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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Perhaps this merits a thread of its own but the U.N. is becoming increasingly corrupt and irrelevant. I once believed that, despite its flaws, the U.N was basically an organization for the betterment of mankind, especially regarding issues like health and education worldwide. But right now I’m at the point where I’m wondering if Canada should even continue to be a member. While there has always been some corruption within that organization since its inception, the scale of its decline is mind boggling.

It appears that South Africa is gaining momentum in its move to take Israel to the ICJ on a charge of genocide against the Palestinian people. I’m definitely not a fan of Netanyahu nor of Israeli expansionism. I also realize that overlapping territorial claims by religious zealots on both sides has complicated things immeasurably. But what’s happening currently in the U.N. proves, at least in my mind, that it is being increasingly controlled by failed nations who are at the beck and call of China and Russia with a vested interest in creating dissent and fragmentation. Did we hear much of anything from South Africa when Syria was killing hundreds of thousands of its own people with many of them killed by poison gas (with considerable help from Vlad Putin)? Or the horrible genocide in Ruanda? The move to basically annihilate the Uyghur people in China? No, nada, nyet.

With climate change, pandemics, population shifts and the threat of world war looming more than it has in many decades, one would hope that the United Nations would at least be moving closer to its intended goal of becoming nations united against poverty, ignorance and injustice. ..a truly wonderful goal. Sadly, the reverse seems to be happening. And yet Justin Trudeau seems to be looking at the United Nations through rose-coloured glasses. The United Nations of Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau is long gone and probably never really existed in the first place, due largely to the way it was set up. It was a dream, a beautiful dream, but one that failed to live up to its promise, much like the League of Nations. Reality is a bitch.
Israeli expansion? Remind what other country in the region has given up as much land during negotiations as Israel has?
Well, if we discount that the British ruled the area, according to this map I would say that Israel has received the most land during negotiations.

Note: in keeping with how much can be said/written about Canada staying in/leaving the U.N., and a poster's suggestion, new thread's been formed just to discuss all that outside the scope of Israel/Gaza/Hamas. Enjoy!

Milnet.ca Staff
Looks like 144 peole from Gaza are in the process of coming to Canada.

That means we're in the process of bringing in around 108 people who support murder, torture, rape, and kidnapping of men women children and the elderly. Smart.

Yet we can’t find a way to bring our interpreters here.
I was going to say something disparaging towards our “civil” servants who dragged their feet on this. Suffice it to say it’s the same disparaging name they paint others with.

A pox on them.
Yet we can’t find a way to bring our interpreters here.
I was going to say something disparaging towards our “civil” servants who dragged their feet on this. Suffice it to say it’s the same disparaging name they paint others with.

A pox on them.
The sad thing is that Afghanistan was a “long” time ago, and “far away” (yes, I’m using a Star Wars reference)

From a political lens, Afghan interpreters were a very big deal to a small subset of voters - specifically, CAF members and adjacent folks. Meanwhile Gaza is a huge political storm right now.

The time for Canadians to take action was right as we stopped combat operations In 2011.
Looks like 144 peole from Gaza are in the process of coming to Canada.

That means we're in the process of bringing in around 108 people who support murder, torture, rape, and kidnapping of men women children and the elderly. Smart.
How do you know this? Way to try and inflame a situation.

We allow US citizens immigrate to Canada all the time. One could argue that there have been very recent periods where their armed forces were accused of doing the same for the greater good. We didn't raise the issue then. We have allowed the Kurdish, Syrians, Afghans, Lebanese, etc. etc. all immigrate. How many Serbians have come to Canada?

Painting a group with a broad brush like that only serves to ferment more distrust of strangers to a new land.

I don't believe the attacks on Israel were justified. I believe the Israelis have a right to defend their borders against aggressors, and under that guise to limited offensive maneuvers into neighbouring areas if required to neutralize a known threat.

I also don't have a problem with Canadians who protest in support of the Palestinian people, if those protests are meant to raise awareness to the plight of those in the area, and not just anti-Israeli rhetoric.
How do you know this? Way to try and inflame a situation.

We allow US citizens immigrate to Canada all the time. One could argue that there have been very recent periods where their armed forces were accused of doing the same for the greater good. We didn't raise the issue then. We have allowed the Kurdish, Syrians, Afghans, Lebanese, etc. etc. all immigrate. How many Serbians have come to Canada?

Painting a group with a broad brush like that only serves to ferment more distrust of strangers to a new land.

I don't believe the attacks on Israel were justified. I believe the Israelis have a right to defend their borders against aggressors, and under that guise to limited offensive maneuvers into neighbouring areas if required to neutralize a known threat.

I also don't have a problem with Canadians who protest in support of the Palestinian people, if those protests are meant to raise awareness to the plight of those in the area, and not just anti-Israeli rhetoric.
"Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?"

Give me a break. When 75% of a group supports terrorism, a self-respecting country does not invite them into their homes. Jordan has learned that lesson.

When the protests consistently sport terroristic fashion and chant genocidal chants, you know what they're about.

No need to pretend we don't have eyes and ears. It's a bit insulting.
How do you know this? Way to try and inflame a situation.
He doesn't. It’s bad math. Of those 144, some may be disabled, old, kids and infants etc etc. The comment is to elicit a reaction but also to make a point. Unless those 144 are being brought over as an exact subset of that society which is impossible at those low numbers. One could have an argument if we brought in 100K not 144.

Also those 144 are likely being vetted by the Israelis in order to leave. So the claim is even less likely.
Meanwhile, the UK warning its citizens about visiting Canada ;)

Terrorism in Canada​

Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Canada.
Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. You should remain aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities.

Recent attacks include:

  • in 2023, one person was stabbed and injured in Surrey, British Columbia
  • in 2021, 4 people were killed and one injured by a vehicle in London, Ontario
  • in 2020, one person was killed with a hammer in Scarborough, Ontario
  • in 2020, one person was killed and 2 wounded in a machete attack in Toronto, Ontario
See the Government of Canada’s national terrorism threat level.

How do you know this? Way to try and inflame a situation.

JERUSALEM, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found.
The Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research (PCPSR) findings were published as international alarm grows over the spiralling Palestinian civilian toll in the Israeli counter-offensive against Hamas, now in its third month.

Painting a group with a broad brush like that only serves to ferment more distrust of strangers to a new land.
I bought the paint and paintbrush from The Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research.

Of those 144, some may be disabled, old, kids and infants etc etc.
You're right. When I said bring in "around", the number could be lower.

I wasn't taking into consideration children being in that number either.

Also children in Ottawa:

Explosives charges laid against Ottawa minor accused of terrorism

Also those 144 are likely being vetted by the Israelis in order to leave. So the claim is even less likely.
Overall support for Hamas rose after 7 October in Gaza and the West Bank. I'm sure the people coming to Canada don't support Hamas though.
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