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Government Falls! The 2006 election thread


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Alright - the Liberal minority government of Paul Martin has just been given the boot.   171-133; the Governor General will be consulted and the election date will be given tommorow.   All election chatter will be here.

Paul Martin seems to be quite adamant that Canadians are appalled (or should be, anyway) at the notion of a holiday season election campaign.  Is this on the mark?  I'm excited about the upcoming election, and don't really care that it will span December and most of January. What say you?
I agree.  The fact that it runs throughout the holidays doesn't bother me at all.  I'm rather tired of hearing Paul Martin go on about the whole thing "ruining" the holidays for Canadians.  ::)
The election wont ruin my holidays at all . I am looking forward to this just hope that we don't end up with another minority gov .
As an election junkie...screw horse racing, politics is the sport of kings I am a little bit biased.  But I do think that his statement that Canadians are appalled at the idea of a Christmas election campaign, will appeal to some voters, largely because none of the other parties have been able to portray themselves as a "government in waiting".  At this point and, don't forget, I have seven weeks to be proven wrong, alot of people don't see the Conservatives as a viable option and are planning to go back to the polls and mark an X for the Liberals.    Although the latest poll herel shows a narrow margin between the Conservatives and Liberals, its usually only the exit polls in a first past the post system that have any predicitive value.
Canadian government toppled by no-confidence vote

Monday, November 28, 2005; Posted: 8:09 p.m. EST (01:09 GMT)

(CNN) -- After months of political instability, the government of Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin fell Monday evening when three opposition parties united to topple him with a no-confidence vote in the House of Commons.

Martin's center-left Liberal Party had been dogged by a corruption scandal. It will now face voters in an expected January election that could end 12 years of Liberal rule in America's largest trading partner -- after a campaign over the Christmas holidays that the prime minister argues most Canadians don't want.

The opposition Conservatives, the leftist New Democrats and the separatist Bloc Quebecois joined forces to bring down Martin's government, which had lost its majority in an election last year. Monday's final vote was 171-133.

The date of the new election will be announced Tuesday, but it is expected to be in mid- or late-January.

The Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois had been threatening for months to bring down Martin and force an election. But until Monday, his government had survived with the support of the New Democrats and a handful of independents.

The Liberals have run Canada since 1993. Recent polls give them the edge over opposition leader Stephen Harper's Conservatives, but with fewer than 40 percent support among those polled, indicating that another minority government is likely.

Polls also show that in vote-rich Quebec, the Bloc Quebecois is well ahead of the other parties, making the task of assembling a majority even more difficult.

The Liberals took big losses in the House of Commons in June 2004 amid what was known as the sponsorship scandal, in which government money was paid to advertising firms to shore up support for Canadian unity in French-speaking Quebec.

Investigators determined most of the money went to firms with Liberal connections, with little or no work done in exchange, but placed most of the blame on former Prime Minister Jean Chretien.

Martin was cleared of wrongdoing and issued a dramatic apology on behalf of his government in April. The Liberals agreed to pay $1.1 million back to the government after an initial report was issued November 1.

But Harper's Tories have readied a good-government platform for the upcoming vote, with Harper vowing to curtail the influence of high-priced lobbyists in Ottawa if he becomes prime minister.

Martin had proposed elections in March, after the expected release of a second report on the sponsorship scandal. He blasted the opposition earlier this month for moving toward a quick election, because the campaign would take place over the holidays -- "when Canadians least want one."

Martin, who became prime minister in December 2003 after Chretien retired, became the fifth Canadian leader to lose a confidence vote. The last was Conservative Joe Clark, in 1979.

The Liberals' political difficulties mark a sharp turnaround in Canadian politics. Just five years ago, with the political right divided between two rival parties, the Liberals coasted to a clear majority for their third consecutive election win.

But the right has since unified into the new Conservative Party, which, coupled with the sponsorship scandal, helped cost the Liberals their majority in last year's election.
Now to see what happens to all that funding the army just recieved.  :-\
November 28, 2005, 8:18 a.m.
The "Choo Choo Man" Party On the Outs
Cautious changes ahead in Canada?

By David Gratzer

Toronto - For the second time in 18 months, Canadians are about to head to the ballot box. After weeks of desperate political maneuvering, the governing Liberals lost control of parliament, lost a key vote of confidence, and now may well lose the coming election. A dozen years of uninterrupted Liberal governance could end - with major implications for the party and the welfare state it so strongly supports.

There's an old joke that Toronto is like New York, if the Swiss ran the Big Apple. Americans view Toronto and the rest of the country as clean, unexciting, and a bit boring. Canadian politics, too, seems uninspired. The Liberal party of Canada has been like the Yankees of old: winning again and again. Around the time the Babe helped lift his team to its first World Series, the Liberals began consistently winning national elections - and didn't really stop. In the past eight decades, the Liberals spent just 16 years on the opposition benches.

And yet, today, their support is stuck at about 33 percent - the lowest polling in nearly two decades. Why the slip in popularity? Start with a good old-fashioned scandal. In 2004, the auditor general caused a political earthquake, reporting that a federal government program intended to promote Canadian unity in separation-minded Quebec was, in fact, rife with corruption. Liberal-friendly advertising firms received millions of dollars from the federal government and then funneled some of the money back to the Liberals. Trying to contain the damage, the governing party ordered an immediate judicial inquiry, headed by Mr. Justice John Gomery. But - aware of just how damaging revelations would be - they called an election in June of that year before any of the facts were established. The Liberals managed to win, but only a minority government.

This spring, the nation was captivated by the televised hearings of the Gomery Commission. No wonder - witness after witness painted a picture of scandal befitting any banana republic: bribes, intimidation, kickbacks, phony invoices, and money laundering. The details are breathtaking. Key players went by code names like "Choo Choo Man" and "White Head." Mysterious suitcases filled with cash were distributed to Liberal candidates, for instance at a campaign rally attended by the entire Cabinet. When the executive director of the Quebec wing discovered that his party was effectively run by an organized crime boss, he objected - and was threatened, he testified, with death. And there were direct ties to the former prime minister: One of his friends is alleged to have received roughly $5 million for work that was never done; Jean Chretien's brother, it is alleged, got a brown envelope with cash; and his son and niece, jobs.

Liberal fortunes have not been helped by the anemic performance of Prime Minister Paul Martin, Jr. To stay in office, he has promised everything to everyone. During a particularly frantic three-week period this fall, his government's spending announcements exceeded $20 billion (the whole federal budget is $160 billion). Finally, with an eye on wooing Canada's middle class, he announced massive tax cuts this month - but most of the relief will not be realized until 2010.

The Liberals' woes, however, run deeper than this scandal and Martin's handling of it. For years, Canadians have had an unwritten compact with the party: We'd pay high taxes and keep reelecting them and, in exchange, the Liberals would run the country competently. Obviously, the scandal has tarnished their image as astute managers. But even before, the deal was falling apart. With taxes rising steadily over the past decade, after-tax income has essentially stagnated. Yet Canada's welfare state is rotten to the core.

Take Canada's much vaunted health-care system. In a recent poll, more than 80 percent of Canadians rate the system "in crisis." People wait for practically any diagnostic test, surgical procedure, or specialist consult. The doctors' shortage is so severe that, in Norwood, Ont., winning the town lottery isn't a ticket to material wealth. With just one family doctor to service the entire town, the physician takes only 50 new patients a year. As a result, the town holds an annual lottery with the 50 winners getting an appointment with him.

The plight of Norwood is not unusual. According to Statistics Canada, approximately 1.2 million Canadians don't have a family doctor and are looking for one. American companies now routinely advertise in major Canadian dailies, offering timely health care - in the United States. And north of the 49th parallel, private health services are a booming business despite the fact that many operate in violation of federal law. The prime minister's own family doctor, incidentally, runs the most successful chain of private clinics in the country.

Health care is just one example of Canada's welfare state gone awry. Ottawa transfers billions of dollars annually from richer provinces to poorer ones - yet, after decades, the funding hasn't resolved poverty in Atlantic Canada and the prairies. In fact, these programs have institutionalized the poverty. In an effort to bolster some ailing industries, the federal government has ended up subsidizing the largest corporations in the country. Cultural grants, meant to strengthen the arts, have become a parody - funding, for example, Quebec's burgeoning soft-porn industry. Canadians have noticed: asked in a poll recently if they trusted the federal government to do what was right, 27 percent of Canadians responded in the affirmative; in the late 1960s, 58 percent agreed with the statement.

For his part, Stephen Harper, who leads the Conservative party, offers a cautious alternative. An economist by training, Harper doesn't propose turning Canada into a libertarian nation - but he does promise to reverse the nation's slow Europeanization. He supports modest tax cuts, an end to corporate welfare, and the betterment of strained Canada-U.S. relations. With regard to the proverbial third rail of Canadian politics, he favors greater use of private services within government-run health care - a modest, if important, first step for a system so beleaguered that a family doctor is now considered a luxury item.

If he wins, Stephen Harper will not be a Margaret Thatcher. However, he may prove to be a Tony Blair - and that would be a refreshing change from "Choo Choo Man" and his friends.

- David Gratzer, a physician, is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

The last line of "Presumed Innocent" says it all for so many people today: [we] looked with hope, hope, everlasting hope.....
The election won't ruin the holiday season. The holiday season has been ruined for the last ten years by the lump of coal Lieberals who, like the Grinch, stole everything worth celebrating.
I suspect we'll have incredibly low turn out for the election.  I seriously doubt most people will want to trudge out to the polls on a cold January night...

Not a good start for the Conservatives in my book..their list of important issues doesnt even include National Defence. (as of 28 Nov 05)
Guess were not an important issue for them as of yet.
Let the partisanship begin

You might be a Liberal if.....

- You confuse supply and transport ships for full blown aircraft carriers. (See ads during last election)

- You think the poverty and hopelessness on many Canadian First Nations reserves can be solved by adding just a few more Billion dollars to the unaccountable Indian Affairs budget.

- You think you are entitled to your entitlements.

- You think tax cuts are only a good idea in the last month leading to an election call.

- You believe that only Cuba and North Korea have got the right answers to medicare.

- You believe that if someone is from the the West, they're scary.

- You believe that only 50 gun related deaths in Toronto this year is a sign that the Long Gun Registry is a success.

- You think a good election slogan is 'Give us just one more last chance'.

- You live by the slogan 'plausible denyability'.

- You believe the CBC is the glue that holds this country together

Enough for now. Feel free to add you own or substitute another political party    

You might be a conservative if you think those types of jokes are funny.....

You might be a conservative if you think those types of jokes are funny.....

Guilty, some of those lines were pretty good!

- You confuse supply and transport ships for full blown aircraft carriers. (See ads during last election)

- You think the poverty and hopelessness on many Canadian First Nations reserves can be solved by adding just a few more Billion dollars to the unaccountable Indian Affairs budget.

- You believe that only 50 gun related deaths in Toronto this year is a sign that the Long Gun Registry is a success.

- You think a good election slogan is 'Give us just one more last chance'.
"- You confuse supply and transport ships for full blown aircraft carriers. (See ads during last election)"

I heard one of those ads over the radio last election, was like "wtf" because I had just spent the last week pouring over the conservatives platform and it never mentioned aircraft carriers.  Then again that same station also had a talk show going on where a "liberal supporter" said that Harper was planning on letting Bush station nukes in Canada. I know this wasnt an official statement from the party but it just sounds bad, and some people actually believed it.
MissHardie said:
Paul Martin seems to be quite adamant that Canadians are appalled (or should be, anyway) at the notion of a holiday season election campaign.   Is this on the mark?   I'm excited about the upcoming election, and don't really care that it will span December and most of January. What say you?
The politicians are appalled, because they actually have to work in December, and trudge around in the cold to campaign.  The Ottawa press corps is appalled, since they'll have to work hard during a traditional slow-news month.  I doubt the average Canadian is all that offended.

Of course the politicians can agree on some things- apparently there's a deal in place to take a holiday break and stop campaigning between December 23 and January 3.  They wouldn't want to feel too much like the rest of us poor slobs who have to work during the holidays.
Infanteer said:
Alright - the Liberal minority government of Paul Martin has just been given the boot.  171-133; the Governor General will be consulted and the election date will be given tommorow. 
Wouldn't the GG have the option of asking the Conservatives to form a  coalition government without calling an election?
As expected, the Governor General dissolved Parliament and the election date is set for January 23.

Anyone taking bets on the liberals "winning" and we find ourselves with a liberal minority government again?
Sans a few million dollars...