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Halloween costumes


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Well, October is almost here and most people who think they might have time to attend a costumed event have started, or are beginning to consider work on their costumes.

I myself am attempting to find some vintage costume of olden day fun, and having poor luck.

How are you all doing? Anyone got some good ideas?

That is all.
Those are hilarious....

When will CPGear start making them in CADPAT??



Group of friends and I have tossed around the idea of being Teletubbies... I immediately shotgunned "not purple".

Picked my 6 month old's costume out a few weeks ago, cutest dragon ever.

...I now want to go as the Alpha Flight. Canadian super heroes anyone?
I haven't even THOUGHT about anything for myself. But my daughter (now 15.5 months and almost 18 lbs) is going as a butterfly. Got a GREAT deal on her costume at Old Navy a few weeks ago... Same place as where PuckChaser found the dragon costume, perhaps? :-)
I'm totally going as a zombie nurse, Silent hill version maybe, haven't decided yet.
It took forever to find a none slutty female nurse costume.
I'm really into special effects makeup (former art student), It's going to be kickass.

I lovveee halloween. Too bad I'm too old to go trick or treating, so I'm going to the bars instead.
I'd rather have the candy though.  =(
Barmecide said:
I'm totally going as a zombie nurse, Silent hill version maybe, haven't decided yet.
It took forever to find a none slutty female nurse costume.
I'm really into special effects makeup (former art student), It's going to be kickass.

I lovveee halloween. Too bad I'm too old to go trick or treating, so I'm going to the bars instead.
I'd rather have the candy though.  =(

I was in a costume shop/Halloween Distributer the other day, and I was wondering myself when did Scary transform into Slutty for Halloween. Costume shops that sell bra's and panties as part of the outfits I immediately cross out!
acooper said:
I haven't even THOUGHT about anything for myself. But my daughter (now 15.5 months and almost 18 lbs) is going as a butterfly. Got a GREAT deal on her costume at Old Navy a few weeks ago... Same place as where PuckChaser found the dragon costume, perhaps? :-)

Close, we were actually browsing Value Village to find some bedroom lamps. The funny part is that the package says its an alligator costume.... alligators don't have wings.
PuckChaser said:
... alligators don't have wings.

uh.....yeah they do....they couldn't move through the water so quickly if they didn't......sheesssh, some people..... ::)

I have a Super Trooper costume that is nothing short of Epic.

Made it myself...


Mustache is a stick on... not my own...
Quickly done constumes for last minute invites that worked for me:

1. The Shadow: black Fedora, long black trench coat and a red scarf to cover the lower half of the face. Eating and drinking is a bit of a chore, so wear a tux under the coat to quickly change into Cranston Lamont (wish I had thought of that at the time, spending the entire night laughing manaicly becomes a bit old after a while...)

2. Pin sponges all over your clothes.When anyone asks tell them you are "self absorbed"  ;D ;D ;D
I dunno what I'm doing this year. I like to incorporate wearing a suit into the costume so that I look better compared to everybody else... Last year I was the devil (a black suit, black shir,t red tie, and super-glued horns on my forehead), and the year before I went as the Hitman...

I'm running out of ideas for suits... all I can think of right now is going as a Mobster with a hat, leather gloves, and water pistols...

I want to go as a Muay Thai fighter but dressing up as any kind of fighter on George Street is just begging for a fight...

I ordered this costume for my gf's 13 month old daugther the other day http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://infanttinkerbellcostumes.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Infant-Tinkerbell-Costume-300x300.jpg&imgrefurl=http://infanttinkerbellcostumes.org/&usg=__Kpaa_dyy3AgJb05zPsq2dP_YI5A=&h=300&w=300&sz=13&hl=en&start=58&sig2=JL4X71GNTzlyFxpQg3prpQ&zoom=1&tbnid=YcSQ5QVaA0L2OM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=115&ei=w5mjTKLYFIHGlQeCpI2GBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtinkerbell%2Bcostume%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2SKPT_enCA396%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D556%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C904&um=1&itbs=1&biw=1259&bih=556&iact=rc&dur=343&oei=tJmjTNDxCoKdlge74ImVAw&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:28,s:58&tx=71&ty=88
I'm Jealous of all the cool costumes. My Daughter is going as a Disney Princess and she insists that I go as a Prince....so I gotta work that one out. Kind of cute though I guess.....