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GRUSOME: Australia - Two Great Whites rip boy to shreds, just 90 minutes ago!


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This just coming in as breaking news. A boy was ripped to shreds infront of his friends at a well known Adelaide (SA) public beach al little better an and hour ago.

He was being towed on a surf board behind a boat, and fell off. As the boat circled to pick him up, a White Pointer (AKA great White Shark, White Death) grabbed him by the arms, and another came and ripped him to pieces. 300 metres from shore on a crowded beach. He cried out asking for his surf board to be thrown to him, as the carnage went on. In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

Thats the second Australian fatal shark attack in 5 days!

Try www.news.com.au or www.dailytelegraph.com.au for whats happening.

As of 5 minutes ago, they (helos and boats) are still searching for the boy's remains.

One of the Whites was was over 17 ft long!

Its only the 3rd week of summer here in the south.

All this 9 days out from Christmas. Devestating news for his family and mates.


Damn, that sad. I hate sharks... Still remember that thread of that 77 year old lady getting ripped apart by a great white in South Africa.....
Jesus. What a piece of news to get at 4:30 in the morning...

Largely thanks to "Jaws", it has been years since I've set foot into salt water...
Thats a pretty horrible piece of news to wake up to. :(
Holy, I...wow.

  I thought shark attacks were extremely rare.....but the second in 5 days?
Gilligan said:
Holy, I...wow.

  I thought shark attacks were extremely rare.....but the second in 5 days?

We have many each year, but most are not fatal. Make sure you go to the links in my previous post, and read what went on. Its like from the movie Jaws, but for real this time.

White Pointers travel in every ocean on earth, anad here they follow the currents north and south picking of whales which are young, sick, weak and old, plus they feed on seals, and turtles too, but in reality they eat anything, and this included people.

Although humans are not a regular in their diets, a nibble can be fatal, but in this case of yesterday's attack, it was a deliberate preditory attack, invloving two White Pointers, and they ate this poor bloke, literally tearing him to shreds in front of not only his mates, but many others too. His mates were beating the creatures with wooded oars to scare the beasts off, but to no avail.   A few traces of his remains were found this morning.

Its hard to comprehend what actually went on.

The beaches are still open to swimmers, as life goes on.



Re: GRUSOME: Australia - Two Great Whites rip boy to shreds, just 90 minutes ago!
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 07:20:45 » 

Jesus. What a piece of news to get at 4:30 in the morning...

Largely thanks to "Jaws", it has been years since I've set foot into salt water...

Shark attacks dont happen that often, but they DO happen.Thats enough for me! I was never an ocean person anyway =p
And to think Jaws was filmed in 1974, and released in 1975! 30 yrs ago, and still going.



Shark catch in Yarmouth Nova Scotia
(The place where Dean Randazzo won the Red Bull Ice Break contest earlier this year)
Did you all see this? This Mako was hooked in the mouth, only fought slightly for 15 minutes, came up along side of the boat to have a look, long enough for one of the crew to put a rope around its tail !!!

That's when the s**t hit the fan!!

The Shark took off towing the 42 foot fishing boat backwards through the water at about 7 Knots. Just like in JAWS. The boat was taking on water, the Shark would jump completely out of the water at times.

This went on for an hour before the Shark actually drowned.
He weighed in at 1035 LBS

This is the same spot the Red Bull Ice Breaker is located. watch out Dean, Carlson, and Gesler!!


Holy cow....what is the average size of a Mako?

I don't know if anyone saw this one show on discovery during shark week....they did a show on the hunting abilities of Great White sharks.  They actually swim straight up under their prey, and jump clear out of the water.  I was flicking through the channels, and came across it, and it literally looked like a killer whale or dolphin....they are truely amazing creatures.
Makos are an excellent game fish to haul in, and are known for their tenacity, and even jumping into boats.

Off Wollongong 60km south of Sydney a 10ft mako after being caught by a rod and reel, turned on the boaters, jumping into the boat (munching on anything in its way), swamping the 16 ft craft, and the crew jumped into the water, as the shark was circling them, when another boat picked the 3 men up, and saved them from the beast in question. Thats made the front page here in the papers, and was about 1998. The shark got away.

In Feb 02 while myself and a friend were SCUBA diving off Boat Harbour, a near by fisherman in a 9 ft boat caught a mako bigger than the boat, he cut the line, and gunned the boat (15hp) and beached it only 300 metres from where we were diving!

These creatures are everywhere.


Wow, glad we don't have too many problems with them here in BC, at least nothing too horrible or fatal!
Gilligan said:
Wow, glad we don't have too many problems with them here in BC, at least nothing too horrible or fatal!

I think I remember like 10 years ago or so a Great White was caught off our coast.....
Yeah We Have Great Whites around Vancouver Island sometimes, I can remember reading something about the great white, and there was a map of it's range, and it said occasional around Van Island
  Oh, I know they're there, I'm just saying we haven't had many problems with them is all.  As stated earlier in the thread, they exist in every ocean.  I saw one a little ways off the coast of Tofino a few years ago, it was huge for sure.
  But again, I'm just glad they aren't out attacking people on a regular basis like in some places in the world.
Have a squizz at todays paper on www.dailytelegraph.com.au - absolute bone chilling details "he fought, beating the shark on the head, and fought to the end as he went down!"

Thats a quote from memory but have a read. Sends shivers up my spine!
Gilligan said:
I don't know if anyone saw this one show on discovery during shark week....they did a show on the hunting abilities of Great White sharks.   They actually swim straight up under their prey, and jump clear out of the water.

If someone can tell me how to, I can post a cool picture of this.
I agree. It's really something amazing to see.
  Easy, when you go to reply, just click on the additional options thing at the bottom, and you can attach pics through there!  For those who have never seen them do this, these are the only sharks to be known to do this, and it is and absolutely incredible show of agility and strength....not to mention is just plain COOL!!!