jhk87 said:
And all of this coming from.......the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a skeptical think-tank funded by extractive industries!
If it makes you happy or content to believe in the AGW theory, well just fill yer boots buddy.
If it makes you happy that a multi-$billion, transnational environmental industry is making public policy then be happy.
If it makes you happy that your energy systems are being hijacked by bad public policy and your happy paying an 800% premium for green energy so you can feel good, then feel really good.
Won't change the facts that the predictions of catastrophic climate change are not happening as predicted, the famous models don't work and natural climate variation is really the Big Kahuna in all the multiple factors that drive the chaotic energy distribution system we call climate.
But know that it is over, the environmentalists are already moving on to the next Great Hairy Scary fund raising scam, the vast majority of the public no longer give a rat's patooty worth of thought about Global Warming, I Mean Climate Change, sorry I mean Global Climate Disruption.
It is over now, all that is left is for some of the fraud and criminal charges to work their way forward. Al Gore will be a footnote in history as a weirdo-whacko who got rich on the scam and future generations will wonder who so many people could be so gullible, so stupid to believe microscopic changes in one gas in our atmosphere - .008% change, could drive the entire climate system.
But hey, believe what you want if it makes you happy. Just don't expect anyone with a modicum of thinking ability to agree with you.
Don't worry, be happy, take in a long deep breath and slowly exhale some planet killing CO2