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hand guns

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CF_Lifer said:
Ghost, IPSC -International Pistols Shooting Competition. With Duty (Service) and Open Classes. Duty has to be a stock Pistol, with no Modifications. Open is kinda of self-explanatory....you can have whatever you want, ported barrels, scopes, rails, all the Bells and Whistles.

Yeah, Desert Eagles, now there's Firepower..... I think a .50 rounds is a little excessive.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you say you were an IPSC  Range Officer or at least had a Black Badge??

"(Qualified RSO with the ORA/DCRA, did the Course run by Keith, as well As IPSC Black Badge and RSO Qualified)"

How then can you not know a frigg'n thing about it?? IPSC stands for International Practical Shooting Confederation.There is no "service "Class,but the following:

Standard,Production,Open and Modified Classes as well as  Revolver Class. "Duty " is not a class but a sub class pertaining to equipment that allows serving police and military members to compete with their issued equipment.
As in Service, I meant Duty.....I think Duty and Service are the Same Thing...aren't they? Being a Stock Pistol, off the Line. Having nothing done to it? And then there's an Open Class, where people use the "Space Guns".
MG34 said:
CF_Lifer said:
Ghost, IPSC -International Pistols Shooting Competition. With Duty (Service) and Open Classes. Duty has to be a stock Pistol, with no Modifications. Open is kinda of self-explanatory....you can have whatever you want, ported barrels, scopes, rails, all the Bells and Whistles.

Yeah, Desert Eagles, now there's Firepower..... I think a .50 rounds is a little excessive.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you say you were an IPSC   Range Officer or at least had a Black Badge??

"(Qualified RSO with the ORA/DCRA, did the Course run by Keith, as well As IPSC Black Badge and RSO Qualified)"

How then can you not know a frigg'n thing about it?? IPSC stands for International Practical Shooting Confederation.There is no "service "Class,but the following:

Standard,Production,Open and Modified Classes as well as   Revolver Class. "Duty " is not a class but a sub class pertaining to equipment that allows serving police and military members to compete with their issued equipment.

Should we say "welcome back" wetgrunt or is your choice of a name just coinsidence to a certain paramedic/sailor/police officer from out west, in the navy, who loved MP5s.

Who got called on being a poser and made quite an ass of himself in parting I might add.
CF_Lifer said:
As in Service, I meant Duty.....I think Duty and Service are the Same Thing...aren't they? Being a Stock Pistol, off the Line. Having nothing done to it? And then there's an Open Class, where people use the "Space Guns".

Ummm no,it is obvious you are over your head here.Duty/Service are not Classes in IPSC they are used in other shooting sports such as PPC.The class you are attempting to describe in IPSC is Standard,or Production where the modifications to the competitors firearms are severly restricted or not allowed at all. The Duty in IPSC related to the fact that a serving police /military/security,etc person is entitled to wear his duty holster for example a thigh holster which other competitors are not allowed,as long as they are in full uniform to include body armour,vests,etc that they would wear in the executuion of their duties..get it DUTY. They are still restricted to register in what ever class their firearm falls into usually Production (factory double action pistols) Standard (factory single action pistols with very minor modifications to sights,grip allowed) or revolver (self explanitory).
The matches they shoot at Connaught,Borden etc are SERVICE PISTOL COMPETITIONS different rules and certainly not IPSC.
Hope this clears this up for you.Please contine baffling us with B/S at your earliest convenience. ;D

And it is RACE GUN not SPACE GUN ::)
Hey, Take it easy There Sgt. I'm Dreadfully sorry I got the Acronym Messed up, I've only ever shot 1 IPSC Match, and only got IPSC RSO qualified so I could take my turn RSOing at Competitions. (Although I dont know how I'm goinig to get my other 2 points to keep the RSO title). Thanks for clearing up the Weapon Categories for me....it doesnt really matter, I never plan on using a "RACE Gun" (I'm sure there are lots of different names for that class).
This stuff would have been covered in detail on your IPSC RO course,time to hit the books I think. keep at it though it is a great sport I've benn doing it fora while now and still enjoy it.
Silly Ghost.

Heres a post to clarify-

Yes I'm Wetgrunt, yes I'm ropetech. Yes my REAL name is right there. In print. I figured I'll give you my real name instead of "hiding" behind an internet moniker. As for being a Paramedic I never said that. I said I worked in EMS. I worked an ambulance the minimum I had too to keep certified. As did everyone in my fire department. Yes I was a firefighter. Yes I was a traffic cop. Yes I did a brief(very brief) stint with Alberta's correctional service, And yes I am waiting for a transfer from the primary reserve Navy to the reg force as an infanteer.

As for you ghost, any further "calling out" you want to do you can PM me. that goes for everyone else as well. Im certainly "no poser".

As for looking like an ass when I left. i won't dispute that. But Im here and im using my real name. And I will share my opinion in a respectful and less abrasive way. The mods and I have already been over this.

Cheers Ghost,

Goodluck solving mysteries, and catching posers in the future Scooby-doo
CF_Lifer said:
Ghost, IPSC -International Pistols Shooting Competition. With Duty (Service) and Open Classes. Duty has to be a stock Pistol, with no Modifications. Open is kinda of self-explanatory....you can have whatever you want, ported barrels, scopes, rails, all the Bells and Whistles.

IPSC = International PRACTICAL Shooting Confederation  See www.ipsc.org

I am personally not a big fan of this shooting discipline because of their open class.  They don't do a lot of duty class shooting in Canada, because most of those people go to PPC instead (Police Practical), which is a totally different ball game.  IPSC supposedly had "realistic" scenarios, but most of the shooting is done with high-speed, low-drag .45 ACP pistols with 2-lb triggers, bevelled magazine wells, red dot sights, and hand-loaded ammunition with just enough powder to get the bullet to the targets, usually 7 m or less.

If you shot at me with an IPSC gun and I was 50 feet away, I wouldn't even duck.  :-*

For those of you who are still interested, if you have a Canadian Firearms Licence (restricted class) you can join a local gun club.  Most will have an IPSC black badge course, which is required to compete in Canada.  Some of the big events have pretty good prizes, but personally, if they';re going to have a "practical" shooting competition, I would want to see it done with "practical" guns and scenarios.  If you are ever in a real gun fight, you are unlikely to have your high-speed $3,000+ IPSC match pistol handy.
I am not sure if youi are just uninformed,a troll or an idiot there portcullisguy. Either way you have no idea about what you are talking about.
IPSC ammunition is regulated just so such low power ammo is not allowed.PPC (Police Pistol Combat) is not practicle shooting but a series of static range exercises.
The heavily modified Open guns are not the norm.Unmodified factory handguns such as used in Standard,Production and Revolver Classes are the most popular.All classes only compete with each other,so there is no adavantage gained except the shooter's skill. There is no need for an open gun to shoot IPSC any handgun 9mm and over is allowed.
I have several IPSC handguns  and access to a range come on over and stand 50 feet away if you want...idiot. ::)

Play nice guys or Uncle Ex will take away your guns and send you to your rooms for a time out. ;)
Ruh Row

I knew you'd be back. They alllllll come back.
Kidding of course, welcome back wetgrunt.

I think you should have just used your origional username, kinda seemed like you were trying to sneak under the radar.  No one is making you use your real name of course but to each their own. Iwouldn't use it if i were you but thats just me.
I liked some of your comments and opinions, others not as much. I think as long as you accept some people will have different opinions and don't get too emotional over it you'll be fine.

Looking forward to seeing some good posts from you. Good choice on going infantry too  ;)
Back to the pistols. ;)

Since buying Canadian is always nice how about Para Ordnance Stealth Hi-Cap 9mm?

They're modeled after the 1911, and everyone knows the quality of those.

The one pictured is in .45 I can't seem to find a picture of the 9mm.  

Here's a link to 9mm info.

Holds 19 rounds...very nice. :cam:
My experiences with Para Ord have not been good - I have seen way to many Lemons.

I think the Army is set on the Sig P226 - buying Canadian should onl be done if their is a superior product here - as the Army is not (at least should not be) a welfare system for Canadian Industry.
Amen to that Kevin,Paras are nice but would not be a good choice for a service pistol.The P-226 is good to go out of the box,no modifications required,and has an excellent reputation in military and police circles as it is in service with dozens of countries already.
MG34 said:
The Sigs are nice to be sure ,however they will not be issued as a general service pistol for a few reasons. There are tons of unissued brownings sitting around in the supply system,more than enough to last a few more decades.The current issue service 9mm Ball is too "hot" for the Sigs and wears them out prematurely and causes damage.Sure tha ammo could be changed but that would take money.The pistol replacement and PDW projects are all but gone,simply put there is no cash.The 2 prime contenders the FN P-90 and HK MP7 have not proven to be anymore effective than 9mm or 5.56mm. The FN 57 pistol has yet to be proven,given it's dismal performance in soft tissue (once again no better than 9mm)I would not hold my breath for one. There is nothing wrong with the Browning,it is old but it works..If it ain't broke ..

I'm not sure where you are getting your information regarding the rate of wear on the Sig line of pistols, however I can state categorically that you are WRONG!!   What reasoning do you use when coming to the conclusion that the current CF 9mm is to hot for a weapon produced using modern techniques and modern materials, but won't wear out a 60 year old pistol in short order???   If it ain't broke, don't fix it??   I have shot a number of Brownings into the ground in competition and the primary reason that most of them went down was simply the fact that they were old and worn out... metal fatigue and parts breakage.   They are not all that they could be ergonomically, and the sights, quite frankly, SUCK HUGE!!   A combat handgun should at the very least be usable in low light which means, at the very least, night sights...

Don't for a minute think that I'm knocking the BHP as I have had a number of nice examples of this pistol.   My current one is a very nice Belgian customized lightly by Austin Behlert before 1990.   However, I also own a couple of Sigs, several Glocks and a Beretta or two, and a suitcase full of 1911's in various calibres, and most if not all of these pistols are better for military usage than the Browning...

