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Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince (No spoilers)


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The long awaited book finally came out on Friday.

Anyone fans of the series?  If you have read the book already, what do you think (Although remember that there should be NO spoilers within this topic!)?

If you don't like Harry Potter, why?
I've read all the others, and although i havent read this new one, i've heard nothing but bad reviews. A few guys in my summer school class are reading it, and so far their biggest peeves are that they are half way through the book, and it still hasnt gotten to the point yet. As well, it appears to be far less discriptive in the classic Harry Potter manner, and leans almost to The Lord of The Rings style. Mind you, thats 2nd hand knowledge, and I'll leave hard reviews to those who have read it themselves.
I'm half way through the book and I love it. I think it has started much quicker than any of the previous Potter books and can't wait to get to the next page. I'm not sure what you mean Shortbus by not being as descriptive, none of the books have been overly descriptive (compared to say Ann Rice) and certainly your friends must not have read LOTR to say it leans that way. In LOTR you literally have pages and pages of people walking and descriptions of their surroundings. I'm fascinated by the whole series, the idea that a book written for teens holds so many adults to it is amazing. Gotta go read, gotta go read.
I haven't read it personally, but my friend read the whole book in two days and said it was absolutely amazing... I'm not a huge fan of the series personally, but my sister, and most of the other people in my family would kill to own that book now ha ha.
I haven't read the book yet (I have to finish my exams/TAing duties before I read HP and get distracted for a number of days).  However, I've heard good and bad things about it.  However, everyone is not excited over the 7th and final book, which should be good!
I got my class pretty strung up today...

They were discussing it, and I blurted out "HARRY DIES", which of course spurred quite the upset. Clearly he doesnt...
I blurted out "HARRY DIES",

Good Job!  I was threatening people at work saying if they behaved badly, then I was going to ruin the end of The half blood prince.

There are some videos out with a Guy blurting out who dies and it's quite funny! Its also true, so people who don't want the book ruined, be careful of whats on the net.
I feel like a nerd.. I finished to book little less then 12 hours after its global release...
My housemates girlfriend is in the middle of reading it.  So on the way to the movies (btw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is amazing!), she goes "I think who dies is either 'X' or 'Y'".  The two she guessed is the one who dies, and the one who does the killing.  I can't wait til she finishes the book because she will be surprised (along with everyone else I think)
This book was so amazing. I loved the Harry Potter series from the moment I started to read the very first one. I own all of them. Last night I finished it, and I read 4 chapters in an hour and a half, merely because I just couldn't put it down. J.K. Rowling is a very talented writer, she keeps you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to read whats next. I was very upset when I found out that _____ killed _____!! So very upset. Although I must admit I was quite surprised to find out who the Half-Blood Prince really was...almost disappointed really...but either way, GREAT BOOK!! The last book, where Harry finishes his task from Dumbledore, is going to be so amazing. I CAN'T WAIT :D.
I also can't wait to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, coems out in November.

Cheers to those of you who haven't read it yet, it's so amazing!!

I didn't like it nearly as much as the others. especailly the begining it was slow and a BIG dissapointment I found it was so sad when i found out who died though not as bad a when serious died I thought though but still I still don't think this book was as interesting as the others
____ is a treacherous murdering dog.

I liked the book.

However if I was ____ and I saw _____ kill _______ I'd run around killing Death Eaters left and right.
Kyle if I'm not miustaken, ____ did go around attacking Death Eaters left and right after ___ saw _____ kill _____ and wasn't able to help due to the enchantment __ was under.

but after the fact if I were _____ I would go using a REAL curse none of that ________ jinx crap.
My mom bought the book.  I shall have it in two weeks!

As for the description problem.  I think that to fully understand the series, you have to read each book in order, so therefore J.K. Rowlings can spend less time describing and more time with plot events.  I dont even know if I would notice it.  PLUS with the movies out, most will have the castle in their heads anyways
I'm not convinced that _____ actually did kill _______.  I suspect it was a trick to be revealed to all of us in the next book.  The whole trust matter is one that certainly bears consideration.
Magic allows for a lot of license, and this author certainly is willing to take the license that magic allows.
You never know.  But I'd want to be an Auror...they get cool Death Eater Hunting gear...and t-shirts.
T-shirts?  I didn't get a t-shirt on my Auror course; when did they start handing out t-shirts?

I am such a sap and cried throughout the last 2 chapters.  Given what happenned at the end of this book it makes me wonder if there won't be an 8th book to the series.