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Has anyone had anything stolen?

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Gorf, the topic is about stolen kit. You asked the question, so inevitably the answers would be almost all positive. Many of us have never has stuff stolen.

Don't assume it's commonplace. It isn't, and if you're careful you'll never have a problem.

Bossi's point about logistics is a good one as well. If you have your own binos/GPS/multi-tool in Kabul, and it's lost, stolen or breaks, you ain't going to get a new one. Try to rely on the kit the Queen provides, and consider any personal stuff as both nice-to-have-but-not-critical and expendable.

Well, I too have been lucky... with the exception of a few pairs of socks in Section laundry (where else but on course?) I have only ever lost items.  Yep.  Lost.  I fully accept responsibility for losses.

I know people who've had stuff "stolen", "borrowed not returned", etc and it sucks. (or so I'm told)

So I guess I'm just repeating previous posts: One soldier (notice the gender neutral PC terminology) one kit.  Label your kit, and keep a grip on it.  You'll thank us all later.

Thanks, I'm sure I will be thanking you...I don't get in untill January for my co-op.....should be good times  :warstory: I will be sure to mark all my equipment. I was just asking as a precaution....to prevent something from happening. Thanks for all the replies.....it was a great help for me and possibly others to prevent this from happening. I'll be marking my stuff, lock it up if possible/or not let the stuff out of sight. Mmmmm.........hopefully I'm not becoming paranoid like my mother  ::)
that you should anyways do... good habit to get into.. even if not for the thefts, but rather for the fact that everyone's kit looks exactly the same...
While I was in borden, i had a palm pilot and laptop stolen from my locker, it was locked up and all someone came into my room and cut the lock and took only those two items. now i know not to take anything to borden thats shiny. the mps said it was my fault for not securing the locker even thou it was locked and the cut lock was on the floor  :rage: if i ever come across the guy who stole it, there will be a long discussion and walk to the mp shack
While I was in Kingston on my LCIS Tech course (like 2 years long with POET), someone crawled in through my window and stole my Laptop.  When the MPs came, they told me that the Window should have been closed and locked.  When I told him that CFSCE has a policy that all windows will be open at the set height, etc, etc. he said too bad, the window should have been locked.  I then went through the long and tiring battle with the school and the MP's for someone to take responsibility for the directive for the windows being open.  Now, I understand that the fault is my own.  I became too lax and should have put the damn thing in my car or whatever.  After the MP's finally agreed to the situation, they then said "I hope you have insurance".  What the hell does that mean?  I'll tell you what it means... They were unwilling to do anything about it.  During my time in Kingston like 6 computers were stolen out of my building,  and still they didn't think that it warranted an investigation.  Perhaps, I'm missing something, but after 6 computer have been stolen wouldn't this indicate a problem that needs to be rectified?

Ah well lesson learned,  on my end, anyways.  Other then that instance I've never lost or had taken from me anything else.

Believe it or not, a few weeks ago I was in the shower at the gym after morning PT.  While in there, some sorry SOB stole my razor and shaving cream!  Anything that moves can be stolen, but I refuse to go through life being paranoid.
ya i had a mag stolen in the cleaning room and another guy had 3 mags go missing in the cleaning room an cleaning kits went missing like mad once again from the cleaning room
Once when I was a younger trooper, I had a chance to fly back from Germany to Pet for a curling bonspeil, I had 900 Cdn in my wallet, we where staying in the transit barracks, and I put some jeans in the washer, I didn't notice I had left my wallet in the jeans when I returned to put them in the dryer, my wallet was on the floor minus the 900, expensive leason to learn.
mygosh said:
ya i had a mag stolen in the cleaning room and another guy had 3 mags go missing in the cleaning room an cleaning kits went missing like mad once again from the cleaning room

It's one thing to loose issue kit, particularly shiny bits, another thing to loose personal things, but if you can't keep your hands on your weapon/mags, there's a problem.
Ammogod said:
Once when I was a younger trooper, I had a chance to fly back from Germany to Pet for a curling bonspeil, I had 900 Cdn in my wallet, we where staying in the transit barracks, and I put some jeans in the washer, I didn't notice I had left my wallet in the jeans when I returned to put them in the dryer, my wallet was on the floor minus the 900, expensive leason to learn.

I remember my unit getting a talk (well, the younger half) about what to do if we found a wallet with a thousand dollars in it. It was kinda like SHARP training, making us think more about about our actions and how they can affect people around us.
This is one instance where TDV fits in. Why you would steal from someone you live/work with is beyond me.
I would say that 99% of all things that go missing in the army do so because of mix ups.  This happens alot and most of the time it can be sorted out within a few days (ie just asking everyone who was there to check).
I've herad stories about RCR guys who've had thier hands broken over stuff that's been "mis-placed". Teres also been guys who've "slipped" down a flight of stairs
Blunt Object said:
I've herad stories about RCR guys who've had thier hands broken over stuff that's been "mis-placed". Teres also been guys who've "slipped" down a flight of stairs

What? If people are getting that mad over something that was an accident they don't belong in the army.
Blunt Object said:
I've herad stories about RCR guys who've had thier hands broken over stuff that's been "mis-placed". Teres also been guys who've "slipped" down a flight of stairs
Please clarify. Do you mean by misplaced that they forgot it or that they stole it and later tried to justify it by saying it was there by accident?
I have had a few occasions.

Summer 1980 Dundurn: I took my Army watch off for a shower, set it down onm the bench, showered, and left. Not even 2 mins later I went back to get it, and it was gone. I asked the ONLY guy there if he had seen it, he said no. I shook his towel out, and there it was. Theif busted. He copped some abuse from me or that, and again was NEVER to be trusted. I still have that watch, and yes, it works.

Summer 1981 Dundurn: After some field time, I had a shower and as I returned to my bunk, a LOSER was removing my water bottle w/carrier off my 1964 ptrn webbing. Caught red handed, and in a scuffle ( I was naked and that alone was bad enough -haha), one of his shoes came off, of which I proceeded to beat him about the head with it til he begged for mercy. He was branded a thief and shamed. There was a few witnesses, so the word spread quickly.

Summer 1983 Dundurn: After leaving my webbing in the back of a 74 Ptrn Jeep for a short (at our own biv in the field) I had a knife (one of those German kinives with 6" blade in OD metal scabbard w/leather OD scabbard) stolen off my webbing. Yes, the Maggot had to remove all the velcro bits (1964 Ptrn) remove the scabbard, and put it all back together again. I was pissed off. Never recovered it, but found a replacement.

The thief was one of us (we knew that), a fellow staff member from an SYEP course. $900 was stolen from another staff member, which brought in the SIU from the Jaw. it was never recovered, but after that summer the maggot was caught stealing someones wallet oout of their locker, and that finished him. I had later found out he sold my knife to someone else.

Since then, I have not had a single thing lifted.

So even if your stuff is secure, it aint.


Big Foot said:
This is one instance where TDV fits in. Why you would steal from someone you live/work with is beyond me.

I thought the unofficial RMC motto was "Trust me with your life, not your money or your wife."


Some guys I knew on course always used to say that.  Of course I don't actually believe any of us should think that way.
I had a maglite in my TV. On an exercise I pulled it out to use and for some reason it wouldn't turn on.  I then noticed that the bottom parrt was missing.  Someone had unscrewed my maglite, took out the batteries and put the maglite back in my TV.  Needless to say, I was pissed.
I've had a couple gerbers go missing, about 1 every 2 years...

I lost one in the field... was fixing the zipper in my combat jaket and set it on a rock, reached for it 30 seconds later and it was gone...

lost another out of my truck... you'd think that the back of a Rad Van would be secure, but appearantly people were sent in there to scrounge for working kit, and found it.

and I left one in the laundry room in M5 this past summer at ARCON in Gagetown we had an hour do do some laundry after being in the feild for 10 days... and in the rush to get in and out I misplaced it...

I've lost other inconsequential stuff like the odd tshirt or a set of cbt glove outers/inners... but you can get another set for a few bucks at the local surplus store...

Kit is going to go missing, whether you loose it, someone picks it up thinking it's theirs, or steals it... so make sure you keep an eye on your expensive stuff and don't sweat the small stuff.