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Getting ready for IAP


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Hey There, I am not sure if this is where this is supposed to go.  I am an OCdt at the moment in the CF as I was selected from the ROTP program this year.  I was supposed to go to IAP this summer but  I got deferred tell next summer.  If I were to go this summer I would have not been in the best of shape.  Since I am going to SFU as opposed to RMC I will have lots of time to get in shape in a year for IAP.  I will have access to a pool and a gym which is right beside the residences.  As well I will be running and hopefully mountain biking a lot this school year to get ready for basic.  I have not done a lot of working out in my life, I can run for a bit before I die and that is about it.  I am not fat, or overweight or anything like that.  Besides eating healthy, I was hoping other people could give me suggestions on how to get ready for IAP.  Such as what exercises I should do, how many of them, for how long and how many times a week.  Thank you.
Search or even look through some of the forums (like the one you posted in) you will see MANY threads on physical fitness and training and there are some very good ones from paracowboy.  In fact he will probably give you some personal advice if you PM him.
I have never seen a more truthful post Piper!

HAHA, All this time I've never really looked at it that way.

Boy, did those points ever give me a reality check.  I think at one point in time 1st and 2nd year I've either said I'd do, or actually tried some of those points!

Cheers to Beers
I agree with piper for the most part but if you want to do it then you can. He outlined what most probably happens to lazy unmotivated people throughout university. Heard of the freshman 15?

While at university i had a free gym pass and went on breaks between class 3-4 days a week. I also joined a mens hockey team and played squash at the gym once a week.

The "i dont have time" excuse is retarded. There is always time - for example sleep less  :P -

Lastly i would suggest you try to run twice a week, if you do this all year you should be able to go from a start of 3-5km all the way to 10km per run by the end of the school year. It doesnt even take that long. between 30-60 minutes. Also If you are alowed to go get your kit i would DEFINATELY suggest going on some marches to break in your combats.

The biggest problem i had was during exams, so before then i would really concentrate on weight lifting kill my body and when exams came I would take 3 much needed weeks off from weights but keep up the cardio.

If you dont have any friends to kick you in the ass to keep going to the gym and on runs then it may start off as hard but once you get used to the routine you wont give it up for anything.

Good luck

P.S. You can still drink twice a week and keep everything up, but make sure that you dont drink to the point of passing out. Then it reallllly hard to workout the next day

You must be a machine ;D.

That's amazing that you can stick to a dedicated routine at CiviU, with all the other distractions (ie: girls, beer, girls, classes, girls, parties, did i mention girls? :P).

HAHA! But honestly good on you!
Well i found the trick is whether you have one class or 4 on a day you go to school at the same time and leave at the same time daily.

Lets sat 8am-4pm then on the day you have less class you go to the gym on the days its full of class or have lots of homework you dont. Unless your in engineering (which i was briefly before i switched to math) because they have insane amount of classes you should have the ttime to get some good workouts in. I never wanted to go to school on weekends so thats when i would run and do homeowkr rather then work out with weights.

Good Luck

OH try bodybuilding.com for nutrition/workout/any fitness advice.
I strongly suggest you get a Costco (Club Price) membership. Where else can you buy 4kg of chicken breasts for $28, 12 bananas for $2, 30 eggs for $4? I feel like a kid in a candy store whenever I walk in there  ;D

Despite all the distractions, you can still get in great shape during university. You just have to want it.
Wow, I forgot about this topic.

Anyways, yes, one of the biggest things I am scared of is getting lazy and not working out.  Since I am living on dorm and all the equipment, running track, pool, gym, etc is in the building beside the towers so I have no excuse to not do that.

My plan for PT was run every other day.  I already started, it is this running program that lasts 8 weeks to get me to be able to run 5 km nonstop.  After those 8 weeks I will just keep running and trying to get that up to 10 km.  I am hoping to be in good enough shape to run the Vancouver Sun Run next year.  It is 10 km so I know I can do it.

When I am not running, so every other day, I plan to be doing weights.  Even if it is just for 30ish minutes, as long as I do 2 reps of 15 of everything, I will be happy.  That way, in a year, I know I will be in good shape for IAP.  I know I won't be in as good shape as the RMC guys, but it  better that not doing anything.