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Guns, Gangs and Toronto

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Glorified Ape said:
I lived 22 years in Toronto, visit there frequently, and have never even seen a gun on anyone, short of the police. I've spent my share of time in the seedier parts of the city and have only been in two violent altercations, both of which took place in a relatively affluent area.   I have no idea where this image of "Toronto the Dangerous" comes from.

so you don't think it is pretty bad when you need police to guard a funeral becausei fear of another murder taking place.
scm77 said:
It's crack kit's too.

I stand corrected, thank you.

-Hutch- said:
so you don't think it is pretty bad when you need police to guard a funeral becausei fear of another murder taking place.

Sure it's bad, but it's no basis on which to judge the safety or character of an entire city - especially one the size of Toronto.
-Hutch- said:
so you don't think it is pretty bad when you need police to guard a funeral becausei fear of another murder taking place.

Would this be stepping into Racial and localized geografical profiling?

"Welcome to the Jungle"  opps, there was a memo years back not to refer to that song.
Kat Stevens said:
.....such a worthless people.....

Now now, don't get all down in that toothless mouth just yet, since the limeys are fortunate enough to live on the southern tip of Scotland, (commonly referred to as 'england') there is hope that with enough intermarriage and procreation, the Scottish side will assimilate the English, creating a new breed, still inferior to the Scots, but head and shoulders above what nested there before.
I grew up in Toronto and am proud to have called it home.  I used to hang out downtown, play at the arcades on Yonge St, ride the moving sidewalk at Spadina Station for hours because we were bored.  There are crap areas where ever you go.  I imagine that you being you, walking down any street would be safe.  Dont act like a victim, dont be a victim.  If you happen to be wearing a big downfilled parka with a bandana on and a Chicago Bulls hat on sideways, with one pant leg pulled up and you have x-amount of bling jewelry on with gang symbols for pendants, maybe a shot could get lobbed your way.  A uniform is a uniform, on the street or on the battlefield.  When they trot these dead dinks out on TV and show their grad photo or some other lame crap, they are talking to the family.  When you hear crap like "he was trying to break up the fight" or "he was never in trouble" your bullshit-o-meter should peak out in the red.  How many times do you have to go to a dance hall for some reggee dance or clogging competition that gets shot up or someone gets stabbed to come up with the idea "Gee, I don't want to get shot or stabbed.  I'm not going".  But if you are a gang banger who is all worried about his "street cred" and has to let people know "this is how I roll" then you have to show. 
We never really heard the real story down here about why Fantino left.  Did he suck, or did he get ridden out by the socialist political nightmare that is Toronto city counsel?
zipperhead_cop said:
We never really heard the real story down here about why Fantino left.   Did he suck, or did he get ridden out by the socialist political nightmare that is Toronto city counsel?
  Depends on who you ask, but the general consensus among people who lean to the right and followed the story is that Miller turfed him.
I guess that is a good example of "no good deed goes unpunished".  And he was turning out to be such a smash hit with the gay community.  Poor Chief.
zipperhead_cop said:
I guess that is a good example of "no good deed goes unpunished".   And he was turning out to be such a smash hit with the gay community.   Poor Chief.

Who knows maybe someone can convince him to run for Mayor one day.
Hatchet Man said:
Who knows maybe someone can convince him to run for Mayor one day.

Jesus...the left leaning feel goods would blow a gasket if he got elected for mayor of T.O.

Personally I'd love it! I bet he'd get right to work on the gang problem and back the police up for a change, probably toss the protestor-oriented police services board we have running the cop shop here in TO as well! I bet he'd also scare up a helicpter for the TPS in short order. Its almost a crime that they don't have one now!

Wouldn't be a bad thing at all! All the City Council, Mayor we have now and the P.S.B. read NOW magazine too much anyway.
Slim said:
Jesus...the left leaning feel goods would blow a gasket if he got elected for mayor of T.O.

Personally I'd love it! I bet he'd get right to work on the gang problem and back the police up for a change, probably toss the protestor-oriented police services board we have running the cop shop here in TO as well! I bet he'd also scare up a helicpter for the TPS in short order. Its almost a crime that they don't have one now!

Wouldn't be a bad thing at all! All the City Council, Mayor we have now and the P.S.B. read NOW magazine too much anyway.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I am just a little worried this city will be plunged into chaos once this new city of Toronto Act goes forward, and the Mayor and Council are given additional taxing powers, at same time moving towards a strong mayor system.  Maybe we can start petioning Fantino to run for this coming election,  Three more years of Miller and his socialist comrades  *shudder*, I mean they are actually proposing safe injection sites for the Moss Park area as well as provide to substances to shoot up with (they already provide safe crack kits) all paid for by tax payers.  And when the gun violence in the area increases due to more drug trafficking ,  they are going to sit there and offer more group hugs, basketball courts, and take away guns from law abiding citizens. 
Hatchet Man said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I am just a little worried this city will be plunged into chaos once this new city of Toronto Act goes forward, and the Mayor and Council are given additional taxing powers, at same time moving towards a strong mayor system.

Yeah I can see it now;  everyone's taxes go up to 70% so we can pay to "help the homeless".  Pretty soon 70% of the city is homeless, and you're waiting in line for 5 hours to buy bread :P

Hatchet Man said:
  Maybe we can start petioning Fantino to run for this coming election,  Three more years of Miller and his socialist comrades  *shudder*, I mean they are actually proposing safe injection sites for the Moss Park area as well as provide to substances to shoot up with (they already provide safe crack kits) all paid for by tax payers.

That should be great.  You weren't there for the last domestic-response exercise so you probably didn't hear about this, but some crackhead tried robbing one of our boys at knife-point right on the corner by moss-park.  I can't prove the guy was high on crack, but when you pull a 2 inch knife on someone wearing combats, a flack-jacket, and TV with a bayonette on his chest, chances are you've been doing SOME kind of drugs.  Now they want to give us a safe-injection site in the same area so we'll be surrounded by even more idiots like that.  I'm thinking that, in the future, I'll travel with my K-bar more easily accessible.
"surrounded by even more idiots like that.  I'm thinking that, in the future, I'll travel with my K-bar more easily accessible."

- And some Commie lawyer will paint you as a right wing racist thug.  Carry something more innocuous and every-day like that a normal human being out shopping or going back to return merchandise may have on them at any time of the day.

Make the bastids work for your conviction, don't just hand it to them on a silver platter.

TCBF said:
- And some Commie lawyer will paint you as a right wing racist thug.   Carry something more innocuous and every-day like that a normal human being out shopping or going back to return merchandise may have on them at any time of the day.

Like a 6 foot length of chain or a nice paperweight - shaped like this...http://www.selfdefenseproducts.com/misc.htm
48Highlander said:
That should be great.   You weren't there for the last domestic-response exercise so you probably didn't hear about this, but some crackhead tried robbing one of our boys at knife-point right on the corner by moss-park.   I can't prove the guy was high on crack, but when you pull a 2 inch knife on someone wearing combats, a flack-jacket, and TV with a bayonette on his chest, chances are you've been doing SOME kind of drugs.   Now they want to give us a safe-injection site in the same area so we'll be surrounded by even more idiots like that.   I'm thinking that, in the future, I'll travel with my K-bar more easily accessible.
Actually I was there that weekend, the DCO thought it was me for some reason that had got jacked.  They are going to start having to have us at the armoury 24/7 to make sure the arsenal doesn't get ripped off, particulary if that safe injection site goes through.  But they are really starting to get brazen, trying to rob UNIFORMED members of the army.

GO! , you aren't helping me here....  ;D

But, ref your link (above), the wind-proof zippos look like a good deal.

Safe injection site?  Are you guys in T.O. as nutz as Vancouver?

WE aren't, but our politicians seem to be.  They've been debating safe-injection sites for years now and as far as I can figure, most of the population is still against the idea, however they seem to be ready to go ahead with it anyway.  Right now, according to a recent newspaper article, the only thing holding them back is the "lack of a suitable location".  I'm sure Moss Park will seem like a suitable location to them.  Hell, set it up right on the parade square, and have the medics passing out needles.  We can turn the gun-park into a homeless shelter while we're at it, and they'll have the arsenal close at hand to help with their "shopping" after they've shot-up their drug of choice.

GO!, I love the paperweights :)  But this is still my favourite self-defence product.  Now if I can just think of a good reason to be carrying a bedside table around with me....
I'm glad I NO LONGER call Toronto home.

Safe injection sites! Even the people that run the missions are speaking out against it!

I don't want to live in a country that panders to people who have that sort of self-control issues. How the heck are we as a nation supposed to move forward with that type of thinking? I sometimes really wonder what the Liberals are thinking (if anything at all!?)
Im pretty sure that anyone with a decent job and half a brain moved out of TO for the surrounding areas a while ago.  If the yuppie idiots want to implode the city, so be it. 
What would happen if someone helpful was working at the safe injection site, and was helpfully giving out needles that helpfully had something like, oh say, botulism.  A terrible tradgedy to be sure, but the grounds around the armoury might look a little nicer.
Too harsh?
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