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Heading off to do my testing


Fallen Comrade
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Heading off to do my testing march 2nd.....any pointers?
Testing for what? PT? CFAT? I can‘t help you with the PT (haven‘t done it yet) but for the CFAT..well can‘t help ya with that either. Just kidding. I guess all you can do is get a good nights sleep and maybe practice some on line logic/IQ tests.

Here‘s a good one:

Heading off to do my testing march 2nd.....any pointers?
Pass...if you need help on passing the most basic tests, we probably don‘t need you.
What Infanteer means is "good luck".

My brief input:

PT - Do your best. But standards are standards.

CFAT - This is a piece of cake, and if you are looking for infantry as a trade, you do not need to do spectacularly well anyway. Get some rest, don‘t worry, and relax.

Interview - Don‘t mess about, don‘t lie. Relax, tell the truth, and show what you have to offer.

Medical - You can‘t control your medical status. You‘re either fit to serve or not. Don‘t stress about things you cannot control.

Cheers, and good luck.
thanks guys, infanteer I do not need your bull ****, I just asked a question if you cant reply in a reasonable fashion well then dont reply at all. thanks anyways
Originally posted by Benoit:
[qb] thanks guys, infanteer I do not need your bull ****, I just asked a question if you cant reply in a reasonable fashion well then dont reply at all. thanks anyways [/qb]
Here‘s a pointer,
you‘re going to discover as you progress through the process of becoming a soldier, that there are going to be lots of "Infanteers" along the way.

What I mean by that is that people are going to say rude things to you, people are going to take instant dislikings to you for no apparent reason. Worst of all when you first get there, every single one of them, will have more rank than you, making it impossibly frusterating to deal with because they will be right 100% of the time (even when they‘re wrong).

You‘ll need to learn to not react to every guy who say‘s something you don‘t like. Especially when what they are saying is basically true, as in this case. It may be harsh for Infanteer to say what he did when you came in here with harmless intentions, but the message is valid, and he‘s giving you a realistic glimpse of a lot of "personalities" you‘re bound to meet in the military.

You‘ll be expected to "just shut up and do it" all the time.

So in this case, it‘s assumed that you have already been briefed on the "pointers" that the DND have provided ( practice problems, good nights sleep, eat breakfast, etc) in your application package that you recieve prior to being given a testing date.

It could be likend to being on course, listening to a lecture, and then on the practical phase rather than doing what you‘ve just learned you turn and ask the instuctor/s "any pointers?".

They would question why you needed additional information than what everyone else received. Not neccessarily the end of the world, but when it comes time for promotions and you have written in your file "frequently needs extra instructions", its not going to look to good.

Starting right now, the moment you apply, you are going to constantly be evaluated on your actions, and the people who are best able to absorb everything they learn immediately, and can follow instruction to a tee with minimal supervision or coaching are going to find themselves in leadership positions much quicker than those who can‘t.

Anyway, I‘m sure you can see the point I‘m trying to make. Take it for what it‘s worth, and remember it‘s just my opinion. Don‘t sweat the small stuff like someone‘s attitude towards you in a forum, when you‘re going to have plenty of big stuff to sweat if you get in.
thanks guys, infanteer I do not need your bull ****, I just asked a question if you cant reply in a reasonable fashion well then dont reply at all. thanks anyways
If you look through this forum you would have found the answers to your question. Instead you chose to waste bandwidth with a question that has been asked and answered a million times. Your not doing yourself any favors by making a issue out of it.

You want advice - you can‘t send and receive on a radio at the same time.
INFANTEER having looked at your Military Experiences, I must say I SALUTE YOU...Keep us all alive SIR....Havine said that, it better not be BRAVO-SIERRA>>> :salute:
Since your calling my profile into question, why don‘t you fill in your own.

If you think it is BS, bring it up with the moderator staff. Until then, keep the threats too yourself.
"You want advice - you can‘t send and receive on a radio at the same time."

TYO, someone needs to learn your azz some respect. Infanteer has 900+ posts. I think if he was bogus he would‘ve been rooted out a long time ago. This is not a gripe btw. Your pH level must be around 2 because it‘s all piss and vinegar. I don‘t condone or normally partake in flamewars but you really should consider your words more carefully before hitting "add reply".
There‘s been enough flamewars on this site in the last little while.

Note: Infanteer is a very legitemate members of this website and the CF, and any insinuations to the contrary will not be taken lightly. TYO fill out your profile before calling ANYONES into question, as your questioning of infanteers was completely unwarranted and uneccesary in this thread.

Keep the mudslinging to PM‘s guys.

Mr. Benoit do you feel you‘ve had your question answered or would you like some more feedback?
I just wanted to know how you guys practice for the cfat?. I would also like to say im sorry to infanteer, forgot that if you want to be in the infantry you have to be hard nosed and straight to the point, I respect that and I respect you guys. Thanks
Its really a no study thing, if you can do basic math (I mean really basic add subtract multiply divide and do the odd fraction) your fine. The other part you really cant study for, short of reading a dictionary.


That is a good practice test.

I Just came back from it yesterday and I found it really easy and most of the people there got all the trades possible. So don‘t worry about it. :gunner: