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Head Shaving/BMQ (merged)

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I went through Cornwallis in 86 and the other platoons would call us "Alice" till we got it cut. For some long forgoten reason we weren't allowed to shave our head, even guys that were bald on top weren't allowed to shave it all off. This was enforced right up in to the late 90s.
Tank Troll said:
I went through Cornwallis in 86 and the other platoons would call us "Alice" till we got it cut.

Hey, me too!  Same thing.
Not sure what it's been like lately.....but when I was there in Gagetown in 89 the temperature got up to 40 degrees a couple of days.  It was a very hot summer, and didn't rain very often.

I was the first guy to get a #1 cut, as I figured why not.  I was glad I didn't shave it completely, as even though I tan very well, a few of the guys who also received #1's had REALLY white heads.  We were told that if we sunburnt our heads too much to be able to wear our berets, it'd be considered a selfinflicted wound. ;)
I had that stupid mindset during basic.

"You're banned from shaving your head"


"Because we said so"

Obviously a stupid concept that shave heads on white guys means you're racist.
Considering the burn a couple of the guys got on their heads that summer, I do see the point in leaving a bit of hair up top.  :nod:

But yeah, I've heard that mindset before too.
Not to mention there's a few people out there like myself and my buddy Kovacs, that if we shaved our head shorter than #1, we'd have stripes on our heads because of folds on our scalps ;)
GAP said:
At least you won't be one of the ones sobbing into their pillows in the receiving barracks the first night because you lost your golden locks to the nasty, nasty barber......

Seriously dissatisfied I remarked to my Crse staff that I looked like a skin head (I am blond and blue eyed of German descent) and the haircut looked unprofessional (they did not shave the nape of the neck), they said nothing as they walked away but you could tell they were not amused.

They should go back to the old system of whatever is under your beret you can keep.

Get Nautical said:
Seriously dissatisfied I remarked to my Crse staff that I looked like a skin head (I am blond and blue eyed of German descent) and the haircut looked unprofessional (they did not shave the nape of the neck), they said nothing as they walked away but you could tell they were not amused.

Nope, you looked like a new recruit. 
Get Nautical said:
They should go back to the old system of whatever is under your beret you can keep.
Ah....clearly a crusty old vet with many decades of experience.    ::)
When was that old system in place?  I must have missed it during my first time around in 96.
stealthylizard said:
When was that old system in place?  I must have missed it during my first time around in 96.

The 80s early 90s. But that was only after you got done basic and trades training, and you had to keep you beret on all the time so it wasn't as great as it might seem.
ballz said:
When I was there in 2009 it had to be at least down to a #2, but you were allowed to go with #1. You weren't allowed to go to zero for some reason. Our Sgt said it was a safety thing because they were zipping so many people in and out all the time as fast as possible and with weird heads and weird deformities that people have and stuff they didn't want to accidentally cut off a person's third nipple or something :rofl:

0s have a possibility of causing ingrown hairs and should that happen, the member would have to goto sick parade if it gets infected and miss out on training time. This, in turn, may cause them to fail.

IMHO, just get a 2 all around (maybe even a 1) and live with it. You are there for (hopefully only) 2 months and you shouldn't be looking to impress the Montreal women with your James Dean hair. Do the job, move on. Worry about pushing the enevlope and worry about hair regulations once you are trade-qualified. If you do get it cut ahead of time, do not watch 'Full Metal Jacket' and get a 'high'n'tight' before going to basic. When I was there, they'll make you bring it to have less contract between ahir and no hair.
ballz said:
....Our Sgt said it was a safety thing because they were zipping so many people in and out all the time as fast as possible and with weird heads and weird deformities that people have and stuff they didn't want to accidentally cut off a person's third nipple or something :rofl:

You know I REALLY don't want to know what body parts you guys were shaving.  :o
Get Nautical said:
They should go back to the old system of whatever is under your beret you can keep.
I joined in 85 and back then we had guys in the Bn that would go to the barber and leave their berets on while they were in the chair...... :warstory:
I remember coming out of Bosnia in 94 and having to wear my ball cap because my beret didn't fit. ;D
I looked around for this answer and in the CF grooming guidelines, it says you can maintain a shaved head but is that allowed in BMQ?
My hair is bald at top. So, I'm not trying to be "hardcore" or anything along those line.
I shave my head regularity with an electric shaver. (Not a hair trimmer). It takes about 2-3 mins in the evening.
That way, it's just stubble for the whole next day. Not right to the skin. I don't ever shave my head with shaving cream and a razor.

I asked this question elsewhere and I've been getting different answers:
"You can't shave your head due to excess sweat infecting follicles"
"A sunburn you can be charged for self mutilation"
"If you arrive with a shaved head, you can maintain it"
"If you shave your head,  you can't shave it and you're only allowed a #1 as the lowest length during the indoctrination period.
After that's over, you can shave your own head off of the base premises"

I’ve been reading different things and it's really confusing.
I just want to be sure that you’re allowed to shave your head.
Thank you for your time to whoever reads this.
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