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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

This just goes to show that the UN delegates at the climate conference in Cancun haven't got a clue.

UN delegates sign petition to ban water

Many of the delegates at the UN climate conference in Cancun, Mexico, have signed a petition to ban dihydrous monoxide, a key ingredient in climate change, acid rain and a chemical that is fatal if inhaled.

It's also vital to all life on Earth and is pumped into homes as a basic service. Dihydrous monoxide is the chemical term for water.

A group of college students called Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, or CFACT, circulated the fake petition at the conference this week.

"It was designed to show that if official UN delegates could be duped by college students into banning water, that they could essentially fall for anything," the group wrote on its website.

"Almost every delegate that collegian students approached signed their petition to ban that all-too dangerous substance."

More at link
You're a little late Moe:

Reply #1424 on: December 10, 2010, 08:56:23
ModlrMike said:
You're a little late Moe:

Reply #1424 on: December 10, 2010, 08:56:23

D'oh!  SHows you how interested I am in climate "change".  ;)
Making fun of the global warming thingy is too easy . .  it is a very target rich environment.

Very hard to keep up with the latest laughs &  keep aware of their latest buffoonery.

Although I don't usually make fun of religion, the whole gaia worship fad  is just to tempting. 

Some people actually believe Avatar is a documentary !  Go figure

it just keeps rolling in  . . .  ;D


Haletown said:
Some people actually believe Avatar is a documentary !  Go figure
Funny you mention that, because in Avatar 2, Earth comes back and rains nuclear death upon that planet, and scrapes together all the unobtainium it wants.  And there's nothing that those blue monkeys could do about it ;D
Technoviking said:
Funny you mention that, because in Avatar 2, Earth comes back and rains nuclear death upon that planet, and scrapes together all the unobtainium it wants.  And there's nothing that those blue monkeys could do about it ;D

Wow; I'm ordering the Blu-Ray today!

You've restored my faith in James Cameron's ability to make movies  ;D ;D ;D
Thucydides said:
Wow; I'm ordering the Blu-Ray today!

You've restored my faith in James Cameron's ability to make movies  ;D ;D ;D
It's actually only five minutes long.  I'm not sure if Sir James is involved ;D

(Now I await the sting of PMs asking me for a link to a non-existant movie) ;D
Haletown said:
Making fun of the global warming thingy is too easy . .  it is a very target rich environment.

Very hard to keep up with the latest laughs &  keep aware of their latest buffoonery.

Although I don't usually make fun of religion, the whole gaia worship fad  is just to tempting. 

Some people actually believe Avatar is a documentary !  Go figure

  And who exactly believes Avatar is a documentary?
TheHead said:
  And who exactly believes Avatar is a documentary?



Just to name a few. I'd pull up the discussions I found on some PETA sites, but they give me hives.
HavokFour said:


Just to name a few. I'd pull up the discussions I found on some PETA sites, but they give me hives.

Ahh well there is a big difference between docudrama and documentary.  I can't look at the facebook link at work though I'll take a look at it later. 
TheHead said:
Ahh well there is a big difference between docudrama and documentary.
Ahhhh, perhaps similar to the difference between the IPCC's discredited science saying global warming is entirely my fault because I don't drive a SmartCar or a Segway.....and the historically-evident, inevitable swings in global warming trends.
Journeyman said:
Ahhhh, perhaps similar to the difference between the IPCC's discredited science saying global warming is entirely my fault because I don't drive a SmartCar or a Segway.....and the historically-evident, inevitable swings in global warming trends.

  Could be.  I don't pretend to know all the science or myths behind global warming. 
Revised, now that I've simmered down from a debate elsewhere.

Here's actually a great link condensing the Fox News' efforts to claim "ClimateGate" was a scandal when in fact, the scientific community remains pretty clear and not less than three independent investigations have made clear that anthropogenic climate change is real, it is a threat, and it must be dealt with in some manner.  It seems FauxNews is getting hit with its own leaks scandal.  Good.


Nothing bothers me more than people missing the fact that the East Anglia "scandal" was nothing of the sort, and that there's some willingness by people to simply disregard what seems to be an overwhelming amount of evidence that something is happening, and that we'd better put our minds to doing something about it.

Ad Hominem attacks lend nothing to the discussion. If you disagree with a viewpoint, you can at least be polite in your discussion. Calling those with other viewpoints names only demonstrates an inability to support one's argument with rational discourse.

And no, I'm not a fan or supporter of Fox News.
Redeye said:
"ClimateGate" was a scandal when in fact, the scientific community remains pretty clear and not less than three independent investigations have made clear that anthropogenic climate change is real

You've been conned buddy.

Not one of the EA CRU Investigations looked into  any of the science or data or results of the "science" revealed by Climategate.  They did some good lunches however.

Not one. Not the first, not the second or the last.  They were government "bury the problem" inquiries, no science or science evaluation involved.

And if you think MediaMatters is a neutral organization sans agenda . . .  want to buy a bridge?
