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GG Too Booked for Queen's 80th Birthday

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MY feelings on the GG are well known around here..

+1 for Duey

This just serves to move me further into distaste for Mrs Jean then ever before, I will say onething on the 25th of this month MY family will not be attending the function where she wishes to meet the families of those going on tour, I almost hope she asks why now as well.
Duey must have had a good (read bad) post because it seems to have been removed.  *ediit.  oops.  i am slow today.  +1 Duey!

Too busy/booked eh?   ::)

What an (continuing) embarassment she is to the office she holds.

How much longer must be endure this?  Can't a new one be appointed, like...today???  I heard Ernie from Sesame Street is available...it would be an improvement.

Another stinky mess of the Liberals we still have to live with.
Gentlemen. Gentlemen.  This is the Commander-in-Chief we are talking about.  Her Excellency was only given two weeks notice to the Queen's party, however she had already committed herself to other events including the school, rather than cancelling those events and attending another where it is likely show would have not even been noticed she decided to keep her initial promise.  Do really like QEII missed Jean? 

With respect to the Queen being the Governor General boss this is not entirely accurate.  The Letters Patent, 1947 and the subsequent Letter Patent transfered all the prerogative powers of the Canadian Monarch to the Canadian Governor General.

The Governor General has also repeteadly attempted to visit the CF in Afghanistan and been denied by the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, with each request due to security reasons-although these same concerns did not prevent Harper, O'Connor or Mackay and even NDP MP Alexa and  Liberal MP Wilfert from going to Afghanistan.

Hebridean said:
With respect to the Queen being the Governor General boss this is not entirely accurate.  The Letters Patent, 1947 and the subsequent Letter Patent transfered all the prerogative powers of the Canadian Monarch to the Canadian Governor General.

Seems to me that it is still the Sovereign's Signature on everything.  It is EIIR's approval on all Coats of Arms, Regimental Badges, Regimental Colours, our Decorations and Honours (ie. Medals and Ribbons), etc.  Anything heraldic in this country is still sent off to get her approved signature.  She still, puts her approval to anything passed by Parliament, even if it is only symbolic.
George Wallace said:
Seems to me that it is still the Sovereign's Signature on everything.  It is EIIR's approval on all Coats of Arms, Regimental Badges, Regimental Colours, our Decorations and Honours (ie. Medals and Ribbons), etc.  Anything heraldic in this country is still sent off to get her approved signature. .

According to whom?

The Governor General's website has a large section devoted to heraldic embems.


"The Canadian Heraldic Authority is headed by Her Excellency the Governor General and administered by several officers: the Herald Chancellor (who is the Secretary to the Governor General), the Deputy Herald Chancellor (who is the Deputy Secretary, Chancellery of Honours), and the Chief Herald of Canada (Director of Heraldry and the senior heraldic professional). They are supported by other officers: Saint-Laurent Herald (Registrar and custodian of the Authority's seal), Fraser Herald (the Authority's principal artist), and the other Heralds. For more information, see Officers and Heralds of Arms."

The process for coats of arms mentions:

Canadian Citizens or Corporate bodies desiring to be granted armorial bearings by lawful authority must send a letter addressed to the Chief herald of Canada stating the wish "to receive armorial bearings from the Canadian Crown under the powers exercised by the Governor General."

Some good reading at that site for those interested. Interesting especially that they are just now granting badges officially for defunct regiments, ie The Yukon Regiment.
Hebridean said:
Gentlemen. Gentlemen.  This is the Commander-in-Chief we are talking about.  Her Excellency was only given two weeks notice to the Queen's party, however she had already committed herself to other events including the school, rather than cancelling those events and attending another where it is likely show would have not even been noticed she decided to keep her initial promise.  Do really like QEII missed Jean? 

Only 2 weeks?  How much time should the Queen give her then?  So this party was an annoyance to her.   She was at a play.  Get serious.

Yes, she is the C-in-C.  She should therefore act like it.  A political appointee of the now-failed PM Martin and his lot.  

Anything else?

As they say...you don't have to salute the person, just their rank.  
Michael Dorosh said:
According to whom?

Is not "ER" still found as a signature on most of these documents?  Seems most that I have seen dated well after 1947, have her signature of approval. 

I have even talked with Mr. Beattie, who until recently designed all our medals and ribbons, who designed the Order of Canada, and heard from him how the process is done.  The Order of Canada story was quite interesting, as was the reversal of the colours on a ribbon that symbolically put the Air Force senior to the Army and Navy, due to the transparency being backwards when it was signed "Approved".  But those are stories that are much better told by the originator, then by me.
George Wallace said:
Is not "ER" still found as a signature on most of these documents?  Seems most that I have seen dated well after 1947, have her signature of approval. 

It appears from the GG site that some powers didn't transfer until 1988....

Just goin' by what the GG's own site is saying.

"Clearly, it was time to create an indigenous Canadian mechanism for granting arms to Canadians and for promoting Canadian heraldic symbols. On June 4, 1988, then Governor General Jeanne Sauvé authorized the creation of the Canadian Heraldic Authority. This was made possible by new Letters Patent, signed by Her Majesty on the advice of Her Canadian Privy Council, which authorized and empowered "the Governor General of Canada to exercise or provide for the exercise of all powers and authorities lawfully belonging to Us as Queen of Canada in respect of the granting of armorial bearings in Canada". With these brief historic notes, Canada became the first Commonwealth country to patriate the practice of this ancient authority."

Note this doesn't refer to new medals, just heraldry like badges and coats of arms.  Still, it indicates an increased role for the GG.
I'm not really an expert on it anyway, Michael, so I'll drop it. 

I do wonder about this claim of "2 Weeks Notice."  That I find rather unusual.  I am sure that a function like this would have involved quite a lot of State Planning, and would not have been a sudden spur of the moment decision by the Queen. 

2 Weeks is BS.
George Wallace said:
I do wonder about this claim of "2 Weeks Notice."  That I find rather unusual.  I am sure that a function like this would have involved quite a lot of State Planning, and would not have been a sudden spur of the moment decision by the Queen. 

2 Weeks is BS.

Well, you know, it's not like a birthday is the same time every year or anything.  :D

I find this an interesting website.


Role and Responsibilities of the Governor General
The Office of the Governor General, Canada's oldest continuing institution, is a thread that ties Canadians together. From Samuel de Champlain in 1608 to Viscount Monck in 1867 to Vincent Massey in 1952 to today’s Governor General, the institution of Governor General dates back nearly 400 years.

What is the Governor General's position in Government?
Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. This means Canadians recognize The Queen as our Head of State. Canada's Governor General carries out Her Majesty's duties in Canada on a daily basis and is Canada's de facto Head of State.

Like many other democracies, Canada has clearly defined the difference between the Head of State and Head of Government.

The Governor General
represents The Queen who is the Head of State
is appointed by The Queen on the advice of Canada’s Prime Minister

The Prime Minister
is the Head of Government
is the leader of the party with the most support in Parliament

What does the Governor General do?
The Governor General's role is built on four major themes:

Representing the Crown in Canada
Representing Canadians and Promoting our Sovereignty
Celebrating Excellence
Bringing Canadians together

Would you not then assume, based on the info above from the GG website...that it would be in poor taste to miss an event such as being discussed here?  

Of course, use the CSA (Common Sense Applies) Rule   ;D

So we should not speak anything but in PC terms if she messes up?  We talk about our Government (Federal, Provincial, Municiple), our Military Commanders, pretty much everyone with openness and honestly, always with differing opinions, but somehow this one person should be afforded something else?  

I think there is no excuse that can be given by the GG for blowing off, according to the GGs website, our recognized Head of State.

And the reason given was "private events".  Phooey.  Maybe, as per the GGs website, the Queen should consider appointing someone else, with the advice of the current PM.   :D

k MudMan get it straight...GG Jean does what she wants...
Her whole claim to fame is her misfortune as a child...dear god...
There are enough Canadian children in terrible situations, like the one on the news in BC about the poor foster children living in squalor...
You would think her focus would be hard core on something like that...not self-embellishment every time she turns around...enough already... >:(

Signalman150 said:
When Michelle Jean was appointed, I was nothing short of apoplectic with rage, to the amusement of a very good (but very left-wing friend of mine).  My contention at the time was this:

JOB OPPORTUNITY:  GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA....White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Male ex-soldiers need not apply.

Neither the current nor previous GG's have been a credit to their office or this country.  I think back on the man who was GG when I was a wee-tad, and I recall having nothing but admiration for MGen Georges Vanier. The man was a class act, that represented Canada on the world stage with quiet dignity....heavy on the word "dignity".  Now we seem saddled with politically correct appointments that--in the end--serve only to em barass Canada.

How the hell do you impeach a Governor General

I received my "Queen's Scout" designation from then GG Vanier.  He was an impressive man (perhaps I was an impressionable young man).

When Madame Clarkson was first appointed, I was apoplectic.  How could a left wing, greasy, dope smokin', bleeding heart liberal be my Commander in Chief?

She proved me wrong - I don't think a single Governor General since the venerable Vanier has focused attention as much on the Armed Focus as Madame Clarkson.

As for the incumbent - let's wait and see.
Hi folks, first post for me here :)

I feel more sad about the GG not allowed to go to Afghanistan to support the troops there.
The GG's entourage must have had contacts with the Brits on that one, and I don't think the Queen was offended.

navymich said:
Well, you know, it's not like a birthday is the same time every year or anything.  :D

Ya really.  I wonder if she is going to miss Rememberance Day because "she isn't sure when it is this year".  ::)
George Wallace said:
I'm not really an expert on it anyway, Michael, so I'll drop it. 

I do wonder about this claim of "2 Weeks Notice."  That I find rather unusual.  I am sure that a function like this would have involved quite a lot of State Planning, and would not have been a sudden spur of the moment decision by the Queen. 

2 Weeks is BS.
Exactly...like they say if you want an excuse one is always available...pathetic...

Yes how right Mich...the Queen apparently only celebrates her birthday on the even years...pfftt  ::)

Now, I am anything but schooled on Royalty and the relationship with the GG and the Queen (not alot of that in Prince County PEI eh  ;D) but what sort of message would this send to the Queen, and...has a previous GG ever done anything like this before??

Is there any confirmation as to what someone had said in an earlier post, that she had attended a play that was about her??
Mud, check out this link: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060614/jean_play_060614/20060614?hub=TopStories

Governor General Michaelle Jean wipes away tears during a performance of 'An Ode to Madame G.G.' by students of Lawrence Heights Middle School in Toronto on Wednesday June 14, 2006. (CP / Frank Gunn)
Mud Recce Man said:
Is there any confirmation as to what someone had said in an earlier post, that she had attended a play that was about her??

Watched the news clip...she was very touched..CBC Newworld carried it
Hebridean said:
Gentlemen. Gentlemen.  This is the Commander-in-Chief we are talking about.  Her Excellency was only given two weeks notice to the Queen's party, however she had already committed herself to other events including the school, rather than cancelling those events and attending another where it is likely show would have not even been noticed she decided to keep her initial promise.  Do really like QEII missed Jean? 

With respect to the Queen being the Governor General boss this is not entirely accurate.  The Letters Patent, 1947 and the subsequent Letter Patent transfered all the prerogative powers of the Canadian Monarch to the Canadian Governor General.

The Governor General has also repeteadly attempted to visit the CF in Afghanistan and been denied by the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, with each request due to security reasons-although these same concerns did not prevent Harper, O'Connor or Mackay and even NDP MP Alexa and  Liberal MP Wilfert from going to Afghanistan.  

Unless you work in her office, I think you're out of your lane. How do you know how much notice she was given? Likewise, how do you know it's the PM that's denying her request to go to Afghanistan? I'll ask again what I asked in the other thread on the subject. I could be wrong, but, she's the Commander in Chief and doesn't work for the PM. IMHO, if she wants to do something, she can and will, right? Cretin and Mr Dithers couldn't stop Mme Clarkson, I don't think anything has changed. Just cause some pulp newspaper says so, don't make it true.
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