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GPS, GACs, et al


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Directing Staff
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I got out in 96. Are the guys using GPS now, to do survey, recce, etc.? If so, their own, or army supplied? What other changes? Everyone using GACs now? Milipac still around? I‘ve been out of the loop for ages
GPS is now good for both bty and Regt survey. As far as I know, the Regt survey troop no longer exists. GACS is gone and MilPac is also long gone.

The MilPac replacemeant is the Indirect Fire Control Comuter System (IFCCS) which is a windows based fire control program run on basicly a desktop with a regular printer (as opposed to that monster TTY)
RECCE uses the GPS as well. Seems we have better luck using civilian brands rather than Army Issue.
Do you still emphasize compass skills on the recce course or focus on GPS/ map integration?

Also, are we using GPS in the regular exercises (like cougar salvo?), or a combination with compass skills?

Just curious..
When I do Recce I typically only determine Bty Centre by GPS. The military GPS are just to slow to go from gun marker to gun marker, besides the IFCCS determines the grid of each gun based on bearing and distance from the Bty Centre.

Bty Survey is done by GPS if the IFCCS is not available. This does not happen very often, when it does you are forced to fire by MAPS. The moment the computer is back up you switch to using it.

The guns(105) are still laid by director, or compass for quick actions.

(FYI: The only authorized GPS are the military ones. The military GPS(Plugger) is very slow and civilian GPS systems are much easier to use.)
Wish I could answer that...RECCE unit and they won‘t give me QL4 RECCE :( Awell, I have a happy new home, eh another_recce_guy! ;)
Weuse the Plugger for Bty Centre (Director) which gives Survey State Bravo (which is all we need in the context we delpoy today). We use the Troop Ranger at the Director to get CP & FC data at the same time as the Recce O is obtaining angles to the guns markers. We also use the 521 to pass line both during daylight and night deployments.
Things have come a long way from bullhorns and stadia rods.
Thanks for the replies - you‘re making me gun-sick. So, if I was still doing recce, I wouldn‘t have to verify a grid reference for the officer? Makes an old 37B wanna cry
No artillery still has the double check, so 37B still confirms 30‘s location
Sir? No double check for you? I imagine that‘s because once you had sunk to your hips in the bog, while trying to plant the gun marker, you had ample time to look the map over and get an accurate grid :rolleyes:
Having come from the ranks and done both Recce TSM and Recce O I find it even more important now to do double checks.

The instant information can easily be misread, misunderstood or messed up.

Even the most experienced operator will brain-fart on occasion.
Just to give Gunner a reality check - His 37B ALWAYS had to confirm his map spot. (or a least he should have)