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Has anyone seen...


Jr. Member
Reaction score
..... Stealth?

I want to see it, but I heard it got some crappy reviews.  I guess Jessica Biel isn't too convincing as a fighter pilot - but it does look cool... UAVs, etc.  I wonder how realistic it is.

Realistic... uhh... probly not so much... but an excuse to blow lots of stuff up... you know it :D ;)
I remember about 9 months or so ago there was an email floating around the internet with a picture of one of the prop aircraft aboard a carrier, with a caption saying something about "check out this next generation US figher.  The X-whatever...' 

Yeah here we go.  http://www.snopes.com/photos/airplane/a37.asp

Is that Jessica Biel sitting in that "Talon" ??

ohhhh ya Jessica Biel, the bikini scene is we'll worth my $10  :blotto:

As for the rest of the movie.......ah forget it let me see the bikini part and thats it, the rest looks too boring and dumb.


Mike F.
Okay - I saw Stealth today.  I admit, I was interested by the previews (being an almost-qualified-air weapons controller), and I wanted to see how realistic the movie was.

The verdict? Typical Hollywood.  The movie itself wasn't terrible for entertainment, but there was a lot of stuff that was VERY unrealistic.

So the 3 fighters are flying Talons - Naval hypersonic stealth fighters (it's futuristic obviously - the US Navy is still working on the Talons).  So this new UAV starts to fly with them, and goes nuts and starts commanding itself, going after targets of its own choosing.

There were lots of unrealistic parts (although in a review I read it says the director worked with a LCdr to ensure authenticity, so I don't know!)

The UAV goes up to a tanker and tries to refuel and is denied fuel - so it shoots the drogue off and fuel just starts flying everywhere.  He approaches the hose and attaches his probe to it and starts refuelling.  I don't think so.

I also like the scene where they enter Russian airspace, and two Su-37s come after them and are firing off their guns like crazy - not just a few quick bursts - long, continuous firing.  I don't know that much about Su-37s, but how many rounds do they carry?  Not that many! And they wouldn't use their guns as their primary armament - guns are last resort.  I wont tell you what happens to the Su-27s, but Im sure you can guess.

Anyway - it's typical Hollywood.  Not realistic, but mildly entertaining.  Could have done without the Jessica Biel bikini shots or the love story developing between 2 of the pilots. 

Awsome feedback Judy especially the "love story developing between 2 of the pilots." Why, oh why must Hollywood direct films that make them seem so "futuristic, action packed" then ya go and watch it and half of it is the same lovey dovey garbage over and over again 

I think after checking the reviews out online and on this thread i'll save the coin and wait until she comes out on dish.  :boring:

Take it eas'

Mike F.