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Hey, Reservists!


Army.ca Veteran
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Looking around in the various Infantry Battalions, I notice a dearth of trained support personnel. We ain't got 'em and we can't get 'em. I'm wondering, are there Reservist Supply Techs, Clerks, and Signals dudes? (This is me displaying my compete ignorance of the Militia. I apologize, but then, I can't keep most of the stuff in my job straight.) If so, how hard is it for them to get work with the Regs? I see no reason we couldn't draw from the Militia to backfill. Is this completely moronic? Has this sort of thing been done? Can it be done? Is there even any interest in the Reserves to come work with 3 VP?

I know everyone is all hot and bothered to get on a cool-guy tour an' all, but your country needs you here even more.

I'd appreciate the feedback (and the education on the Reserves.)
Would that be concidered a C class posting?

Would your unit have to make the request for Tech postings?

I believe that's what we used to do.

Sorry, I'm a bit rusty on current orders.

Just itemize the jobs - get funding in place and advertise with LFWA Tasking - then branch out - I understand 10 - 20% of the current reserve force is on full time somewhere in the system in Canada.... you don't ask you don't get - be prepared to conduct some trg to get them up to speed on the specific requirements.

If you write more than aparagraph on the rank and trade and job description its probably too much. At this time the students are back in school - but if you have bed spaces and seats at the messhall why not give it a try?

PM me for any ideas - always happy to give ideas!  :)
In the past couple of years thre have been a bunch of reservists from my unit who have gone on class B contracts to backfill positions at 2 Fd Amb and other units, as well as sending members on tours to Bosnia and the Golan.
Ditto to what Hunter said, except replace Medics with Sigs. There's quite a number of signals units throughout Canada, all of which sent out pers to support both Reg Force units, and overseas ops.
I'm liking where we're going. Now, I just hafta draft up some sort of idea that will float with my Boss, and his Boss, and his Boss, and then we can try to run it out to the relevent Reserve units.

oy gevalt!
Hey Paracowboy,

Once you have all the go aheads, contact the Senior NCOs of the units.
Let them know what is being offered, so questions can be passed up the ladder on there end.
Just going back some years when offers of training or postings were not passed down too us.
Then finding out later what we had missed out on. >:(

Just an extra nickels worth.
And then, the units need to honour those commitments. 

I hope the days of reservists being hired for one (interesting) job only to spend their time propping up a units parade state and playing crib in the cage or sweeping the hanger floor are over.

I think you'll probably find no shortage of troops lining up for jobs, IF they can be confidant they'll end up doing the job they signed up for, even if they did sign up for a Bn GD position.


paracowboy said:
Looking around in the various Infantry Battalions, I notice a dearth of trained support personnel. We ain't got 'em and we can't get 'em. I'm wondering, are there Reservist Supply Techs, Clerks, and Signals dudes? (This is me displaying my compete ignorance of the Militia. I apologize, but then, I can't keep most of the stuff in my job straight.) If so, how hard is it for them to get work with the Regs? I see no reason we couldn't draw from the Militia to backfill. Is this completely moronic? Has this sort of thing been done? Can it be done? Is there even any interest in the Reserves to come work with 3 VP?

I know everyone is all hot and bothered to get on a cool-guy tour an' all, but your country needs you here even more.

I'd appreciate the feedback (and the education on the Reserves.)

Militia combat arms units lost a lot of their tradesmen over the last few years.  Many reasons; medics were put back into the CFMS Empire (or whatever it is called these days - Health Something or Other).  Clerks by and large went to the Armoury Support Centres, though some remained with their units; I am one of them (employed in clothing stores, actually and very happy about it).  Our Signals WO went back to a Comms Sqn I believe.

We used to have a couple weapons techs; one got out, the other didn't want to go to Borden for four months of Regular Force training - divorcing his wife, quitting his civvie job, etc.  Our vehicle tech took the cash gratuity after retiring early (he was ex Reg Force also) but it didn't matter as I don't think the new establishment had any techs on it.

All the little empires like to keep their personnel unto themselves these days.
Hunter said:
In the past couple of years thre have been a bunch of reservists from my unit who have gone on class B contracts to backfill positions at 2 Fd Amb and other units, as well as sending members on tours to Bosnia and the Golan.

Yes, indeed, We have some very good ones. They usually fill in for the Mat/Pat leave persons who are gone for 6-12 months.
But, unfortunately, for every good reservist who fits in and works well, there is another idiot/weak/attitude who makes it bad for the rest...thankfully they don't last long.
Armymedic said:
Yes, indeed, We have some very good ones. They usually fill in for the Mat/Pat leave persons who are gone for 6-12 months.
But, unfortunately, for every good reservist who fits in and works well, there is another idiot/weak/attitude who makes it bad for the rest...thankfully they don't last long.

The system for hiring Class B backfills is quite a bit different than that for preparing Reservists for deployment.  Some knobs slip through both systems however there are more "peer filters" in pre-deployment screening.

A unit that takes the time to carefully interview and select Class B backfills will reap the rewards.
id love to hear about reserves as i am joining next year once i get my 15 highschool credits in place i shall join id like to know what is given and what the priviliges are etc...


3018 Field Engineers Squadron  MWO
Start getting to know the "Search" feature on the board.

Type in Reserves, you'd be amazed at what you would find ;) Good luck.
This is a good idea Paracowboy. I was a comm res in the early-mid 90s and we used to get some good goes with 2 CMBG. I spent time with 2 CER and the Airborne Regiment (!!) and some other guys did callouts with the RCDs. It wasn't really common, but it happened. Alot of it was back fill while the units were deployed.

It might be hard to get comm res people on taskings with Army units though, the comm res fall under ADM(IM) not CLS (despite the fact that they are Army.) We used to get them from time to time at 2 CMBG HQ & Sigs but it was pretty rare...

I thought that this used to be a really common thing in the militia. Have things become really 'deployment focused?'
well, it ain't gonna happen, so the entire thread is moot.
My CoC had already tried this (shouldn't surprise anyone), and it's been effectively squashed.
The Regs won't pay because they say the Res pers are getting good training. The Res won't pay, because they won't spend the money unless it's about getting their troops on a deployment.

Big pissin' contest, and the troops lose. Again.

Proof the system is F'd

Why not a 50/50 split of funding?
Here you go,

TELL them they're going on tour, get 'em all on CL C, and then rewrite the mission TO&E.  Ta Dah, since the CF has to honor their contracts, instant backfills!

What?  Has this already been done  ;D

ParaMedTech said:
Here you go,

TELL them they're going on tour, get 'em all on CL C, and then rewrite the mission TO&E.   Ta Dah, since the CF has to honor their contracts, instant backfills!

What?   Has this already been done   ;D


Great idea. Deliberately lie to the reserves. ::)
I can just see the charges jumping up for those who would do/or approve this.
What "NO OPERATIONAL TASKING " so why the offer of a Class "C" posting for such. To offer a deliberate false contact would be extremely wrong.

Modified for spelling. Thanks KevinB
X-Royal, the smilie was because this happened, repeatedly, whether by accident or by design.

I didn't mean to imply that it was a good thing.

ParaMedTech said:
TELL them they're going on tour, get 'em all on CL C, and then rewrite the mission TO&E.   Ta Dah, since the CF has to honor their contracts, instant backfills!

If the members terms of service change, there are two choices.  Suck it up and make the best of it or bail out.  If I'd just taken a year off work, I'd suck it up and learn as much as I could in whatever job I got.

In any case, neither is stuck with the other.  Either the CF or the member can cancel a Class C (or B) contract on 30 days notice (60 days if outside Canada).  In cases of misconduct, poor performance etc., the CF may cancel the contract without notice.

X Royal said:
Great idea. Deliberately lye to the reserves. ::)...
To offer a deliberate false contact would be extremely wrong.

Do that a few times and you may as well write off the Reserves for deployments and any form of augmentation short of a declared war. Once bitten twice shy.