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Graduate Studies / Master Degree / PhD [MERGED]

I'm currently a 3rd year Chemical Engineering student going through ROTP, currently in the ACSO trade.

My question is, what kind of opportunities are there to pursue graduate studies (possibly in aerospace/mechanical engineering) at some point during my career? Would studying in the United States pose any problems?  I understand that a master's or PhD is required to achieve a specific rank, but perhaps it's possible to pursue this sooner than later.

Thanks for any advice/help!

The CAF sponsors a certain number of officers each year for masters and PhDs.  There are specified programs of interest, most of which incur servie immediately after in that field.  You also incur obligatory service for all studies.
PapaJuliet said:
I'm currently a 3rd year Chemical Engineering student going through ROTP, currently in the ACSO trade.

My question is, what kind of opportunities are there to pursue graduate studies (possibly in aerospace/mechanical engineering) at some point during my career? Would studying in the United States pose any problems?  I understand that a master's or PhD is required to achieve a specific rank, but perhaps it's possible to pursue this sooner than later.

Thanks for any advice/help!


As dapaterson says, there are opportunities.  However, most are at Capt/Maj level for ACSOs and depending on the program, last year's courses were mostly in Canadian universities.  There are opportunities in the US though (Embry-Riddle comes to mind) but most of those were for AERE.
This is something that interests me as well. I will be finishing my undergrad (as a ROTP student) in 2 years and then plan on doing my mandatory service for 5 years. However, I'm very much interested in pursuing my Master's in War Studies at Kings College in the UK. I assume I won't be able to be subsidized for this, but how likely is it that I can get a 1 year sabbatical to complete it and then return to my posting?
Chelomo said:
This is something that interests me as well. I will be finishing my undergrad (as a ROTP student) in 2 years and then plan on doing my mandatory service for 5 years. However, I'm very much interested in pursuing my Master's in War Studies at Kings College in the UK. I assume I won't be able to be subsidized for this, but how likely is it that I can get a 1 year sabbatical to complete it and then return to my posting?

In the Regular Force? Likely never.
RedcapCrusader said:
In the Regular Force? Likely never.

Interesting, mind expanding? Is there spots but they are highly competitive, or is it simply something that's not done at all? Or perhaps I'll be way too busy?
Chelomo said:
Interesting, mind expanding? Is there spots but they are highly competitive, or is it simply something that's not done at all? Or perhaps I'll be way too busy?

It's more because of the levels of authority involved. You're talking about requesting one year's Leave Without Pay (LWOP) -- that needs to be approved by Director General Military Careers, with recommendations from both the CO and Officer Commanding a Command.

Assuming a typical Army career path for junior officers that is newly graduated from RMC -- that would be the Commanding Officer of one of the battalions or regiments in a mechanized brigade, and the Commander Canadian Army. Odds are that both of those gentlemen are keen on junior officers spending time with their troops and their units.

Now, once you've done battalion/regiment time and are on a second or third posting, the dynamic changes. While the army commander would now probably be more amenable to sign off, the CO likely still wouldn't be, since he doesn't get a backfill for LWOP. He does get a backfill for personnel that are doing their Master's on duty status, since they are posted into a post-grad position.

I know plenty of CF officers that have done a post-grad on duty status, both inside Canada and at foreign schools. I know none that did it on LWOP.
There are opportunities at the rank of Maj/LCol to attend foreign staff colleges, and receive a Masters for those studies.

Or you can submit an ILP and do a Masters in your own time. The likelihood of being able to do this in any format other then online is unlikely given the requirements to have a day job and the location of most bases. Also, the funding for ILPs is changing in the new fiscal year to only 50% reimbursement so you'll be on the hook for the other half.
Dimsum said:
As dapaterson says, there are opportunities.  However, most are at Capt/Maj level for ACSOs and depending on the program, last year's courses were mostly in Canadian universities.  There are opportunities in the US though (Embry-Riddle comes to mind) but most of those were for AERE.
Interesting! Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is actually the one I am looking at!
CANFORGEN 183/13 provides a list of the sponsored positions open for 2014 starts.  ACSO appears 17 times in the list; there are 7 Any GSO starts as well.

As stated, you can also pursue on your own time, with some CAF support.

PapaJuliet said:
I'm currently a 3rd year Chemical Engineering student going through ROTP, currently in the ACSO trade.

My question is, what kind of opportunities are there to pursue graduate studies (possibly in aerospace/mechanical engineering) at some point during my career? Would studying in the United States pose any problems?  I understand that a master's or PhD is required to achieve a specific rank, but perhaps it's possible to pursue this sooner than later.

Thanks for any advice/help!

As an ACSO I don't believe a master's or PhD are hard requirements to achieve any rank, though they will in all likelihood make you more competitive for promotion.
Nearly forgot:  Aerospace Systems Course has an option for Masters of Public Admin or Masters of (something) Engineering if you add a few courses to the baseline ASC.  Since you already have an Eng background, that's probably something you can look at after your first operational posting. 

ASC seems to always be looking for people so I can't see it being too tough to get on.  Finishing it may be a different story.
Thanks for all the info guys, this is very helpful. I'll see when I get there, for now I'm definitely focusing on finishing my undergrad, but here's to hoping I can do it full time eventually.
Hi everyone,

I'm an OS in the RCN reserves and I've just about wrapped up my 3rd year of a BA in Political Science. Thus far I have completely paid for my education with no reimbursements from the CF (not even the $2000 a year my recruiter promised me :P).

I'm hoping to apply for the War Studies MA program at RMC. Would I qualify for ROTP or RETP? If not, what are my other options.


OS_W00kie said:
Hi everyone,
I'm an OS in the RCN reserves and I've just about wrapped up my 3rd year of a BA in Political Science. Thus far I have completely paid for my education with no reimbursements from the CF (not even the $2000 a year my recruiter promised me :P).
I'm hoping to apply for the War Studies MA program at RMC. Would I qualify for ROTP or RETP? If not, what are my other options.

Sounds like you didn't quite understand the reimbursement thing.  You have to "apply" for it, in advance or during and it has to be approved ahead of time before reimbursement takes place.

As an "OS" I doubt pursuing an MA would qualify for reimbursement.  If you still have one more year to go for your undergrad, you can try to apply for ROTP/RETP or ask your current Res Unit if RESO is an available option at this time, if you don't want to go Regular Force and prefer to remain in the Reserves.
Yes thanks everyone. I know this is quite a far look into the future for me, but hopefully others find it useful too.

So I'm finishing off my last handful of credits towards obtaining the DMASc diploma and I'm starting to ponder this "advanced standing" that's offered by RMC towards a BMASc.

Has anyone here fired down that range before?  I'm curious as to how the process works / what to expect.

Thanks gents