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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

I still want to know how exactly your company will be run into the ground by reducing greenhouse gas emission's.

Sigs Guy - You have represented your "orthodoxy" and made my point (I think) about religious zeal regarding this issue.

In business there is a ritual called accounting.
There are costs on one side and revenue on the other.

Globalization only really affects the revenue side ( it's down ).
This is true in manufacturing, agriculture and many other backbone of the nation type business.

The rise in cost of doing business in Canada is in part due to environmental regulation.
Some of it, I agree with.  This regulatory burden costs me around 7% of my revenue per year.

Your suggestion that manufacturing is tanking , only due to globalization is specious.

Green house emission reduction WILL increase the cost of energy and EVERYTHING else.
Shipping, manufacturing, virtually ALL industrial activity will cost more. In many cases, a lot.
Electronics in particular is extremely energy dependant because there are so many stages
in manufacturing any product.  So in my case ALL of my input costs WILL go up.

The capital cost of decreasing "in house" consumption of natural gas in particular is prohibitive.
Reducing the cost of electricity and water( yes water costs energy too) is also prohibitive.

So if I spend $100K on upgrades - my return on investment is potentially zero or likely to pay back over
a very long time. Will the bank loan me the money? - NO.

You are too young to remember the energy crisis in the 70s.
Artificially high energy costs ultimately led to a recession  and then a short depression.
Many in Alberta lost their entire business investment.

Two more examples of regulation:

My neighbour, a former WWII Commando owned a dry cleaning plant.
The City of Edmonton tried to enact a zero hydrocarbon discharge limit on his wastewater.
Kirkhill's already figured out the punchline;
No one in this plant could flush the toilet without violating "zero"
Meanwhile, at a city facility up the road - All kinds of unabated discharge!

In my own business, the ink for printing the lettering on circuit boards was changed overnight.
Without warning our product appearance went to crap.
It took fully 8 years before an acceptable replacement was developed.
In Asia - no such problem.

Get it now?


Quote from: Sigs Guy on Yesterday at 16:00:31
So far this forum was more about calling any and all people supportive of the environment nutjobs, jihadis, socialists, etc. If you are troubled by freedom of thought and debate then perhaps we should simply get rid of the politics section altogether.

I don't think many of us are "troubled by freedom of thought".  Moreso, we're troubled by people who continually join this thread, throw up some pro-Kyoto hyperbole, ignore the evidence that has REPEATEDLY been posted in this thread which not one of you have even attempted to disprove, then proceed to call the rest of us names equivalent to "neanderthal" for not rushing out to follow you in your infinite wisdom.

Prove me wrong?

Tell me how the Global Warming Model you trumpet can actually work if surface temperatures are rising faster than tropospheric temperatures....and if you don't why that's relevant, I think you should find another thread to post in.

I'll leave the current warming of Mars and now Nepture too where there are no man-emitted GHG's for later....as I will man's pitiful contribution to overall GHG production at less than 10%, and the fact that we're now getting predictions the current solar storm cycle is actually scheduled to weaken in 15 years which means we're going to have a massive cooling influence on the planet at which point we could be hoping and praying for all the insulation we could get.

....but since you seem to know everything, after you.

Matthew.  :salute:
I don't think many of us are "troubled by freedom of thought".  Moreso, we're troubled by people who continually join this thread, throw up some pro-Kyoto hyperbole, ignore the evidence that has REPEATEDLY been posted in this thread which not one of you have even attempted to disprove, then proceed to call the rest of us names equivalent to "neanderthal" for not rushing out to follow you in your infinite wisdom.

What evidence would that be, OISM's Oregon Petition which containted the names of a spice girl and Perry Mason, or would it be the Great Global Warming Swindle which one scientist featured in the film compared to Nazi propaganda.


For centuries we've been clearing forests and burning coal, oil, and gas, pouring carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere faster than plants and oceans can soak them up (see "The Case of the Missing Carbon," February 2004). The atmosphere's level of carbon dioxide now is higher than it has been for hundreds of thousands of years. "We're now geological agents, capable of affecting the processes that determine climate," says George Philander, a climate expert at Princeton University. In effect, we're piling extra blankets on our planet.


I'll leave the current warming of Mars and now Nepture too where there are no man-emitted GHG's for later....as I will man's pitiful contribution to overall GHG production at less than 10%, and the fact that we're now getting predictions the current solar storm cycle is actually scheduled to weaken in 15 years which means we're going to have a massive cooling influence on the planet at which point we could be hoping and praying for all the insulation we could get.

and once again scientists have explained that as well...

"His views are completely at odds with the mainstream scientific opinion," said Colin Wilson, a planetary physicist at England's Oxford University.

"And they contradict the extensive evidence presented in the most recent IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report." (Related: "Global Warming 'Very Likely' Caused by Humans, World Climate Experts Say" [February 2, 2007].)

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Climate Change Predictions Not Exaggerated, Analysis Says (February 1, 2007)
New Mars Pictures Show Signs of Watery "Aquifers" (February 16, 2007)
Photo Gallery: Global Warming

Amato Evan, a climate scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, added that "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations."

Planets' Wobbles

The conventional theory is that climate changes on Mars can be explained primarily by small alterations in the planet's orbit and tilt, not by changes in the sun.

"Wobbles in the orbit of Mars are the main cause of its climate change in the current era," Oxford's Wilson explained. (Related: "Don't Blame Sun for Global Warming, Study Says" [September 13, 2006].)

All planets experience a few wobbles as they make their journey around the sun. Earth's wobbles are known as Milankovitch cycles and occur on time scales of between 20,000 and 100,000 years.

These fluctuations change the tilt of Earth's axis and its distance from the sun and are thought to be responsible for the waxing and waning of ice ages on Earth.

Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now.

"Mars has no [large] moon, which makes its wobbles much larger, and hence the swings in climate are greater too," Wilson said.

No Greenhouse

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block in Abdussamatov's theory is his dismissal of the greenhouse effect, in which atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface.

He claims that carbon dioxide has only a small influence on Earth's climate and virtually no influence on Mars.

But "without the greenhouse effect there would be very little, if any, life on Earth, since our planet would pretty much be a big ball of ice," said Evan, of the University of Wisconsin.

Most scientists now fear that the massive amount of carbon dioxide humans are pumping into the air will lead to a catastrophic rise in Earth's temperatures, dramatically raising sea levels as glaciers melt and leading to extreme weather worldwide.

Abdussamatov remains contrarian, however, suggesting that the sun holds something quite different in store.

"The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."

....but since you seem to know everything, after you.

Don't know everything, just don't base all of my opinion's on something that comes from a right wing free market think tank.

I don't have a counter argument.  I don't disagree with you.  If you woke up and stopped lashing out at the other serious posters here, you'd realize that.

I fail to see the lashing out that happened, and I'm sure you'll find much worse said on the other side.

Your attitude with Flip bore all the marks of a crusader, one who refuses to even countenance the other side of any debate.

I have looked at the sources given by the other side and they are usually always disputed by scientists, as well their are plenty of discrepencies in others. The same in the gun thread, I've shown statistics which supported my case and have shown how giving people that are living in fear doesn't create a safer society.

There is more to life and education than books and theory. 

Once again, get over yourself.

If you don't disagree with me then why don't you post anything in response to the skeptics?

In the end though this is futile because the only response which would be somewhat acceptable and considered "rational" would be to be in total agreement with the argument that climate change is a huge hoax.
You haven't show anything. I have better things to do than debunk your statistic at the moment. But the time will come.

As far as being affraid, it almost amounts to a personal attack. You have no basis to come to the conclusion the supposed feelings I have. If you can not understand the difference between being intellectually aware of something and being emotionaly driven by it, you have failed to understand something very basic in human nature.
Sigs Guy said:
In the end though this is futile because the only response which would be somewhat acceptable and considered "rational" would be to be in total agreement with the argument that climate change is a huge hoax.

You really need to get a grip on yourself because here is where you lose just about everybody with your condensendance, NOT ONE poster in this thread,[ for either side] has said climate change is a hoax, some say its natural, some say its manmade, some say its a split........we all admit its happening.

I, personally, think mostly its a natural occurance that we are pushing faster than it would've happened this time but that Mother Nature will once again, after a few years of punishing us, will crack a volcano or come up with some gaseous "magical trick" that we, sitting in our 'know-all labs' had no idea could happen, and in about 50 years mankind will be wondering how to keep the ice from scraping off so much fertile farmland...........

What evidence would that be, OISM's Oregon Petition which containted the names of a spice girl and Perry Mason, or would it be the Great Global Warming Swindle which one scientist featured in the film compared to Nazi propaganda.

Sigs Guy-

This is known as "cherry picking".  You can't make fun of the lack of scientific qualifications of your opponent's supporters and not open yourself up to an equivalent charge against the Global Warming supporters.  What particular scientific background do Sheryl Crowe and Bruce Cockburn have that make them qualified to shill for the pro-Kyoto crowd?  What particular scientific background do you have?

I would also like to point out that scientific consensus does NOT equal scientific fact.  Science is not a democratic institution where voting on something makes it so.  For instance, when Einstein put forward a general theory on relativity, the scientific consensus of the day was that he was wrong.  At one point, the scientific consensus was that the atom could never be split.  30 years ago (mid 1970s) there was a strong scientific consensus that the planet would enter an Ice age by the 1990s. Do you see where I am going with this? 

Like CSA and several others here, I am not particularly pleased with your style of argument.  You frequently belittle those who disagree with you or point out gaping flaws in your evidence.  A good debater takes that disagreement and uses it to polish their argument- they do NOT descend to Ad Hominem attacks.  We are not neandrathals for refusing to be stampeded with the rest of the herd without asking first if it is a good idea to run and, if it's not to much trouble, are we about to jump ourselves off of a cliff while trying to solve a problem that might not even turn out to be a problem.  As a personal note, I get very worried when large groups of people get panicky about a subject and begin clamouring for politicians to do something, ANYTHING.

IMHO, climate change always happens- we just don't notice it very well because we only live about 80 years, which makes most people's frame of reference too short.  Are GHG's changing the climate?  I'm not sure.  I see, scientifically, how it is possible.  I just don't know if it is actually happening.  The interaction between atmosphere and the oceans (the major drivers of climate on Earth) are actually surprisingly poorly understood.  What I do know, however that Canada is a large and cold country.  For us to quit hydrocarbon fuels cold turkey would not only destroy our economy, but would probably kill a few million of us as well. Is it prudent to increase energy efficiency?  Absolutely- as the cost of energy inputs rise, it only makes sense for people and businesses to use less of an expensive commodity.  Are we going to be saved by wind power, solar and hydrogen?  Probably not.  Nuclear might- if people stop being terrified of it. We are probably going to be using hydrocarbons as fuel in some form for at least the next 50 years.

Anyway- keep in mind that many of us here have been through more than one of these doomsday scare scenarios over the past decades and have learned some sceptism.  You should, too.

Look at the following:

I don't really seehow global warming is a "religion", unless the majority of the scientific community are off their nut.

I don't see any issues with becoming a more sustainable economy, and I fail to seehow becoming less reliant of non-renewable resources will destroy our economy.

I once again still fail to seehow renewable energy, a sustainable economy, or for the matter becoming less reliant on middle eastern oil will make us a worse society.

As for taking your living from you, I really don't see how that's going to happen.

I fail to see the lashing out that happened, and I'm sure you'll find much worse said on the other side.

There's a recurring phrase.
You say it over and over.

All I can say is yes, you do "fail to see". I think deliberately.

I come to ARMY.ca primarily to learn.
I engage in discussion for the fun of it.

Some of the trolls have been fun. You haven't been.

Command-Sense-Act 105  has shown leadership and I think, a lot of class.
You haven't.
How in creation do you expect to persuade anyone, or to share your thoughts
in this manner?
How do you expect to learn anything? Clearly you don't

If you came down the mountain with stone tablets at this point - I wouldn't care.

Sorry kid, You've lost me.

What a shock....I gave you the opportunity to redeem yourself by answering a direct question, and you dodged it.

Matthew.  ::)

Flip said:
If you came down the mountain with stone tablets at this point - I wouldn't care.
Sorry to take this off topic but please tell me you don't have a copyright on that phrase........because it's  going into the Monk's repertoire.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Sorry to take this off topic but please tell me you don't have a copyright on that phrase........because it's  going into the Monk's repertoire.

You can use it free of any encumbrance except;

You have to shave your head and wear sackcloth  ;D
What particular scientific background do Sheryl Crowe and Bruce Cockburn have that make them qualified to shill for the pro-Kyoto crowd?

What Scientific background do the following organizations have?


This is known as "cherry picking".  You can't make fun of the lack of scientific qualifications of your opponent's supporters and not open yourself up to an equivalent charge against the Global Warming supporters.

The OISM is a notorious organization which is not exactly known for its stellar credentials, I believe the founder created a home schooling program which was intended to fight against socialism.

I would also like to point out that scientific consensus does NOT equal scientific fact.  Science is not a democratic institution where voting on something makes it so.  For instance, when Einstein put forward a general theory on relativity, the scientific consensus of the day was that he was wrong.  At one point, the scientific consensus was that the atom could never be split.  30 years ago (mid 1970s) there was a strong scientific consensus that the planet would enter an Ice age by the 1990s. Do you see where I am going with this? 

According to medical researchers paid by big tobacco smoking doesn't cause cancer, you can't compare Einstein with scientists who are paid by companies which would see their profits do down if we switched to renewable energy.

IMHO, climate change always happens- we just don't notice it very well because we only live about 80 years, which makes most people's frame of reference too short.  Are GHG's changing the climate?  I'm not sure.  I see, scientifically, how it is possible.  I just don't know if it is actually happening.  The interaction between atmosphere and the oceans (the major drivers of climate on Earth) are actually surprisingly poorly understood.

That's understandable, however the vast majority of scientists who have stellar credentials disagree.

What I do know, however that Canada is a large and cold country.  For us to quit hydrocarbon fuels cold turkey would not only destroy our economy, but would probably kill a few million of us as well.

Yeah, those liberal radicals really want to see million's of Canadian's dead.

Like CSA and several others here, I am not particularly pleased with your style of argument.  You frequently belittle those who disagree with you or point out gaping flaws in your evidence.

Not really, I have provided links supporting my view and have corrected myself when proven wrong. It's simply people getting angry because they don't agree with somebody else's opinion. If I started going on some rant calling people [excuse the language], fucknuts, turds, whatever, then it's fair to say that I have unfairly slandered people.

We are not neandrathals for refusing to be stampeded with the rest of the herd without asking first if it is a good idea to run and, if it's not to much trouble, are we about to jump ourselves off of a cliff while trying to solve a problem that might not even turn out to be a problem.

The thing is though that the science is there, and when we say lets wait 50 years before making a decision on climate change, I highly doubt it'll really make much of a difference then.

We are not neandrathals for refusing to be stampeded with the rest of the herd without asking first if it is a good idea to run and, if it's not to much trouble, are we about to jump ourselves off of a cliff while trying to solve a problem that might not even turn out to be a problem.  As a personal note, I get very worried when large groups of people get panicky about a subject and begin clamouring for politicians to do something, ANYTHING.

I'm not exactly running with the herd on this topic.

Anyway- keep in mind that many of us here have been through more than one of these doomsday scare scenarios over the past decades and have learned some sceptism.  You should, too.

I'm more skeptical of science bought by big oil.

All I can say is yes, you do "fail to see". I think deliberately.

See what? So far you have shown no sources to back up your arguments, and much of the argument here has simply been an attack on the environmental movement and bashing people who support fighting global warming as eco-terrorists. I guess I fail to see how the vast majority of scientists with stellar credentials, 132 countries, the majority of American major cities, each one of the major political parties in Canada, and a large majority of Canada has been duped into being destroyed and killing off million's of people by supporting renewable energy, driving hybrid cars, and becoming more sustainable.

How in creation do you expect to persuade anyone, or to share your thoughts
in this manner?

I have backed up my thoughts with the support of scientific organizations and countless links to my sources. So far you have none, my manner is not arrogant, it simply makes no sense for me to buy into your notion that because you have no sources, no links, no articles, that I should buy into what you have to say.

Some of the trolls have been fun. You haven't been.

Yeah, that's mature. I disagree with you, thus you must be a troll. ::)

Get over yourself, if you somehow have failed to make me see its simply due to the lack of any credible sources beyond the talk here about million's in Canada being killed due to supporting tougher environmental regulations to combat climate change.

What a shock....I gave you the opportunity to redeem yourself by answering a direct question, and you dodged it.

If your referring to Mars heating up, you simply have to read the National Geographic link provided.

As long time readers know, I am a "sceptic", and believe based on certain evidence presented in this and other threads that climactic changes are driven by natural external forces. The world will warm and cool (along with the other planets) according to long standing cycles.

Global warming is an industry, and operates like any other industry. Drumming up fear is advertising, trying to create a demand for their particular brand of "science", and get a lock on government subsidies and funding. I once heard a similar example from the past, when President Nixon declared a "War on Cancer", every biological scientist suddenly "discovered" their work was related to the study of Cancer and thus worth a Federal subsidy.

We can see one example in Canada with the granting of a $100 million subsidy for ethanol production in Ontario. This is great for the producers (and American farmers, ironically, since they can supply corn at a competitive price), but ridiculous otherwise since ethanol requires more fossil fuel energy than it delivers. Global warming proponents will push more schemes like this so long as they can get the money, so keep your hand on your wallet!
a_majoor said:
As long time readers know, I am a "sceptic", and believe based on certain evidence presented in this and other threads that climactic changes are driven by natural external forces. The world will warm and cool (along with the other planets) according to long standing cycles.

Global warming is an industry, and operates like any other industry. Drumming up fear is advertising, trying to create a demand for their particular brand of "science", and get a lock on government subsidies and funding. I once heard a similar example from the past, when President Nixon declared a "War on Cancer", every biological scientist suddenly "discovered" their work was related to the study of Cancer and thus worth a Federal subsidy.

We can see one example in Canada with the granting of a $100 million subsidy for ethanol production in Ontario. This is great for the producers (and American farmers, ironically, since they can supply corn at a competitive price), but ridiculous otherwise since ethanol requires more fossil fuel energy than it delivers. Global warming proponents will push more schemes like this so long as they can get the money, so keep your hand on your wallet!

Yes, funny that the price of corn has now risen to great heights, so much for supply and demand. The free market is not free anymore.

Something all the scientists (pro or anti) never mention is that statistically, noone can predict with any accuarcy beyond the data. In other words, if you are using monthly data, you can predict the next month accurately, but no further. So, how can environmentalists predict, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50 years into the future?

Easy answer, they can't, and they know it!
So, how can environmentalists predict, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50 years into the future?
Good point!
If the weather man can't get it right more than 40% of the time how
can we say the end is near?

On a cheerier note,

I remember grinning broadly when I saw this broadcast a few years ago.

CBC: Documentaries : Doomsday Called OffDOOMSDAY CALLED OFF. Sunday November 27, 2005 at 7pm ET on CBC Newsworld ... from all over the world explode the doom and gloom of global warming. ...
www.cbc.ca/documentaries/doomsday.html - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

CBC - Global Warming Doomsday Called Off - Google Video
A very good unbiased documentary about the real cause of ...
44min -

It's a fun watch, of course I don't know if anything on CBC can be believed. ::)

Sigs Guy,
Did you actually read your links or did you just cut and paste them from somewhere else?  I just read through them and, all of them except one, being at least two years old, seem to support my theory that this is natural with us giving it a faster push........and the only one that isn't old is just someone knocking Michael Crichton for moving from writing to "science stuff', which is really funny considering Al Gore..........

Some snips from the first two links........[ the post was going to be waaaay too long otherwise]

The scientific consensus might, of course, be wrong. If the history of science teaches anything, it is humility, and no one can be faulted for failing to act on what is not known. But our grandchildren will surely blame us if they find that we understood the reality of anthropogenic climate change and failed to do anything about it.

Many details about climate interactions are not well understood, and there are ample grounds for continued research to provide a better basis for understanding climate dynamics. The question of what to do about climate change is also still open

The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability.

What is the range of natural variability in climate?

The range of natural climate variability is known to be quite large (in excess of several degrees Celsius) on local and regional spatial scales over periods as short as a decade. Precipitation also can vary widely. For example, there is evidence to suggest that droughts as severe as the "dust bowl" of the 1930s were much more common in the central United States during the 10th to 14th centuries than they have been in the more recent record. Mean temperature variations at local sites have exceeded 10°C (18°F) in association with the repeated glacial advances and retreats that occurred over the course of the past million years. It is more difficult to estimate the natural variability of global mean temperature because of the sparse spatial coverage of existing data and difficulties in inferring temperatures from various proxy data. Nonetheless, evidence suggests that global warming rates as large as 2°C (3.6°F) per millennium may have occurred during retreat of the glaciers following the most recent ice age

Arnold is coming!

California Governor Arnold Shwarznegger has come to Canada to beat the drum
for Hydrogen powered cars.

So what? you might ask.

I found this,


The climatic effects of water vapour
Feature: May 2003

Contrary to common belief, the greenhouse effect may have more to do with water in our atmosphere than gases such as carbon dioxide

What occurs to me ( back to unintended consequences ) is that if water vapor
is a more significant greenhouse gas than CO2, is there not some danger
in powering everything that moves with Hydrogen?

From what I have read this morning, Water, molecule for molecule has about
twice the capacity to trap IR than CO2 when in the atmosphere.
There is also a lot more of it!

It also has about 10 times the specific heat capacity as CO2 as it emerges from the exhaust pipe. As I run my car more heat comes from the engine as water vapor
than CO2.

So.............. How grand an idea is running the car on hydrogen?
Do we not run the risk of warming the globe a lot faster?
Or is it more important to do something, anything, right now
- to hell with what comes after?

Me, I love the idea of cold fusion, too bad it didn't work out. :(

P.S. - I found out where you get Hydrogen on a commercial scale
  ( actually I knew all along )


Punchline on link

Further to Bruce's observation:

Interestingly the anti-Crichton post is one group of scientists (apparently) criticizing another group of scientists (recognized) because the recognized group of scientists apparently endorses Crichton's views concerning global warming and media manipulation - so much for the consensus - although the recognized scientists do get their bills paid by the oil industry.

Meanwhile the rest of the "supporting" blurbs stipulate:
- that global warming is real;
- that climate change is a natural phenomenon;
- that climate change involves greenhouse gases;
- that CO2 is a greenhouse gas;
- that CO2 is produced by human activities, along with other greenhouse gases;
- that there are many natural sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gases;
- that if it is possible to "cost-effectively" control CO2 emissions then that could be a wise move;
- that the facts of the matter are still unknown and require more research.

I don't think anybody here would disagree with any of those stipulations.  

The only stipulation up for debate is what constitutes a "cost-effective" control on an imprecisely defined problem.

And by the way Scientists calling for more research equates to Scientists asking for more money to fund their programmes - which in turn equates to them making more of a personal profit.

Scientists make their livings from uncertainty and hate to be proven wrong.  Consequently the IPCC technical documents from the scientists say "probably", "may", "might", "could", "based on current data, understandings..." .  Implicit in all their statements is that with different/better evidence they would come up with a different/better understanding that will hold until new, different/better evidence comes along.

No Politician likes to hear those types of uncertainties uttered, unless they utter them themselves.  They want other people to make definitive statements so that the risk of being wrong is transferred from them, the decision makers, to those making the observations.

Interestingly enough the only people with a vested interest in making a definitive statement on anything are activists and salesmen.  And salesmen are at least constrained by the knowledge that eventually they will be held accountable for their words by their clients and their colleagues.  

Activists will never have to make a decision and will never be held accountable.
My comments.....    :salute:

Meanwhile the rest of the "supporting" blurbs stipulate:

- that global warming is real;
- for the time being only because of increased solar activity.  A solar downturn and we'd very quickly see global cooling.

- that climate change is a natural phenomenon;
- absolutely.

- that climate change involves greenhouse gases;
- only to a small extent.  Solar activity is the overriding determinant of global termperature.

- that CO2 is a greenhouse gas;
- a weak one.  Both water vapour and methane are far more important.

- that CO2 is produced by human activities, along with other greenhouse gases;
- but only constitutes a very small portion of global emissions in comparison to volcanoes and the oceans

- that there are many natural sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gases;
- that are more much important than man-made sources, and then CO2 is relatively unimportant in comparison to other gases and the sun

- that if it is possible to "cost-effectively" control CO2 emissions then that could be a wise move;
- I'm indifferent.  Talk to me about airborne or waterborne heavy metals and you'll get my support immediately.

- that the facts of the matter are still unknown and require more research.
- Everything should always be in a constant state of critical analysis

I don't think anybody here would disagree with any of those stipulations. 
- Well I do....  :P

The only stipulation up for debate is what constitutes a "cost-effective" control on an imprecisely defined problem.
Not me.  I'm all for a $1 billion/year environmentally friendly infrastructure fund, but I want it spent specifically on the heavy metals mentioned before as well as wastewater management (beaches being closed due to ecoli contamination is just fundamentally wrong).
You would be different  ::) ;)

Frankly though I don't see a difference except in degree.  I don't find any of your comments to be at odds with the stipulations I gleaned from Sig Guy's list of supporting documentation.

Climate change occurs.  Global Warming is real.  Extent of problem undefined.  Relative import of causes undefined.  Cost-effective solutions to and undefined problem called for.  Odds of a successful outcome (impacting the climate) slim to nil.  Odds of an adverse outcome (impacting the economy) fair to good.