are so last century. We have a form for that!
For the McNeil report it’s not just police officers that have to submit them. I have to as well as a fire inspector for any cases that go to court as well as any bylaw officers in the city I work at. Job issues can also occur because of it as well.
For the McNeil report it’s not just police officers that have to submit them. I have to as well as a fire inspector for any cases that go to court as well as any bylaw officers in the city I work at. Job issues can also occur because of it as well.

No shit? Thanks, I didn’t know that. Bylaw I would have guessed as analogous. As a fire inspector are you a peace officer under your empowering legislation?
All the language surrounding McNeil and the decisions is very specific saying “police misconduct” and officers and civilians working for police services.

I’ve got no doubt that there are places that extend that beyond police misconduct by practice but the decisions are quite specific. It’s probably a prudent practice.

That said, the majority of Canada doesn’t have a system to actually track “serious misconduct” by bylaw officers and they are only bound by the behaviors of any city employee so I don’t know how they would wind up with a McNeil’able disclosure. 🤔

But it’s probably prudent to have all your peace officers disclosing it.

I could be wrong on some of that- my expertise isn’t in this stuff.
I’ll check myself- it appears the interpretation today is that it extends to all “third parties” that might have relevant information. So in theory any witness could be in this position- certainly any peace officer.
I’ll check myself- it appears the interpretation today is that it extends to all “third parties” that might have relevant information. So in theory any witness could be in this position- certainly any peace officer.
Our members, who are federal peace officers - not police - are required to submit a McNeil as well.
No shit? Thanks, I didn’t know that. Bylaw I would have guessed as analogous. As a fire inspector are you a peace officer under your empowering legislation?
In Ontario under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act we are not considered peace officers, we are Assistants to the Fire Marshal. That being said we are considered Provincial Offenses Officers under the Provincial Offences Act.
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We have to disclose numerous things. Including internal discipline rulings if it has lead to a suspension or if it is related to the case before the courts. Along with anything that we haven't received a pardon for. It is then up to the City prosecutors as to what to disclose to the defense. They could release everything or nothing depending on their interpretation. We also have an option of speaking to them prior to this decision. I'm not to sure on everything else as I haven't had to disclose anything. Currently we do a McNeil disclosure on every case, they are talking about do an annual one but don't know about this.

I do know that certain items can be game over for us as an inspector such as falsifying tax records or anything along that line as well as anything to do with items where your integrity could be called into question. This is in part due to the fact that we operate on our own with nothing other than our notes and possibly photos to back up what we state as issues. It's only been in the last 5 or so years that we've had to do this as the City wanted to get ahead of any legal challenges on a McNeil ruling for inspectors. So far I haven't heard of any inspectors in our department getting transferred or released for any McNeil issues.
We have to disclose numerous things. Including internal discipline rulings if it has lead to a suspension or if it is related to the case before the courts. Along with anything that we haven't received a pardon for. It is then up to the City prosecutors as to what to disclose to the defense. They could release everything or nothing depending on their interpretation. We also have an option of speaking to them prior to this decision. I'm not to sure on everything else as I haven't had to disclose anything. Currently we do a McNeil disclosure on every case, they are talking about do an annual one but don't know about this.

I do know that certain items can be game over for us as an inspector such as falsifying tax records or anything along that line as well as anything to do with items where your integrity could be called into question. This is in part due to the fact that we operate on our own with nothing other than our notes and possibly photos to back up what we state as issues. It's only been in the last 5 or so years that we've had to do this as the City wanted to get ahead of any legal challenges on a McNeil ruling for inspectors. So far I haven't heard of any inspectors in our department getting transferred or released for any McNeil issues.
Makes total sense. There are lots of places discussing a filed McNeil that you karate annually or update when something happens. This requires an organized crown….sooooooo I don’t see it happening.

I’ve been listening to that suggested course of action for years now.
Makes total sense. There are lots of places discussing a filed McNeil that you karate annually or update when something happens. This requires an organized crown….sooooooo I don’t see it happening.

I’ve been listening to that suggested course of action for years now.
File annually not karate annually. But I would support that too
Makes total sense. There are lots of places discussing a filed McNeil that you karate annually or update when something happens. This requires an organized crown….sooooooo I don’t see it happening.

I’ve been listening to that suggested course of action for years now.
I see no reason 90% of the McNeil disclosure process couldn't be automated through existing HR software.

Cops ripped for arresting reporter trying to ask Chrystia Freeland questions​

Looks like the cop steps in front of the reporter then starts crying about being assaulted. Even Elon Musk chimed in.
I won’t offer any comment on the subsequent arrest part of it; that’s up to the arresting officer to articulate his grounds- but crowding a minister with a protective detail into a wall is definitely going to get you intervened with.

It’s interesting that Freeland has a protective detail now.