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Going to Basic

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CF reserves

I was just wondering what i should expect at Basic training. And what is expected of me.

LOL....you are new here aren't you!..................Try the search function.........There is TONS of info to be found about basic training.....just look around.
It all depends on your staff, if you get a good tough staff then expect lots of pt, classes and very little sleep.  It's a lot of work but you do get to do some cool stuff like grenades, c-6 and c-9, Carl G, C-7, etc, not to mention the fact that you get pretty tight with the girls and boys on your course.  It was the best summer of my life, have fun.
Grenades? C9? Carl G? On basic?

Thought that was more of an SQ type deal.
Adair is right out to lunch. You train on the C7 only. You get plenty of sleep. You barely do any PT. Pretty tight with the boys and girls on your course? You sound like a stone cold killer. Remember kids, shoot to live!
xenomfba said:
Adair is right out to lunch. You train on the C7 only. You get plenty of sleep. You barely do any PT. Pretty tight with the boys and girls on your course? You sound like a stone cold killer. Remember kids, shoot to live!

And if you got lots of sleep and did little pt on your basic...i'm sure that YOU are...whats the term you used ?....stone cold killer ?......

Get some time in kid before imparting wisdom on others !!
aesop081 said:
And if you got lots of sleep and did little pt on your basic...i'm sure that YOU are...whats the term you used ?....stone cold killer ?......

Get some time in kid before imparting wisdom on others !!

How many years in do I need before I can tell people what basic training is like? I apologize for having very little tolerance for people who make things seem harder than they are to make themselves look tougher than they are. Basic training is a lot different now than when you went through, Aesop. You get 6-8 hours of sleep a night, three meals a day, and the field exercise is a camping trip. Instructors aren't even allowed to use "foul language" or give push-ups as punishment. The hardest part about basic is trying to stay awake during the SHARP training.

I didn't say I was a stone cold killer, but as an infanteer I am trained to kill. The CF just seems too "touchy-feely" for an organization that's supposed to be capable of war fighting. You used to be in the combat arms, in a trade that I have a lot of respect for, and I would think that you could understand.
"It's a lot of work but you do get to do some cool stuff like grenades, c-6 and c-9, Carl G, C-7, etc"

Not if your going Reg Force at St Jean.  You only touch the C-7 and you get one day at the range and maybe 30 to 60 rounds of blanks.  But you get to enjoy the swamps and water and lots of Quebec culture on the weekends.
I'm on the course right now, and the no push-ups and no foul-language comment is way off.
we do push-ups in the hallways, we do pushups at the drill hall, we do pushups outside. The instructors say whatever they want. They only rule i hear them talk about is not being able to personally insult 1 recruit.

now basic is not that hard, way easier then i thought it would be, the most push-ups they give you is 25, and if u can't do them u can go on ur knees.   how many you do depends on the instructor and the platoon, but a good average is about 100 a day. other pt includes around 2-3 afternoon pt classes a week, which is anything from running, to rope climbing, to minor weight training.   Then theres the morning runs, depending on your staff this can be from 1 to 3 times a week.

the basic day for me so far is as follows:
wake up at 5am
make bed, shave, so on, then breakfast
come up around 6:15, get ready for inspection.
then from about 8 till 5 you have various classes, drill, pt, to go threw. (forgot about lunch, usually 20 to 45mins)
then you eat dinner, go back upstairs and work on station jobs(cleaning) your kit (laundry, boot shining, folding, so on)
then bed at 2300

what your expected to do is listen and learn, help eachother all the time, show discipline and pride.   The instructors will teach you everything you need to know. All you have to do is pay attention to all the lessons, study and do the homework for the classes, work hard on the drill, do that and you will do fine.

Its been real fun so far, and can't wait to get back.
I finished basic in june if this year and casus belli pretty much covered it. Use the opportunity to get yourself ready for SQ and dont worry about basic it's a breeze. Good luck.
What Casus Belli and Wookie wrote is bang on.  You get alot out of BMQ with the right attitude.
Its pereverence, teamwork, a can-do attitude, a sense of humour, and help your buddies that
will get you through.  Have fun.

Yeah bud, I just finished BMQ and we were PT'd every day. 1 with staff 1 with PSP. But u know it wasnt all that bad, PSP is questionable but the couse is good. U get to do some fun stuff and some not so fun stuff. Just hope u got a good staff and good people in your platoon. Be prepared to gurry up to wait.

xenomfba said:
How many years in do I need before I can tell people what basic training is like? I apologize for having very little tolerance for people who make things seem harder than they are to make themselves look tougher than they are. Basic training is a lot different now than when you went through, Aesop. You get 6-8 hours of sleep a night, three meals a day, and the field exercise is a camping trip. Instructors aren't even allowed to use "foul language" or give push-ups as punishment. The hardest part about basic is trying to stay awake during the SHARP training.

I didn't say I was a stone cold killer, but as an infanteer I am trained to kill. The CF just seems too "touchy-feely" for an organization that's supposed to be capable of war fighting. You used to be in the combat arms, in a trade that I have a lot of respect for, and I would think that you could understand.

I apologise if i missinterpreted your comments.  I did not realise that basic had gone downhill that much.
aesop, it hasn't, as someone else has pointed out..

Maybe he is referring to the reserves, but my reg force basic (officers) def. had some swearing (albeit never at one person specifically) and it had PLENTY of pushups. Never as punishment, always as corrective action.
casus belli said:
now basic is not that hard, way easier then i thought it would be, the most push-ups they give you is 25, and if u can't do them u can go on ur knees.   how many you do depends on the instructor and the platoon, but a good average is about 100 a day.

You won't get punishment pushups, just "corrective physical training". Ask aesop how his basic was 10-12 years ago and I'm sure you'll see it was much tougher. As you said, basic isn't that hard. I just don't like it when people try to make it look like Gunnery Sgt. Hartman PT'd them to death each and every day just so they look hard.

Theres been BMQs for decades and who cares if 10-12 years ago it was tougher.  Maybe it
was even tougher 30 years ago or even 300 years ago.  Its a 10 week course at the beginning
of a career and its much more important to consider the quality of that career than little tiddly
bit things in BMQ.  The ones that bring done the team are the ones that don't care about
the team, the bad attitude, the no-can-do, the ones that don't persevere, the ones that
complain, and they come out of many eras.  Its easy to be negative about it, but you get out
of BMQ what you put in.
Good reply Bert!! BMQ is not design to be hard it is the building block for your career.  It is mean't for you to get into the right mind set with the intro to discipline, pt, weapons and conduct. Then the bar is slowly raised at the SQ and trade courses. If it was too hard or designed like a selection then not may would get in.

casus belli said:
I'm on the course right now, and the no push-ups and no foul-language comment is way off.
we do push-ups in the hallways, we do pushups at the drill hall, we do pushups outside. The instructors say whatever they want. They only rule i hear them talk about is not being able to personally insult 1 recruit.

now basic is not that hard, way easier then i thought it would be, the most push-ups they give you is 25, and if u can't do them u can go on ur knees.  

The only down side to doing this is if the instructors sees you doing this and they usually always do, your whole platoon gets to hold the push up position until you feel you can pull your *** off the ground and join them.
The instructors like to do this because it promotes recruit team work. We were allowed to cheer on the recruit that was trying to do the last few as we all held the position which doesn't sound hard but many of you know it is, after doing a bunch and your arms are shaking like jello. The main thing about basic is as a platoon make sure you guys come together and learn "team work", this includes looking after the guy next to you to make sure all the lint is off his Barret, or his/her buttons are all done up.
