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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Which nicely explains broad support in North American for the IRA, and other Irish terrorists ;)
Exactly, who dosent like a good underdog story. Hollywood has made many movies like that. But use you head people.

"Let us keep our minds open, by all means, as long as that means keeping our sense of perspective and seeking an understanding of the forces which mould the world. But don’t keep your minds so open that your brains fall out! There are still things in this world which are true and things which are false; acts which are right and acts which are wrong, even if there are statesmen who hide their designs under the cloak of high-sounding phrases."

— Walter Kotschnig November 8, 1939
What is the end goal/point of this for Israel? Are they going to occupy Gaza again or half of it? Or just a punitive measure that needs to be repeated every generation?
What is the end goal/point of this for Israel? Are they going to occupy Gaza again or half of it? Or just a punitive measure that needs to be repeated every generation?

What is the end goal/point of this for the Palestinians? Are they just going to keep fighting Israel forever and throw away generation after generation? I can’t see a two state solution happening considering it’s been rejected 7 times by the Palestinians.
What is the end goal/point of this for the Palestinians? Are they just going to keep fighting Israel forever and throw away generation after generation? I can’t see a two state solution happening considering it’s been rejected 7 times by the Palestinians.
I have to wonder if the Philistines will only get half of Gaza back- Israel keeps the North.
Squeezing all those people into a smaller foot print will cause many if not most to migrate elsewhere.
Far Right and Far Left groups have entirely too much influence in the politics of what should be moderate parties with genuine and differences of opinion. What would otherwise be reasonable people are being dragged along into stupid policies simply to remain in power.

As Matt Gurney and Jen Gerson said on The Line podcast, if you’re putting on a dinner party and 5 guests are adamant on not having anything with GMO food, guess what? 100 people will be having GMO free food, as long as the other 95 are ambivalent or are unwilling to get into it with the other 5 about it. They called it “the dictatorship of the minority” how a small group of extremists can force their opinion on a larger group.
Meanwhile, across the Channel in Paris, over 100,000 people, including leaders of all parties except for the far-left, march against anti-semitism.

I don't say this often... if not ever before:
I wish we were more like France