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Hey everyone - seeking socials studies essay help


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I was just hoping you guys could give me a hand with my socials studies essay. I have it for the most part figured out but I thought you might have some insight.

The Topic is " To what extent are nuclear Weapons necessary in today's global community."

Correct me if I am wrong but the only time a Nuclear weapon was used on humans was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So I think of these weapons as a scare tactic used by nations who have them, even if they aren't supposed to ( Iran and N. Korea for example).


RAW :cdn:

(Moderator edit to clarify title.)
Yup!  Sort of like being invited to a 'Knife Fight' and showing up with a Shotgun......and asking; "Any takers?"
Ever hear of " Mutualy Assured Destruction."..or MAD  ?
Well I won't do the essay per say but I will help you with some vocab words that might help point you in the right direction:

Cuban Missile Crisis
Def Con 1 through 4
the DEW line
Nuke Subs

and that's about it

As for use in todays society, we know they exist its just no one talks about them as a threat anymore. Yet, they are all still pointing at someone
International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation
Are Nuclear Weapons Necessary?


April 13, 2005
The Role of Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
by Baker Spring and Kathy Gudgel


Nuclear Posture Review [Excerpts]

In my opinion there are a few huge camps.  1)  We got em,  we're good we'll use them (or the threat of them for good.  2) They are to dangerous,  we must reduce the risk of them.  3) If you have them,  I want them - I want what I think they will give me.

Good luck on your essay Might I suggest a compare and contrast style format. :)
The big question is what do you do with them...after 20-30 years its not like you can go and a range and fire off some old ammo now. Whats the shelf life on these suckers?
Zell_Dietrich said:
International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation
Are Nuclear Weapons Necessary?


April 13, 2005
The Role of Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
by Baker Spring and Kathy Gudgel


Nuclear Posture Review [Excerpts]

In my opinion there are a few huge camps.  1)  We got em,  we're good we'll use them (or the threat of them for good.  2) They are to dangerous,  we must reduce the risk of them.  3) If you have them,  I want them - I want what I think they will give me.

Good luck on your essay Might I suggest a compare and contrast style format. :)

..........And DO NOT Plagiarize!
ReadyandWilling said:
Thank you all very much for your help, and dont worry, I wont plaugerize, I will quote though

Are you trying to get out by using a 'loop-hole' in spelling "plagiarize" incorrectly?   ;D
George Wallace said:
Yup!  Sort of like being invited to a 'Knife Fight' and showing up with a Shotgun......and asking; "Any takers?"
Now that I like the sound of  ;D This is right to, like a rock vs. a Glock
If you want a good depressing Cold War read, have a gander at "When War Comes" by Martin Caidin:

Title: When War Comes.
Author(s): Martin, Caidin
ISBN: 0688001114 / 0-688-00111-4 (USA edition)
Publisher: William Morrow

It's quite a work, particularly considering his other works like "Zero Fighter", "Samurai!" and a host of other historical WWII works.
Nuclear weapons were used on people and had been up to the 50';s. The sad part about it was that when the US military was doing its tests, they ordered their soldiers to get up out of the trenches after they had felt the blast and walk towards the center of the explosion. Note all of the generals and scientists were in bunkers


Take the uploaders comments for what they are worth *free*, but at that time things were done in a certain way. As a whole western society has come a far ways.
An excellent radio show on CBC was Ideas - The Cold War Declassified, Part Two, which talked about new information on the Cuban missile crisis and how close we came to nuclear war.  Included is the fact that the Russians had tactical nukes in Cuba with orders to use them if the US attempted to invade (an option the US military was pushing) and Soviet submarines having nuclear tipped torpedoes which they came very close to firing during the naval blockade.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the podcast is still online but site is http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/podcast.html
For the Soviet point of view, web search Semipolanski(?). This is where for about forty odd years the did all their nuc testing and in some cases left the population in place. They also tried using nuc's to dig a canal and also for mining. I wrote a 25 page paper on it a while back and have quite the extensive bibliography on their nuc program. PM me and I will email it to you.

Go look up the scholarship of Dr. James S Finan.  He is an author on Nuclear Weapons & Arms Balance
Quantitative Methods & Modelling Strategic Studies. 