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Great recruiting video

Wow... if only the CF could be as cool as the Czech Army....

Seriously though, when do we get Hind's and T80's?
That is a solid video. As for the T-80's they are a former USSR satellite country, im sure they are entitled to get some discounts.
Now theres a good video, all u need is some heavy metal music like the Americans videos and then were in business
I actually found the guns a little distracting, and frankly quite scary. It didn't help at all when the army employees exercising in the rain started yelling. Much too violent for my tastes.

*edited for grammar*
If you type "Artillery" in the Search Box on video.google.com I'm still sure my video comes up.  It's still work in progress...We're waiting for the footage to come down from the other BTY that was on the Caustic Shock exercise as well as shooting more shots on our next ex to FT. Lewis.  Recruiting info etc will be added as well...

That Czech one tho...AMAZING!
That video gives me a better impression of the Czechs than the fat air force guys(Hip Pilots/ Crews) who stank of B/o in Velika Kladusa. They loved ball hockey but we didn't like to play with them because they were to smelly.
George Wallace said:
Now the US is coming out with some great videos:


That was inspiring, not quite over the top, but not shoveling platitudes and silly cliches to the masses. I wish we could have ads in that spirit, but we would need to loose a couple thousand blubbery bureaucratic barnacles for that to fly. Instead I will have settle for farcical posters at work with mindless gibberish buzz words that make no sense spoken aloud by rational voices....
Here is a good one from Mexico.....

OCdt.Banks said:
Feel free to add any other video's!
Since this thread is on posting recruiting videos... I thought it would be alright to post a CF recruiting video from 2003. 

So far, to date, this is the best CF recruiting video I have seen; mind you, I'm bias... I have a ' thing ;) ' for CF helicopter's and this particular video is focused on one wing.     

Video Length: 7:49

Gotta Love that Helo Purr!!!

egy sárvédő said:
So far, to date, this is the best CF recruiting video I have seen;

It would be a lot better without the hokey narration.

And it doesn't have enough Kiowas in it - but neither does the CF any more.

egy sárvédő said:
I have a ' thing ;) ' for CF helicopter's

Oh, yes? What do I get in exchange for a ride?

egy sárvédő said:
this particular video is focused on one wing.

"1 Wing", not "one wing".

egy sárvédő said:
Gotta Love that Helo Purr!!!

"Purr"? I've never heard the racket thus described. You're not hearing impaired, are you?
Thought I'd add this one, which is on the TV all too often.



Die Deutche Bundeswehr, i lke the music choice in the second one :P



These two are apparently official videos but dont really seem like it



And while looking through in the related i came across this one ( which is not related to the German military, must be a project for a class) which is almost like those of the CF


First text is fight with your self
Second Fight Misery/Distress
third is Fight with a team
and lastly Fight with the Bundeswehr 
Patrolman said:
Oh, yes? What do I get in exchange for a ride?
Gratitude and the knowledge that you are a nice guy.

Patrolman said:
"1 Wing", not "one wing".
Sorry, I  meant to hit the '1'... I thought '1', but typed 'one', don't know why.  Thank you for the correction. 

Patrolman said:
"Purr"? I've never heard the racket thus described. You're not hearing impaired, are you?
I hear just fine.  Yes, they are noisy from the inside, but as you know, they sound much different flying overhead. 
I like the Royal Marine recruiting video.

Here is one from the U.S.
Perhaps we should change the title of this thread to interesting military videos, ha! Not to hijack too much, but have a squizz at this... This is a good video of our lads in Afghanistan, and a song which will stir passion and pride in any Australian (or wannabee Aussie for that matter  :nod: )!


EDITed to add a lighter side of 'that pool' near 633 HQ at Victory..... This place known as 'Australian Island', within 'small arms range' of the Al Faw Palace, yes in Baghdad.


It should be noted that these people could be Aust and/or coalition soldiers/contractors etc, and not necessarily Aussie Diggers at large. The tower in the background used to house the sqeezers (mainly Aussie Officers who manned the HQ)  ;D - before that it was one of Saddam's brothels which housed his women.

Yes I had been here a number of times, but never for a swim. This place used to be the FUP for a bus to BIAP for departing on leave.

Overwatch Downunder said:
Perhaps we should change the title of this thread to interesting military videos, ha!

Talking to ships across miles and miles of liquid real estate:

U96 Das Boot: "ALARM!"
I'm not sure if this would attract people to the submarine service, or have the opposite effect.