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Help >.. Restricted and prohbited weapons

QORvanweert said:
Well, I found my answer at the MNR website. Apparently it is illegal to own a speargun for the purpose of fishing with it, but you are allowed to go fishing with just the spear. And can own a speargun if you aren't going to go fishing with it. It is really messed up.
same can be said for the whole damn registry

like with airsoft for example (a sport I enjoy): airsoft guns are illegal if they are incapable of causing injury. and in order to be allowed to purchase one, it must be proven that the gun is in fact capable of causing bodily harm.

talk about backwards, there are such bass ackwards approaches all over the CFC legislation
har, well I will solve my problem entirely, I have begun construction on my own speargun. So far I have the stock and barrel, constructed completely from a solid 2x4. The bands have been taken from bungie cords in my hooch gear and the rest is in the making. However, I can't seem to find a way to make a trigger mechanism... any ideas would be appreciated.
QORvanweert said:
har, well I will solve my problem entirely, I have begun construction on my own speargun. So far I have the stock and barrel, constructed completely from a solid 2x4. The bands have been taken from bungie cords in my hooch gear and the rest is in the making. However, I can't seem to find a way to make a trigger mechanism... any ideas would be appreciated.
I really reccomend against this, any kind of home-made contraption like this is just asking for accidental death
I too would recommend against making your own speargun. If you were to be stopped by the police and they found it, I think you could get into some trouble and maybe face some charges.  Pretty sure it would be considered a restricted weapon.
I reccomend that we support this young lad in his asinine adventure - call it "modern day natural selection at work"
QORvanweert said:
. However, I can't seem to find a way to make a trigger mechanism... any ideas would be appreciated.

Yeah see, that alone tells me that you shouldn't be dabbling in this area
Sorry for bringing another one to life  :-\

Just wondering about prohibited weapons. Did some searches, and googles, and can't find anything. Just wondering if there's some sort of license that I can get to obtain prohibited weapons?

Also wondering if there's any types of licenses you can get that allows you to have your own range.

Fry said:
Sorry for bringing another one to life   :-\

Just wondering about prohibited weapons. Did some searches, and googles, and can't find anything. Just wondering if there's some sort of license that I can get to obtain prohibited weapons?

Also wondering if there's any types of licenses you can get that allows you to have your own range.

In short, yes and yes.

Prohibited is a long and painful process, and lots of paperwork, but it can be done.

A range - also yes, but air management is the biggest concern (surprisingly) as opposed to where the projectiles end up.
Fry said:
Sorry for bringing another one to life   :-\

Just wondering about prohibited weapons. Did some searches, and googles, and can't find anything. Just wondering if there's some sort of license that I can get to obtain prohibited weapons?

Also wondering if there's any types of licenses you can get that allows you to have your own range.

Firstly April Phoned - it wants it thread back - and your village called...

Prohibted Weapons are.... =  short answer (class answer) "Prohibited"
                                        Long Answer - if you have a business that does work for the Crown you may get a Firearms Business License with certain prohibted weapon provision in order to complete contracts with the crown, with respect to you --> see short answer.

IF you do not live in a munipality or other entity that has a firearm discharge ban you may fire your weapons on your personal property (provided it is safe - exactly what is or is not safe is another question...).

Canada's gun laws/registry crapola really pisses me off. I do think that "prohibited" weapons should be allowed to be used by police and military personnel with special permits.
Uhm we can --- at work...

Part of the beauty of being in a democracy is everyone is equal (in theory) In Banana Republics somepeople have guns that others cannot...

Personally having played with most everythign under the sun, civilian ownership of automatic weapons and suppressors does not worry me.  You can do much more damage with a truck - plus a bolt action with a skilled user is a lot more effective than a hand held select fire gun.

Yes, at work, I know, but I meant for personal use at your own range prehaps. We own 10 acres of land here, and well the community only has 50-60 people in it, so practising wouldn't be too hard.

I'm inquiring because I'd like to start collecting firearms.
Dude - I dont trust half the guys at work with weapons as it is.
I dont want a lot of them at home with their work guns in a min. supervision environment, when they are max supervision types.

Unless you are grandfathered to own prohibited firearms, you are not going to be able to start collecting them.  Having said that there are some provisions for inheriting some prohibited firearms.  See the Firearms Act, sections 12(1), 12(2), 12(3), 12(4), 12(5), 12(6), 12(7) and 12    ( 8 ), and the Order in Council list that specifies which firearms are considered prohibited, and prohibited with grandfathering.  Recently the CFC has been playing games so that they will no longer permit persons to take certain prohibited firearm types in the above sections (mainly military rifles and converted autos and full autos) to the range for shooting purposes.  Just to be clear, unless you owned registered prohibited firearms at the time that they became prohibited or registered them when required, you cannot own them.

As I understand it some folks are already seeking to challenge this CFC decision in the courts.  See also www.nfa.ca and links for additional information.
KevinB said:
Dude - I dont trust half the guys at work with weapons as it is.
I dont want a lot of them at home with their work guns in a min. supervision environment, when they are max supervision types.

You don't trust your fellow soldier? You should get that problem sorted out.

You should come out where I live then. I shoot when I want, as much as I want. I can wake up 3am and go shoot something if I please.

I inquired about getting a permit for a range, they're being mailed to me. As for prohibited weapons, they told me that I can obtain them only once I have a special license, and there's a lot of messing around to getting it. Apparently, it's very time consuming and difficult to obtain, and those who get them are usually police or military personnel. She told me to inquire in a few years time, things may change.

As for restricted, I'm doing the test when I get back from basic.
Fry said:
You don't trust your fellow soldier? You should get that problem sorted out.

Hah! sign of a new guy - belief in the infallibility of soldiers! ;D
Half of them dont have a driver's licence (and rightfully so)

All you have to do is pay attention on the range and you will see countless reason why...
