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Happy Birthday Tess!!!

Mike Baker

Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
Well it seems that it is the big day for The 48th Regulator. Have a good one big boy!  :D :cheers:
Happy Birthday Paesan' !!!!
You da man today  :king:
All the best
Hey Birthday Boy!!  Where's my T.E.S.S. bracelet??  Shall I expect you to deliver in person on Saturday night in Kingston?  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Hey Birthday Boy!!  Where's my T.E.S.S. bracelet??  Shall I expect you to deliver in person on Saturday night in Kingston?  ;)


Happy Birthday :)
Oh Tess my bud full of holes;
It's so nice working with you battling the trolls.

It's true when I say (despite tinfoil dismay);
That you are indeed turning old this Birthday.


My poetry sucks,
And I know it ain't much;
But that's just too damn bad.


Have a Happy Birthday Tess.


Vernie  :)

ArmyVern said:
Oh Tess my bud full of holes;
It's so nice working with you battling the trolls.

It's true when I say (despite tinfoil dismay);
That you are indeed turning old this Birthday.

My poetry sucks,
And I know it ain't much;

But that's just too damn bad.

Have a Happy Birthday Tess.

Vernie  :)
HAHAHA that rocks!
Happy Birthday Tess! Thanks for keeping all us lowly posters in line for all these years! :P

Oh my no!!!! Say it isn't so.....Tess and I have something in common?????????

Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!

Bloody hell Tess, one step closer to the grave, ha!

Might have to mix a painkiller and a CC today,and toast you!!!

Have a good one,

Just remember Brother, at your age the proceedure is as follows

1- Notify local Fire dept

2- Check smoke detector

3- Ensure Fire extinguisher is close at hand

4- Now have wife light candles on cake for you to blow out  8)
Carefully, because recceguy may have sent firecrackers ;) ...
Jesus Tess is still kicking..... Man can you get older???

Happy Birthay man!

Pro Patria!

Thank you one and all!

I want to say thank you for making another year of my life a total blast folks.  This past year I have had the chance to laugh beer all over my keyboard, almost pick up my monitor and throw it out the window, and wipe the tears off of my face as I read some of the goings on in our community.

Again I want to thank everyone.

Oh ya, since it is my birthday, can I say Piss one more time?



It is better to regret the things that you have done, than those that you have not!

the 48th regulator said:
It is better to regret the things that you have done, than those that you have not!

Maybe but a sage once said : " Often have I regretted my speech, never my silence "
