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going to visit a recruit, what should i bring them?


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My bf's first weekend after the lockin phase is coming up and I'm going to visit. Any ideas about what items might be nice to bring him?

Thanks :)
Rent a hotel, and get him away from base. Just have fun. There are not too many gifts that you can give him that he can keep during basic... especially not food!

I think a few pictures of you and a phone card would be good enough.
Well, as my dearest sweet grandmother - bless her soul -  used to say,

"show up naked; bring beer & chicken wings; don't block the TV"

Just be careful on the pictures - they may become a public viewing if he is a bit careless.  >:D

Is he a smoker?  That was the one thing I recall always in demand (besides sleep) - smokers never seemed to have enough.
Already booked a hotel  ;)
Pictures are a good idea thanks. What are the rules about what is and isn't allowed to show in a picture? I don't want to get him in trouble.

He doesn't smoke, but would it be a good idea to bring him some smokes he could trade, since you say they are in high demand?

Thanks for the advice guys  :)
Bring tiny frilly things that you are prepared to "shed".
Hotel / Motel room for the weekend.
Plenty of Beer & you - TV intermissions - lots of "unhealthy" food that tastes darned good...
and whatever else you can do once the lights go down ;)
twilight_girl said:
Pictures are a good idea thanks. What are the rules about what is and isn't allowed to show in a picture? I don't want to get him in trouble.

The trouble he's liable to get in is with you.

Don't show anything you don't want him showing to the other guys in his platoon.
TG... smokes are readily available in the convenience store,,, YOU aren't
lol I don't mind what he shows. It's like a mom who packs their kid extra cookies to share on the first day of school. Sharing nice pictures would only make him more popular I'm sure lol. I just don't want him to get into trouble with staff.
twilight_girl said:
Sharing nice pictures would only make him more popular I'm sure lol. I just don't want him to get into trouble with staff.

You want him to share "nice" pictures of you with his course mates?  ???

Pointer, don't give him pictures that you wouldn't show your mother/father/pastor.  As Elwood said, "G" rated.
So would lingerie in a picture be ok? Anything that might appear in say Maxim? Or is even that too "pg-13"?

And nope Moe, I wouldn't care what he wanted to show. It's flattering that he would think me pretty enough to show off. I'm a pretty laid back girl. :)
bathing suit minimum - one that fits instead of 10 times too small like a lot seem to wear.

Also think about the pictures making it onto the net and how that could impact your life down the road.

By the way - instead of making him popular the wrong pictures could make him a target of some ribbing that he doesn't need at this point.
I (a part time photographer) just took some very "sexy" pictures of a friend of mine (also a photographer) for her boyfriend in Iraq.  They involved her being scantily clad in one of his extra combat outfits, showing off all his "favourite parts" of her.  I personally think they turned out nice, though she hasn't told me how many of the 160 pictures she chose to be sharing with him.  I am sure (I hope!) she realises that some of them will become public once he sees them and is proud of them. 

I only worry about him going crazy and trying to kill me for having taken them.  We'll see how that goes next week.

Update:  Just got of fthe phone with her and she is on the way to the airport to go meet up with him.  She chose 3 pictures and printed them off.  The problem with photographers is that we are so critical of things that it's a pain.  Not only that, but the pictures are of her so that adds a factor.  I discussed this thread with her and she understands (as do you) that the pictures will be seen by others so she is only giving him the "nice" ones for now.  I explained to her how important a selection is to him.  He is in Iraq, he's not going to be as picky as her.  She said she has another 30-40 picked out.

To clarify, these photos were NOT "sit on my sofa and look sexy" pictures, they were done with a backdrop and professional lighting, etc. I just hope he realises it was between photographers and remained professional.
twilight_girl said:
So would lingerie in a picture be ok? Anything that might appear in say Maxim?
It's really hard to tell without having seen the pics;
you may want to post them here first so we can give more informed advice  >:D

Journeyman said:
It's really hard to tell without having seen the pics;
you may want to post them here first so we can give more informed advice  >:D


lol exactly what I was going to say!!
I was going to go down that dark alley by suggesting I have all the equipment necessary for a photoshoot.

AND I am in the Montreal area not too far from St-Jean.  Although it might be too late unless you have time this afternoon.  I have a 6 o'clock appointment at the Biodome but am free before that.
Haha.... and once again, the stereotypical "dirty old soldier" shows itself to an innocent young lady...

twighlight, that's just a taste of what your boyfriend is likely to turn into!!