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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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I would say that too be true of a large majority of the Israeli population, then and now, but Benny the BullDozer and the extremist settlers haven't wanted peace even before the Hamas massacre.
I'm pro-Israel, but I am not blind to their mistakes and excesses.
Well put. The West Bank is full of examples reaching too far and pushing too hard. It's illogical to expect that the West Bank citizens won't push back. I know I would in a similar circumstance if Minnesotans for example began illegally demolishing towns and colonizing Southern Manitoba. Israel needs a total ban on West Bank settlements and to comply with their agreements.
As many have pointed out about Israeli genocide of Palestinians. That's been a big fail on the Israel's part.

If I was in Gaza, I'd bloody well leave. My ancestors have left numerous times for greener pastures and better times.
Leave to where? No one wants them and it's almost impossible for them to get visas to the developed world, if they could afford the application to begin with.
Leave to where? No one wants them and it's almost impossible for them to get visas to the developed world, if they could afford the application to begin with.
So stay where you are and die. Great plan.

All those Latin Americans who make the economy work in the USA found a way to leave a just an almost as bad as a situation. If you care about your family you'll do whatever is necessary to get away.
So stay where you are and die. Great plan.

All those Latin Americans who make the economy work in the USA found a way to leave a just an almost as bad as a situation. If you care about your family you'll do whatever is necessary to get away.
I think the main difference is that there aren’t bombs falling (on good targets or not) in those other countries.

Israel and Egypt built walls and a border that the GOP could only dream of, plus surveillance that would make China jealous.
Maybe they should stop voting and supporting hamas. Palestinians aren’t victims.
Gonna look a malnourished 8 year old Palestinian with PTSD in the face and say that? About half of Gazans now weren't born when Hamas was elected in 2006. There is something to be said about their out of control birth rates, poor education and poor economic policy that created and maintains this hellscape, view it through that lens and you may find some empathy for the people in Gaza. People, not subhumans, orcs even who are guilty to a man. This isn't to excuse the terrorists who support Hamas but broad strokes aren't useful.

Only the Sith deal in absolutes.
Nope, but I will say that to their parents and neighbors.
Starting at what age? What makes an individual Palestinian start being morally culpable in the eyes of Quirky for everything that goes on there? What are the criteria whereby any given individual Palestinian loses any righteous claim to innocent victimhood?
Starting at what age? What makes an individual Palestinian start being morally culpable in the eyes of Quirky for everything that goes on there? What are the criteria whereby any given individual Palestinian loses any righteous claim to innocent victimhood?
the eternal questions aren't they. Were German soldiers responsible for the atrocities committed by the Gestapo? Were the citizens in neighbouring centres responsible for the crimes committed in adjacent camps? Are Russian citizens liable because their army is executing pow's. The answer to all is morally yes. But it takes a brave man to stand up to their government or leaders and say that they are wrong and then refuse the orders. Could you do it?
Starting at what age? What makes an individual Palestinian start being morally culpable
Probably voting age, as long as they're still allowed to vote for their government.
What are the criteria whereby any given individual Palestinian loses any righteous claim to innocent victimhood?
Participates in something wrong, or expresses approval.

It's difficult to stand apart. Losing part of a bill of clean moral health isn't a transition from 100% to 0%, though.

Gaza isn't the West Bank.
Probably voting age, as long as they're still allowed to vote for their government.
What if they vote against Hamas? Or abstain from voting out of fear should they vote against them?

Participates in something wrong, or expresses approval.
Completely fair.

It's difficult to stand apart. Losing part of a bill of clean moral health isn't a transition from 100% to 0%, though.

Gaza isn't the West Bank.
Absolutely. But I wouldn’t pose that question to you because you wouldn’t set the line up in the first place. Quirky likes to deal in absolutes, sometimes some pretty inhumane ones. I’m just curious if he can articulate complete consideration of the fact set on this one. I don’t imagine he’ll approach the level of nuance I know you’re capable of, but I wonder if he can be coherent?
What if they vote against Hamas? Or abstain from voting out of fear should they vote against them?
Ultimately it's still their government, and they're accountable for what it does, the same way I as a Canadian taxpayer and citizen am accountable for everything the Government of Canada has done, does, and will do. I can't opt out of outrages or apologies, misappropriations or compensations.
Ultimately it's still their government, and they're accountable for what it does, the same way I as a Canadian taxpayer and citizen am accountable for everything the Government of Canada has done, does, and will do. I can't opt out of outrages or apologies, misappropriations or compensations.
This article here disputes that line of thinking.

whats the latest numbers on Palestinian support for oct 7th or 9/11? 70%, 80%?
The last i read there was lots of food going into Gaza but Hamas eats first
maybe Gazans should try not attacking Israel for a generation and see how that works out?
Parties interested in the welfare of Palestinians could privately raise funds to pay them to be docile, and given the relative power of various economies and currencies it would probably not cost very much. Instead they let countries like Iran play sugar daddy.
Ultimately it's still their government, and they're accountable for what it does, the same way I as a Canadian taxpayer and citizen am accountable for everything the Government of Canada has done, does, and will do. I can't opt out of outrages or apologies, misappropriations or compensations.
Surely you’re not trying to suggest your average Gazan can safely criticize their government the way you or I can?

You or I can say practically anything about the performance of our government or suitability of those constituting it, as long as we don’t cross the threshold of threats. You live in Gaza and criticize Hamas? Odds are you’re dead, or at least abused rather awfully. What tangible actions do you suggest the average Gazan can take individually that would allow them to not be held morally culpable for what Hamas does by force of arms?